

Derick pov

I felt anger run down my blood as soon as she left my car. 

Joke on me to think that we were both getting along .but I never knew she will still not want to partner with me after the two weeks .

I got home and angrily Storm inside my room .

"What's the matter son ".dad asked 

"I'm fine "

"No you are not "

I'm fine dad ".I shounded angry

"Is it a girl ?".dad asked 

I move away from him and sat on the bed 

"Tell me about her "

"She is my project mate"


"I think I like her a lot ".

"So what's stopping you from dating her "

"She is different dad "

Dad gave me a hard stare before sitting beside me .

"How is she different"

"I don't know dad"

"Has she rejected you ".he asked 

"No dad ,I can't even talk about any form of relationship with her"

"Why "

"We don't get along "

Dad chuckled before tapping my hair 

"You can do it son if you wanna do it ".he spoke and left my room .

I went to school the next day but couldn't find olivia .I search around the lecture room but still could find her .

Lizzy was in class but she was with someone else .

After class I was on my way out when I heard my name .I turn around and saw that it was Rita,

"What do you want ".I sounded annoyed

"Why are you always this hard on me ".she asked 

"If you don't have anything to say ,then I will take my leave ".

"Come eat lunch with me "

"I'm not hungry"

She walk closer to me with a seductive smile on her face.

"Why don't you love me ".she asked 

"I'm not in the mood for this ".I replied back 

"I'm I not attractive enough ,or is there someone else on your life".

I chuckled before replying her 

"I can't date your type of girl "

She seems hurt by my words

"What do you mean by that ".she asked 

"You are not my type of girl ,so stop pushing your luck ".I told her 

"You will regret this ".she shouted before walking away .

I left the school and drove to Olivia's house .on my way to her house I kept calling her but she wasn't picking .I became scared and restless .Rona will definitely not try to harm her ,not when his sister's life is in danger. I kept on calling but still no  answer from her.

I got to her house and knocked on the door .I knocked the first time but got no reply .I did for the second time before I started hearing footsteps from inside .

"Who is there ".came the voice 

"Me ".I replied."

"Who are you ".

"Can't you recongise my voice "

"You better say who you are or I'm not gonna open the door ".she sounded scared .

Was Rona the reason she wasn't in school or was something really bothering her ,that is making her scared .I thought to myself.

"It's me Derick".I replied back 

"Derick?".she asked 


"What are you doing here ".she asked 

"Can you open the door and let me in first .it's cold out here "

She was quiet for a while before I heard the door opened

"What do you want".she sounded angry.