
If you love her this much

Third-person POV 

Derick groaned angrily as he takes a sip of his drinking, taping his leg on the floor while waiting for his father.

He knew what his father did, and he couldn't stop the anger boiling in him, 

He heard the sound of the car indicating his father was driving in.

He sat on the couch and took a sip of his drink, waiting for him to come in

The bedroom door opened, and Derick father was surprised seeing his son in his bedroom, but he knew the reason.

"You are here".he said those words and pull off his jacket.

"I want you to give two good reasons why you have to do that ". Derrick declared angrily

Derrick's father stared at Derrick before taking the seat opposite him with a calm expression in his face.

In as much as he knew how angry Derick was, he wasn't bothered about it.

"Answer the damn question". Derrick exclaims angrily.

"I had to do what's needed to be done, and that is you and I staying away from trouble, "

Derrick's dad spoke calmly.

"Trouble you say?". Derrick asked in anger, 

"You fucking ruined my plan". Derrick spoke angrily and walk up to his father

"You did that for a purpose right ?". Derrick yelled in anger

"You did that, so you could pay her back for slapping you, you did that because she refused your proposal ". Derrick yelled and pointed a gun at his dad, although he has no intention of Killing him, he was just angry.

"Keep back that gun". Derrick father spoke calmly, knowing his son wouldn't do a thing.

Derrick stared at his father with anger and hatred before he kept back the gun in his pocket.

Derrick father hissed in relief and walk closer to Derrick while placing his two hands on Derrick's shoulder and stared directly into his eyes.

“She doesn't love you, and you know it why then do you keep on doing things you shouldn't be doing because of her". Derrick father muttered out.

Derrick didn't do anything, rather he removed his father's hands on him and moved away with anger before speaking up, 

"Whatever and however I do with my life is none of your fucking business". Derick yelled angrily and left the room while shutting the door with anger

He went back to his room and angrily walk around the room

He had a perfect plan to save her after one of his friends called and told him Olivia was in their custody, but his father knew his plans and destroyed it.

He groaned in anger and roughly ran his fingers through his hair when he remembered all his dad said, and he knew he was right.

Olivia is in love with Rona for now, but he will make sure he wins her heart, and the first way to do that is by saving her,, but his dad had destroyed that plan.

Olivia swallowed nervously and stare around the big room.

The room was different from other rooms she has ever been, and she knew this wasn't a room but rather it was a big safe, and it would be difficult for Rona or Derrick to save her.

She felt fear runs through her body when she remembers all the man said earlier

He was having plans of sleeping with her by tomorrow if Ron's isn't fast enough with his plan.

She hasn't talked to Rona but something in her knew Rona would definitely be looking for a way to save her, and she wished he does that faster because she can't imagine this beast taking her pride, she just can't.

She stood up from the floor with her two hands tied in front of her, and her legs chained apart from each other, making her look like a prisoner.

She stood up and slowly walk around the room staring at the walls and ceiling of the room, everything in the room was different, and she wondered what kind of a big safe was this.

She was still walking around when she heard the door clicking, indicating someone was coming in.

She stared at the door and noticed the man who kidnapped her walking inside the room with her food in his hand.

He flash her a devilish smile before keeping the food on the floor.

He walked up to her and stood before her while staring at her with lustful eyes that irritated Olivia.

"I see that you are surveying the room ".he mocked, 

She rolls her eyes angrily at him and walked away.

He chuckled softly and dragged her to himself, making them standing just an inch apart.

He places his fingers on her face and caress her cheek,, but Olivia couldn't do anything because she was chained and his grips on her were too tight.

He gently caresses her face before going for her hair.

"Stay away from me, you weak old man". Olivia spoke in anger and hatred.

His eyes changed in anger and his grip on her tightened, making her scream in pain 

"You dare call me an old man ".he slapped her hard on the face 

"How dare you talk to me in such way ".he yelled in anger and slapped her again in the face.

"You are not just an old man, but you are weak, very, very weak ". Olivia said those words and spit on his face, not minding she would be in trouble.

Hearing those words from her, he threw her on the floor with range and bounce on her.

"I won't touch you tonight,, but I will make you regret your words.

He pulls out his belt and wipe her on her body making Olivia screams in pain, 

He dragged her to the wall and made her stand on the wall while he flogged her all over her body. 

Olivia screams in pain but didn't say a word.

Noticing she wasn't begging him, he became angry and hit her head on the wall causing injuries on her head, but luckily, there was no injury on her face.

He groaned in anger and kept on hitting her head on the wall until she gave up and fell unconscious on the floor.

He stared at her with anger still boiling in his blood, but he couldn't do anything to her, not when she was unconscious.

He stared at her in anger before leaving the room and locked it properly.

"Can you at least hasten the importation". Rona asked impatiently.

"No sir, this is the best we can do ".the person over your phone replied.

Rona hissed and roughly ran his fingers through his hair before speaking up, 

"When did the goods leave ?" He asked 

"An hour ago sir".the man replied

"Very well thanks ".he muttered out those words and ended the call.

He checked the time and noticed it was eleven pm and the goods would be in California in the next fifteen hours. 

He groans angrily and sat on the couch,

Everyone has gone to bed, so they could get some rest for tomorrow, but he just couldn't sleep. 

He was restless and angry with himself

He claimed he loved her, yet he allowed her stay with a beast up to this hour.

He felt fear and panic runs through his blood when he thought of what might have happened to his Olivia, and he couldn't bear to think of it.

He stood up and went to the bar in the sitting room.

He took out a bottle of whiskey and poured it in a glass before emptying all in his mouth.

He drank all and poured out another one when he heard footsteps coming his way.

"You shouldn't be drinking, rather you should be in bed taking your rest for Tomorrow". He heard frank voice from behind me.

He ignored him and took another sip of the drink.

He walked up to him and stood beside him while staring at him with curiosity before he spoke up

"I was right all along you are madly in love with this girl".he said those words like he was so sure of it.

Rona didn't say a word to him, rather, he moved from the bar and sat on the couch.

Frank took out a drink from the bar and a glass before he followed rona to the couch.

He sat opposite Rona and poured out a drink in his glass and took a sip of it.

I've been waiting for a day like this when you will finally genuinely appreciate and love a woman,, but I never knew it was this soon" he spoke up while staring at Rona

"Just shut up ". Rona murmured, 

He chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink before speaking up 

"If you love her this much why don't you get married to her and make her yours entirely"

Rona stared at him shocked and confused.

"What are you even saying". Rona stared at him in disbelief 

Frank took a sip of his drink before speaking up 

"If indeed you love her like the way you show it why don't you marry her and make her yours".he spoke firmy.

He knew he was in love with Olivia but he has never had the thought of getting married to her .

But hearing those words from Frank he became excited all of a sudden and wondered how it will feel walking Olivia to the alter.