
More than enough

Olivia's POV

Throughout the lecture, I was lost in thought. Two things were going through my head.

Firstly, it was Derrick's question that has been bothering me. I could notice his gaze on me throughout the class and I knew he was just waiting for the class to end, so we could talk about last night, and I wasn't ready for it.

Secondly, my thought was on Rona, the way he acted this morning was strange, and it felt like I won't be seeing him anymore. The thought of that brought a sudden fear to me that I couldn't explain.

Something in me tells me this business was risky and Rona was aware of it.

A tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I look around and noticed all eyes were on me. I swallowed nervously and stared at the lecturer.

“Miss Olivia, did you hear what I just said “. He spoke in a calm voice, but I knew he was angry.

“Sorry, I was lost in thought”. I replied while avoiding his gaze.

He gave me a death glare before speaking up

“Olivia you are the leader of group B”.he stares at me one more time before calling other group members.

I'm a leader of a group, I don't even know what we are grouping for, and I don't even know my group members. I hissed and tried paying attention to the class, but I was still lost behind. I hissed softly and closed my books. There was no need for all this, not when I will soon be leaving this country.

Few minutes later, the class was over. I started packing my things when Liz walked and sat beside me.

“I did not know I still have a friend in you “.

She chuckled and rolls her eyes at me.

“You've been busy with your new lover, and you don't even care about me “. I spoke with a frown on my face.

She chuckled softly and hugged me.

“You know that's not true, "

“Whatever”. I replied while getting up from the chair.

“Here “. She handed me a paper that contains names of different students.

“What's this “. I asked confused.

“Your group you dummy, I noticed how lost you were, so I decided to help you like I always do “. She spoke with a big grin on her face. I playfully hit her shoulder and looked at the list.

“There is no need for this “. I murmured.

“I don't get you “. Liz asked confused.

I hissed and stared at her, 

“A lot has been going on, you were just so lost in your new affair that you don't care “.

“Come on don't say that, alright, let's talk about it at lunch”. She dragged me out of the lecture hall, and we went to the canteen.

On our way to the canteen, I saw Derick coming our way.

“Please save me “. I whispered to Liz .she gave me a questioning look before smiling at Derick.

“Hey Derick”

“Hey Liz, can I talk to oli for a moment”. He said those words while staring at me. I look elsewhere so I could avoid his gaze.

“Sorry Derick, we need to be somewhere really fast, but don't worry, you can talk to her later in the day”. She did not finish those words before she dragged me out of Derrick's sight.

“Thanks “. I murmured

“You have a lot of things to explain”. 

I hissed and followed her to the canteen.

We picked our food and sat at the extreme of the hall.

“Start talking”. Lizzy wasted no time in asking.

“Where do I start from “. I asked while taking a mouthful of pancakes.

“From the beginning”.she replied.

I hissed in frustration before I started talking.

“I'm leaving”. I murmured

“Leaving where “. Lizzy asked confused

I hissed and took a pancake in my mouth

“I'm leaving California”. I spoke almost in a whisper.

“Why, how, when”. Lizzy asked confused.

“It's a long story”.

“Then make it short”. She spoke impatiently.

I hissed and took in a deep breath.

“Aunt saw me with Rona”

“Shit, that's not good” 

“Yeah, so she thinks me knowing Rona was too dangerous for me and I have to leave for my safety”.

“That's bullshit”. Lizzy spoke in anger.

“That shouldn't be a good reason to send you away “. She spoke angrily. I stared at Lizzy and noticed she was already angry with my aunt decision, she was indeed a good friend and I have no doubt about it.

“I told Derick, he offers to talk to her and provide a place I could stay, but I rejected it. I don't want to be a burden to him or anyone”.

“I understand”.she spoke softly.

“I'm dating Derick”. I spoke softly.

“Wow”. She exclaims happily.

“You sound like you are the one dating him “. I said that while rolling my eyes at her .she giggled and took a mouthful of burger in her mouth.

“Why don't you look happy about it “.she asked, confused.

“I don't know, maybe it's because I will soon be leaving “. I spoke softly

“I don't think so “. She said those words while giving me a questioning look.

“What do you mean”. I asked, 

“Maybe it's because of someone else “. She spoke with a big grin on her face. I knew what she meant and who she was talking about, but I decided to act dumb

“What are you talking about”. I asked, faking confused.

She hissed and took a sip of her drink.

“Have you told Rona “.

“Told him what "

“That you are leaving, and you are also dating Derick, have you told him anything”.she asked. I stared at her and with that, she knew I haven't said a thing to him.

“This is bad”. She shakes her head and continued eating.

“He is not even in the country”. I spoke up 

“Where is he "

“He went to China, and he said he will there for a week or so”. Saying those words changed my mood.

“This is bad, and you did let him know that you would be leaving”. I stared at Lizzy and could see how disappointed she was.

“Everything happen so fast that I didn't have time to tell him “. Lizzy took a bite of her food before staring at me .her stares was becoming suspicious, and I knew she wanted to say something.

“Say what you wanna say “. 

She rolls her eyes before speaking 

“Why are you avoiding Derick”.she asked 

“I'm not avoiding him”

“Oh really, then what was that earlier in the hall “. She asked with a suspicious look.

I hissed and took a sip of my drink.

“He asked if I love him, and I don't know what to say “,

“You don't know what to say “. She asked confused

“Yeah "

“Why would that be hard for you, or don't you love him “.she asked 

“I love spending time with him and I care about him but should I call that love “. I asked confused. Liz glared at me before speaking up, 

“Do you love Rona”. 

“Of course no”. I quickly replied and swallowed nervously

“Are you sure”.she asked in a doubtful voice.

“Of course”. I chuckled nervously and took a sip of my drink. Why was I getting nervous in a matter like this.

“That was too easy for you “.she stared at me in a doubtful look, it was obvious she did not believe what I said. I don't blame her because I also don't believe myself.

“If you don't love Rona that means you are in love with Derick, that settles it “.she spoke confidently

“Don't be too sure about it”. I told her.

“I don't even understand you these days “.she rolls her eyes and continue eating. We ate in silence until she gave me a quizzical look

“What is it “. I asked, 

“Derick is coming this way “.she spoke softly.

“Shit”. I murmured 

“I can't help you this time my dear friend”. She said those words and stood up from her seat.

“Where are you going”. I asked in frustration.

“Anywhere, but not here “.she smiled at me and left me alone at the table.

“Hey “. Derick took the seat before me, 

“Hey”. I replied nervously.

“Relax and stop being nervous”.he spoke calmly.

“Nervous, I'm not nervous”. I took a sip of my drink and smiled softly. He stares at me for a while before speaking

“We are not going to talk about what we discussed last night, I'm sorry for putting such pressure on you “. He spoke calmly, but I knew he was hurt, 

“Why shouldn't we talk about it “. I asked out of curiosity.

He hissed and took a deep breath.

“Because I'm afraid I won't like your answer”. He spoke calmly, 

“It's not what you think “. I tried talking, but he cut me off.

“It's okay, I don't want to pressurize you, okay “.

“My love for you is enough, and I don't need you to tell me those words back “. He smiled and caress my cheek.

"I want you to know that I really love you ,i love you so much and even if you don't know the feelings you have for me now ,I believe my love for you is enough for both of us ".he moves closer to me and kissed me softly on the lips not minding we were at the carteen.

I lock eyes with him and realized I might