

I turn around and realized it was Rita who said this .she walk up to me with a devilish smile on her face 

"So you are one of them huh"

"None of your business ". Liz replied her 

"This is why I so much hate blacks"

Lizzy wanted to reply her but i signal her to let me handle it.

"We blacks dont like you either ".I told her 

She came closer to me that we were now facing each other. 

"You smell like poverty.how the hell did you get here "

I gave her an annoying smile before moving away from her 

"Move away from me you breath stinks"

I could see how angry that statement made her feel .she moved closer to like she wanted to fight me 

"What did you".she asked with anger 

"I thought you only smell but didn't not you are also dumb ..

She raised her hands to slap me but was held by someone else.

I turn around and saw that that person was derick.he was angrily looking at her .

"Stop this drama". he shouted 

"But but..."

"No buts ,you guys are making a hell lot of noise ".

He gave me an angry look before leaving her  hands and walking away .

I wanted to continue the fight before Liz dragged me along .

"You should start avoiding Rita ."Liz spoke up

"And why should I "

"She is trouble herself"

"I'm not scared of her "

"You should be"

"Who the hell is she".I was now getting angry 

"Let's say her brother is one of the most powerful Mafia here after Derrick's dad".

"Mafia".I asked with fear 

"Yes Mafia,and a very dangerous one at that"

"I'm I in trouble already".I asked 

"Maybe you are ".

"Should I run away ".I asked with a devilish smile on my face 

"You think this is a joke "

"I've have been hearing of Mafia boss .maybe I shouted see one already ".

Lizzy gave me an annoying look before walking away. 

I was about going after her when a hand held me back .

I turned around and realized it was Derick 

"What do you want ".

"Don't you dare talk to me in that manner "

"Oh because your dad is a Mafia boss " .I asked .

"Your big mouth will land you in trouble one day "

"I will be waiting"

"Tomorrow by 3pm and don't keep me waiting"

Before I could agure with him he had left already.

I got home and quickly change my clothes so I could go to work.when I got there I was few minutes late .I changed to my uniform and started working .

I was busy attending to customers when I noticed someone walking in with group of guys .there were all wearing a black jeans and a black polo .

There were all in uniform except for the guy in front .he was simply dress in a black jeans,black polo and a black jacket ,he looks like the one in charge of the group .

He walk up to me while his boys stood at the entrance .

"You must be olivia".he asked 

His voice was full of command which made me tremble on hearing it.i gather all the confidence I could gain and speak up 

"Yes ,how may I help you ,"

"You must know my little sis then ".he asked 

I look at him trying to figure if he was a brother to Lizzy ,but I couldn't see the resemblance.

"Lizzy".I asked 


"I think I don't know her ".I replied

He gave me a devilish smile before moving closer to me that our face were too close 

"Rita,does that ring a bell".he asked 

I felt my legs shaking on hearing that .