
Declared Rita the winner

Olivia's POV.

The constant beeping of my alarm clock woke me up from my sleep.

I hissed and slowly get up from the bed and did my morning prayers.

I left my room and went to the bathroom.

I took my bath and put on a simple clothes before going to the kitchen.

I got to the kitchen and everything was strange in my eyes.

I was used to seeing aunt already up pressing her phone or taking a cup of tea in the kitchen table waiting for me, but today was different.

I hissed in pain and sat on the chair, I lost appetite to eat or make any breakfast. 

I stood up from the chair and pick up my school bag and left the house without having breakfast. 

I walk in the cold street of California and hissed in relief when I felt the cold breeze.

I lazily walked to school and realized I was a bit early.

I got to class and lay my head on my table and closed my eyes in pains for a while before I heard Lizzy voice beside me.

"How are you doing, oli ".

I open my eyes and met a worried looking Lizzy staring at me.

"I'm not fine ". I murmured and closed my eyes. 

"Today's class have been cancelled".the lecturer walked into the hall and announced it to us. 

I hissed softly and lay my head back on the desk.

"How is she ". Lizzy asked, 

I shake my head but did not say a word.

"Here she is ". I heard Rita's voice in front of me.

I hissed in frustration and raise my head up from the desk.

"You were lucky Rona saved you but don't worry you won't escape the next attack".she whispered with a big grin on her face.

That's it, I've had enough.

I stood up from the chair and stood before her.

"What is it, Rita ". I scream at the top of my voice, bringing the attention of everyone in the class to us.

She stares at me but did not say a word.

"You've won Rita you've won, that is what you've been wanting to hear, right ?" I asked in anger and frustration.

"You can hear it now Rita you've won, and I lost to you, are you happy now ". I demanded in anger.

She stares at me confused and shock but did not say a word.

"Rona and Derick is now yours and even the school, what else do you want” I asked in anger.

"It's okay oli, let it go ". Lizzy stood up and place her hand on my shoulder.

"No, Lizzy, let me speak because I don't know if I will have the opportunity to say this to her". I said those words while staring directly at Rita.

"The moment I step my feet in this school you hated me for no just reason, even when I tried to avoid your path you still look for my trouble, and probably I should be dead by now if your brother didn't take a liking to me". Saying those words, I remember all that led to Rona and I meeting and to me, it was a bitter-sweet experience.

I could fell all eyes on me and whispering going around, but I care less, I have to take this out of my chest. 

"You hated me Rita, you hated me with passion and wage a war against me for no just reason ".

"You have all I ever wanted, you have money at your Beck and call and a brother who loves and adores you like a goddess and will do anything to make sure you are happy and yet, you hated me who had none of these things" I spoke in tears.

"I know what you wanted to hear Rita, and today I'm giving it to you, Rita "

"You've won Rita, you've Fu king won, and I'm right here telling you that I lost, I've lost to you Rita. Whatever competition or fight you think I was competing with you, I just declared myself the loser and you the Victor". I yelled in tears.

"Now you are the winner can you please leave me alone" I brought my two palms together in front of her.

"Please Rita, let me be, I'm begging you ". I yelled in anger.

"I'm begging you in whatever you believe in to let me be because the next time you cross my path or dare to trouble me I swear with my late mother's grace that I will surely kill you ". I expressed those words like I meant every bit of it. 

I stared at Rita and saw how shock and confused she was staring at me with wild eyes.

I turn to the hall and wanted to speak when my phone started ringing, I went for it and saw that it was aunt's number.

Quickly I pick up the call.

"Hello aunt ". I asked in a shaking voice.

"This is not your aunt Olivia, it's her colleague at the hospital, can you rush to the hospital ".she asked in a low tune.

"What wrong with aunt ". I asked in fear.

"She is fine, just rush to the hospital ".she demanded.

"I'll be there". I Ended the call and pick up my bag.

"What is it". Lizzy asked in a worried tune.

"The hospital called "

"I'm going with you ".she picks up her bag, 

"Thank you ". I murmured and walk away, leaving Rita staring at me with wild eyes.

We were almost at the door when someone stood in front of me.

I look up and saw a worried looking Derick staring at me with curiosity.

"What's wrong with you ".he asked, 

"Move away “. I demanded.

"I won't, untill you tell me what is going on with you Oli, something is definitely wrong ".he Pleaded 

I chuckled softly and stared at him with range. 

"Get out of my way before I do something that you and I will live to regret". I expressed those words in anger.

"I think you should let her be for now " Lizzy spoke up. 

Derrick stared at me with curiosity before moving away from the door.

I hissed in anger and walked away.

"You shouldn't have done that, he was practically worried about you ". Lizzy spoke up, 

"Damn him, damn Rona,I  have been doing well without them. I don't need him to worry about me, " 

Lizzy hissed softly and walk beside me.

We walk out of school and boarded a taxi, in few minutes we were at the hospital.

"How is my aunt?". I ask the nurse in duty.

"Go in, she is waiting for you ".she muttered out those words in a sad tune.

Quickly I rush to aunt's room with Lizzy behind me.

I open the door of her room and noticed two nurses and a doctor in the room.

“Aunt ". I called out.

She flash me a weak smile and signaled me to come closer.

I felt my keg shaking and my hand trembling as I walk to her bed side. 

"Oli".she calls out my name, 

"I'm here aunt ". I whisper.

She hissed softly and took in a deep breath before speaking up.

"Take care of yourself oli and don't let anything that happens to me effect your bright future ".she expressed to words as a pled

"Nothing will happen to your aunt ". I begged. 

She hissed and flash me a big smile before opening her arms to me.

"Come here ".

Quickly, I embrace her with tears in my eyes. 

"I believe you will make the right decision".she muttered out those words in a low voice.

"I will, aunt ". I murmured.

The moment I murmured those words I felt aunt hands on me fell drastically on the bed.

I stared at aunt and realized her eyes were closed.

"What wrong". I asked in fear.

The nurses pull me away while the doctor check her vital signs and shakes his head.

"We've lost nurse penny ".he whispered in a low hurt tune.

"That's not possible" I scream in pain.

Lizzy rushed to me and held me.

"You told me she would make it until a week". I yelled in anger. 

"Wake her up, please wake her up ". I pleaded.

"We are so sorry, there is nothing we can do".the doctor murmured those words and shakes his head in regrets.

"That cannot be possible". I begged in tears 

"Bring her back, please do something, anything". I demanded in pain 

The nurses and doctor stared at me with pity and shakes their head in regrets 

"There is nothing to be done oli". Lizzy murmured those words to me in pains.

"It's a lie ". I murmured in pain

"You all are lying to me “.I yelled in anger and tried to move close to aunt,, but the nurses pulled me the way.

"She is gone, oli, and there is nothing we can do about me ,get a grip of yourself ". Lizzy whispered in tears.

I felt a shap pain in my head and my vision became blurry.

“No”. I scream at the top of my voice and lost consciousness.

Author's note

I got emotional writing this chapter because it feels like I was actually writing a part of my real life story but in a different scenario ...

More 18 chapters to go.