
I'am Not a Werewolf

Eric Yudhistira is a 16 year old teenager. He comes from a poor family and lives only with his father at this time. Eric's older brother named Rafael had died a few months ago due to an accident. Eric never knew where his real mother was. So, Eric joined in making money by working part-time, to help their family's economy. Zarius Vassilias is a demon expelled from his own palace. Many demons hate Zarius. Due to a huge conspiracy, Zarius was executed by another demon and fled to the Human World. Despite having the appearance of a teenager, Zarius is actually hundreds of years old. And Zarius had come to the Human World before. Zarius meets Eric in the Human World. However, Zarius lost his memory as a demon. Eric helps Zarius who is seriously injured and treats Zarius like his own brother. The devil who hates Zarius turns Zarius into the Human World. The devil's name is Felius. Felius knew that Eric was an important human being to Zarius. In fact, Zarius thought of Eric as his own little brother. So, Felius did something to Eric. Magie turns Eric into a werewolf and makes Eric think that Zarius is the mastermind behind his transformation. How would Zarius explain if he wasn't the one who turned Eric into a werewolf?

Zanaka · Fantasy
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150 Chs

Naughty Girl


 "OUCH!!" Zarius shrieked as he felt a vicious blow to the back of his head. His breath roared with emotion. How dare anyone touch a Dark Lord of the level of Zarius! Zarius would immediately kill that presumptuous creature after this.

 Zarius released his grip on Rigel's jaw. Rigel immediately fell to the ground and fainted. At this moment, Ziev slowly opened his eyes. Ziev stared in admiration at Zarius, the blonde haired boy who had saved Ziev from the demon hunter.

 Ziev looked at Zarius who turned around slowly. Ziev had no idea who the woman behind Zarius was at this time.

 "What are you doing in this area of ​​mine, huh?! If you make a fuss, I will report to the village to arrest you immediately!" shouted a girl who had just hit Zarius on the back of the head.

 "FUCK!! HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPTE MY ACTIVITIES, HUH?!" Zarius snapped. His amber eyes gleamed sharply.