
Strange Derick

Olivia's POV

He moves close to me and held my waist, without warning he pulls me to himself and seal his lips to mine.

The kiss was hot and possessive, not like his usual gentle kiss .he broke the kiss and stared directly at me.

“Don't ever let anyone lay a hand on you “. He spoke in a serious tune, and all I could do was nod my head in agreement.

“Let's go”. He opened the door, ordering me to go in. I knew he was in a bad mood, so I decided to keep quiet, I feel it would be better not to anger him the more.

He got into the car and he drove out. Throughout the drive he refused looking my way, not even a word from him until he stopped the car.

I look around and noticed we were in font a big boutique, with the design of the outside I could tell this wasn't an ordinary boutique.

“What are we doing here “. I asked, 

He ignored me and left the car, he came to my side and opened the door for me.

“What is this “. I asked confused.

“I'm here to get some clothes for you, so we can go out for dinner”. He spoke calmly, but I could notice anger in his voice. I knew he was angry, but I couldn't get what was making him angry.

I followed him into the big boutique, and noticed how the workers were greeting him warmly and how they eyes were on me .he led me to a room and asked me to sit. I sat down and stared at him, but he refused to meet my gaze.

A lady walked in with a big smile on her face.

“Good day sir, it's a pleasure to have you here “. She smiled at Derick who did not return her smile, rather he stared coldly at me.

“This is my girlfriend Olivia, Olivia this is Beatrice the manger of this place, she will assist you in what you want “. His voice was calm but also cold.

I stared at him, but he ignores me and look around the room. Something was definitely bothering him, but I decided to let it be.

“What will you want ma'am”. She spoke politely. I stared at her and noticed she might be in her early thirties, and I wondered why she was giving us such respect.

“Please call me Olivia”. She stared at me for a while before speaking up, 

“Alright miss Olivia, what type of cloths do you want”.

I hissed softy and thought for a while, I wasn't ready for this .he did not even tell me we were coming shopping.

“Any dress my size will be okay "

“Bring out all the dresses her size and I mean the best “. Derick spoke coldly, not even allowing me to finish.

“Yes sir”. She replied and quickly left the room.

I turn around and stared at Derick, but he refused meeting my gaze. I tried gaining his attention, but he kept on ignoring me .few minutes later the manager rushed in with some dress in her hand followed by a girl.

“These are the best in her size”. She spoke directly at Derick.

“I just need one “. I spoke up 

“Alright pick anyone you like “. She spoke up, 

I stood up from the chair and walked over to her. I selected the dress and picked up the green long dress, the dress was simple and beautiful.

“I will take this "

“Let me show you where to change “. 

She led me to another door in the room and I started changing.

“You know, you are the first lady Derick has brought here since I started managing this place “. I only smiled and kept on changing the dress.

“You look really, stunning”. She commented after I finished wearing the dress. I checked the Mirror and saw that the dress looks good on me. I left the dressing room and walked over to the other room where Derick was. I got to the room and met Derick pressing his phone.

“Hey”. I spoke up so I could get his attention.

He raised his head and stared at me for a while before looking away.

“We will go with this and the red dress “. He spoke coldly before going back to his phone. I felt heartbroken and angry. How dare him treat me this way .he was ignoring me and I couldn't take it any longer. I left the room and went back to the changing room. I put back my dress and waited for him at the cashier's check.

Few minutes he came out and stared at me for a while before walking towards my direction.

“Why are you here “.he asked, 

“Nothing, just pay and let's go “. I spoke calmly, but I knew I wasn't able to hide the anger in my voice.

“How much is the bill”. I asked .the cashier stared at me but did not say a word.

“Take”. He brought out his card and handed it to the cashier.

“But sir we've already sorted everything in the account”. 

“No need for that, I'm paying through my card”.he handed the card to her .she took it and put it in the paying machine while he taps in his code .she types in the amount of the dress which I wasn't aware of and gave him back his card .he did not even bother to take the receipt from her.

“I kept something for you girls with Beatrice”.he spoke coldly, not even acknowledging the cashier's gratitude before walking away.

I hissed softly and followed him to the car .we got inside the car, and he drove off. Throughout out the drive none of us said a thing, the only thing I could feel was our anger boiling in the car.

We got to my apartment, and he stopped the car.

“I'll come pick you up by 5pm”.he spoke calmly. I did not say a word and left the car to my apartment without looking back. I got back to the apartment and noticed Aunt was already gone.

I checked the time and noticed it was few minutes pass 3pm.I hissed softly and made my way to my bedroom.

I got to my room and lay on my bed. I wondered what was eating Derick up, I knew it was definitely not Rita slapping me, I knew it was something else I couldn't understand.

I hissed in anger and my thought went to Rona, he hasn't called or check on me like he always does and this was scaring me. I went for my phone and dialed his number, but it wasn't going through. I hissed in frustration and threw the phone on the bed.

I went to take a shower before doing my hair and a light makeup. I checked the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 4 pm. I put on my dress and stared at myself in the mirror. I was indeed beautiful, and I know Derick would love it.

Few minutes the doorbell rang, and I knew it was Derick.

I stared at the mirror one more time before picking up my purse and left my room. I went for the door and opened it.

Derick was really handsome, putting on a Navy-blue suit and a white long sleeve which the two buttons we're unbuttoned. He was incredibly hot, even though he was putting on his usual smile.

He stares at me for a while but did not say a word. rather, he handed me a red flower and stood aside, so I could walk out of the apartment.

I felt sad, heartbroken and angry and wanted to go back to my room, but I decided to calm myself. We left my apartment and I saw a Ferrari car packed in font of the apartment.

Derick walked ahead of me and opened the car for me before getting in.

The drive was so quiet, and I decided to say something.

“Where are we going”. I asked 

“Somewhere”. He replied coldly

I hissed and looked away .for some strange reason I thought of Rona and was worried about him.

Few minutes, we stopped in a big fancy restaurant. I got out of the car and noticed we were in the most popular and expensive restaurant in town.

Derick walked me into the restaurant, and we met a lady at the door.

“Please come in”. She smiled at us before walking us to a private room which was beautifully decorated.

I stared around the room and noticed it was beautifully decorated.

There was a big bed in the room, a big table beautifully decorated with different foods and drinks on it, and a low romantic music was playing on.

“Please enjoy yourselves”. She smiled at us before leaving us in the room.

“This is beautiful”. I whispered, but Derick ignored me and pull out a seat for me .he was angry with me, but was still a gentleman man. After I have taken my seat, he took his, and took a bottle of water and drank it.

“What is wrong with you “. I asked.

He hissed softly but did not say a word. I felt anger run through my blood and I couldn't hold it anymore.

“I just asked a question, and you have to stop ignoring me”. I spoke in anger