
A different Derick

Olivia's POV

“What are you even saying”. Lizzy asked confused while holding my hand and stopping me from leaving the hall.

I looked at her and noticed I was overeacting and it wasn't her fault I was in this mess, she was just trying to be a good friend.

I took in a deep breath and calm myself down before sitting down.

“What's the problem”. Lizzy asked, looking worried.

I rub my both hands on my face before speaking up, 

“I'm in trouble”. I whispered,

“What kind of trouble”.she asked while staring at me.

I hissed and brought out my phone and gave to her.

“What the fuck “. Lizzy yelled while looking at my phone, 

“Johnson sent that to me, and he is asking for a ransom”. I spoke slowly.

“That son of a bitch”. Lizzy spoke angrily.it was obvious she was angry. 

She calm herself and gave me a sympathy look.

“I'm so sorry oli”.she spoke almost like a pleed

“It's okay, it's not your fault I was careless “. I replied her and took back the phone from her.

“Have you told your aunt yet “.she asked.

“I can't tell her, and you know that “.the thought of me letting my aunt know really scares me.

“Then what should we do “.she asked, 

“I don't know”. I murmured in tears,

Lizzy moved closer to me and hugged me 

“Everything will be fine, we will find a way out”.she said those words while assuring me.

We sat there for a while before Lizzy suggested we go out for lunch.

We got to the canteen and sat on an empty seat.

“What would you like to take “. Lizzy asked, 

“I'm not hungry”. I murmured

“You have to eat something”. Lizzy pleaded

“Please Lizzy get whatever you want, am just not hungry”.I said those words in anger. Lizzy noticed my mood and decided to let me be.

She left our table and went for our food. I looked around the canteen and met eyes with Derick.

He wasn't in class all day, then how come he was at the canteen.

I met eyes with him and noticed there was something strange about him.

I nervously smiled at him,, but he stared at me with a coldly before looking away.

I stood up from the table and walked to him. I need to apologize to him and make things right.

I walked over to his table and stood before him.

“Hello Derick”. I spoke up with a big smile on my face.

He stared at me with anger but did not say a word.

I hissed and took the empty seat opposite him.

“I'm sorry about the other day “. I apologized while trying to take his hand, but he pulled away.

“Get out “.the minute I heard him said that I realized this was a different Derick,

His words were cold and full of anger .he stared at me and I couldn't help but shallow nervously.it just felt like I was meeting the Derick I met few months ago but this time he was worst.

I picked courage and spoke up, 

“Can you at least hear me out “. I pleaded.

The moment I said those words I watch Derick mood change for the worst. he slams his hand on the table, bringing the attention of many people to us. I looked around and saw everyone watching us with curiosity.

“I said get out “.his angry voice echo in the canteen hall.

I was becoming scared,, but I wouldn't back out so easily.

I stood up from the chair and moved over to him.

“You misunderstood me Derick, it's not what you think, I care a lot about you”.he did not let those words finish from my mouth before he angrily stood up and held my neck so tight ,forcefully pushing me to the nearest wall.

Everyone was staring at us, but no on dared to come close.

He stared at me with so much anger that I felt my leg shaking. I swallowed nervously before trying to remove his grip from my neck,, but he held me tighter that I was finding it hard to breathe.

“Listen to me, and listen very carefully, I don't want to see you anywhere near.always make sure you are six meters away from me “.he said those words directly at me.

I tremble and tried to free myself,, but he held me tighter.

“If you dare come anywhere near me, I will make sure you regret ever meeting someone like me “.he said those words as a threat, and I knew he meant everything word of it. I felt pain in my neck and I could hold back the tears from falling.

The moment he saw that I was almost in his tears his facial expression changed, and I noticed he was worried, but he quickly hides it away from me.

He let go of my neck slam his hand on the wall and walked away.

I held my neck and cough, trying to gain my breath.

Lizzy rushed to me and held my hand. she took me to a seat and asked me to sit down,

“Take some water “. She offered me a bottle water. I took the water from her and drank all. after drinking the water, I was able to gain back my breath.

I looked around, I saw students staring at me while whispering.

“Let's get out of here “. Lizzy took hold of my hand, and we left the canteen 

We left the canteen and went to the car park.Lizzy stood before me and gave me a questioning look.

“Say what you want to say and stop staring at me like that “. I told her while looking for a pavement to sit.

She followed me and sat on the pavement.

“What did you do that made Derick so furious with it, I have never seen him this angry on anyone before”.

I ran my fingers in my hair in frustration and hissed softly.

“How did I get into this mess “. I spoke to no one.

“What is it “. Lizzy asked confused,

“I don't even know anymore”. I replied her with a hiss.

She moved closer to me and held my shoulder.

“You know you are not alone in this, I'm always with you “. The moment I heard those words from her, I felt relieved and at ease .and got the first time in a long time I smiled

“Thank you Liz, you are the best “.she chuckled softly and stood in front of me 

“What”. I asked 

“Come on, let's get you out of this mess “.she brought forth her hand and I took it and stood up from the pavement.

“Thanks “. I whispered.