
I’ve Reincarnated Into An Elf

I was chosen as a player for the 5th-anniversary event of the game I was playing. “I dedicate this to El Lyradelle, my deity and the guardian of the forest, the parent of all elves, and the mother of all mothers. May this trashy game perish.” Gosh, it’s frustrating. I’ve reincarnated, and not just as any race, but as one destined for extinction.

Zermonoid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 012

The group led by Eldmir had a discussion with the Catkin girls during last night's mealtime, learning about their future plans. As a result, the course of the story was roughly summarized, and both Eldmir and Elysia renewed their commitment to assist the girls' purpose.

Having lost their guardians and facing difficult circumstances, the Catkin girls shed tears of gratitude once again.

After a day passed, morning arrived.


Eldmir muttered curses, his frustration evident.

-Cut it out with the swearing. It's not a good look in front of the kids.

Truth be told, sometimes circumstances warrant such words that could further infuriate.

At this moment, Artir was like that.

"To El Lyradelle, my deity, guardian of the forest, parent, and mother of all elves, I beseech you. Artir, I'm warning you if you scratch my temper one more time…."

-Okay, okay. That arrow ends up in my muzzle. I'm sick of hearing it all the time.

Eldmir felt his anger boiling inside.

But Artir was right; it wasn't very mature to unleash frustration and curse in front of four children.

Although he hadn't quite reached the age of adulthood, mentally he was approaching fifty, and such behavior was unbecoming of someone his age.


-Oh, seriously.

Artir said it with an annoyed tone.

-Grow up, Eldmir. Do you think anyone wanted this situation? No one anticipated or wished for this unavoidable circumstance. Relax a little.

Artir's words were half right and half wrong.

Eldmir's anger wasn't solely about the current situation.

He had anticipated and prepared for this situation before anyone else.

Despite that, he had completely pushed aside those facts from his mind.

He had unconsciously dismissed the fact that the Orcs would invade the forest, brushing it off and forgetting about it.

It was this neglect that fueled his anger, allowing this calamity to unfold.

"I, I'm sorry… because of us, the forest…"

Perhaps it appeared as if Eldmir was reprimanding them, as Ketrit offered her apology while tearful.

Eldmir flinched and quickly adjusted his expression.

"No, no. It's not because of you, and I'm not angry with you or scolding you. Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault, it's okay, it's okay."

"But if we weren't there…"

"Well, it's not because of you. Don't worry. I'm angry with myself. I knew the Orcs would come to the forest, but I didn't prepare for it in advance."


As Eldmir had initially surmised, whether it was their youthful vigor getting the better of them or a mere intention to slaughter the Catkin girls, they infiltrated the forest in small groups.

Though they tried to conceal their presence as denizens of the elven forest, Orcs were orcs, nonetheless.

Their distinct stench and ferocious aura couldn't be hidden and soon became evident to the spirits, spreading rumors throughout the neighboring area.

Naturally, Elysia also heard of such spirits' rumors, and she had temporarily departed from the group to fulfill her duty as a Sentinel.

Artir, on the other hand, chose to remain as a guardian for the Catkin girls.

While Elysia didn't consider herself in danger, the thought that better preparation on her part might have prevented this situation lingered in her mind.

If only he had suggested using the spirits for reconnaissance to her mother.

If he had advised the villagers to prepare for an Orc infiltration.

Even if he had warned the three other sentinels, including Istein, about the Orcs.

Such thoughts continually circled in his mind, tormenting him.

-So, how long are you going to be consumed by self-doubt?


Artir's words were on point.

Now wasn't the time to dwell on his own inadequacy.

Even though the sentinels had left to eliminate the Orcs, there was always the possibility that they would encounter them, too.

Suppressing his self-doubt, Eldmir shifted his attention while remaining vigilant of his surroundings.

"Artir, can you find out how the Sentinels are doing through other spirits?"

-We can't freely communicate with them, no matter where they are.

Eldmir clicked his tongue at Artir's curt response.

"What about the contract holders? Can't you connect with Mother?"

-Well, wait a moment.

A fortunate misfortune.

Whispering to himself, Eldmir managed a half-hearted smile as he glanced at the still anxious four sisters.

"It's alright. Don't worry too much. The Orcs, according to the spirits, number around ten or so, and even just among our village's Sentinels, we have over thirty."

Furthermore, Sentinels from other villages would undoubtedly lend assistance, so there was even less cause for concern.

In this manner, he managed to alleviate the four sisters' unease and provide them with a moment of relief.

-…Half-breed, I think we're in big trouble.

"Why? Why do you look so worried?"

Artir brought unsettling news.

-It seems like the Orcs are purposefully launching an invasion.


Elysia was an exceptional Sentinel and a skilled hunter.

Although she didn't possess the mysterious power of skills beyond her caliber like her son, Eldmir, there weren't many beings who could evade or deflect her arrows in the forest.

Now a young elf just past one hundred, she was highly regarded as a Sentinel within the village due to her remarkable talents.

Even someone like her found herself overwhelmed by the current situation.


"Slay them all, you pointy-eared freaks! For the glory of Khalaran!"

The overwhelming shouts were like a mass of massed force.

They were the very embodiment of combat, relentlessly advancing even with arrows piercing their bodies, stepping over fallen comrades.

"Comrades! A festival of blood! Let us offer these pointy-eared invaders as sacrifices to Khalaran!"

"A battle of blood!"

As Elysia faced their ferocity head-on, she felt her whole body shiver.

This was the realm of the elven forest.

Their domain, one that would not be easily swept away by such ruthless intrusion.

Instances of the forest being invaded like this have occurred countless times before.

And each time, the elves emerged victorious.

There was no reason why it would be different now.


She quickly lowered her head at the cry, which sounded like a comrade's scream.

A double-bladed throwing axe flew over her head and embedded itself into a tree behind her.

Brushing off her shaken chest, she notched another arrow onto her bowstring.

"Brethren of the forest. Let us show these arrogant invaders the dread of the Sentinels, under the blessings of El Lyradelle."

"Guardians of the Forest."

"The Oath of the Forest."

They didn't boast an overwhelming presence like the Orcs.

Quietly, yet with a calm determination that everyone could understand, their soft cries echoed through the forest.

The arrows they released arced through the air and found their mark in the Orcs.

True to their name as Sentinels, not a single arrow fell to the ground or missed its target.

Though the Orcs deflected or parried some with their shields, there wasn't a single being capable of avoiding their arrows.


Despite this, the Orcs' morale didn't diminish.

The more blood they shed and the more comrades they lost, the fiercer their excitement became.

It was as though they were becoming the very embodiment of battle, throwing themselves into combat with a ferocity born of rage.


Reluctantly piercing through the barrage of Sentinel arrows, the Orcs managed to close in, but the Elves didn't give in easily.

Following the terrain and utilizing natural cover, the Sentinel's combat style was unleashed upon the Orcs.

Despite their approach, the Orcs found themselves continuously pierced by arrows, unable to do much but get impaled, leading them to unleash cries of anger.

"Cut down all the trees!"

A simple yet effective strategy against the Sentinels.

However, it had unintended consequences, enraging the Elves as well.

"How dare you!"

The furious emotions of the Elves over the destruction of their forest stirred the spirits, who raised waves of anger.

Fire, wind, and earth split open, devouring the Orcs.


The number of Orcs, which had reached around three hundred, rapidly dwindled.

In the first place, the defeat of the Orcs, who had charged in with a mere three hundred in the elven forest, was practically a foregone conclusion from the start.

Knowing this, the Orcs had little historical precedent for waging a battle of attrition with the Elves in their forest on such a scale.

"Why on earth did these filthy creatures invade our forest?"

Naturally, such questions were raised.

Now, even the Sentinels weren't bothering to use the terrain.

For the few remaining Orcs, there was no need to hide their presence.

"I shall ask. Children of Khalaran, children of the cursed war god. Why have you intruded upon our domain?"

A Sentinel stepped forward to inquire.

In response, the few remaining Orcs laughed heartily.

"Hahaha! You should thank us, you primitive archers!"

The incomprehensible words furrowed the brows of all the Elves.

"What nonsense is this? Are we supposed to thank you for committing the crime of invading our forest?"

"Of course."

Even while shedding blood and having death close by, the Orcs continued to laugh.

Though blood flowed freely, they remained unfazed.

Even with fallen comrades nearby, undeterred by their imminent deaths, they continued to laugh gleefully.

"Children of the cursed Khalaran. It's quite sad to think you can be so joyful even after witnessing our accomplishments. What could possibly make you so pleased?"

"The cursed children are not us, but you wretched forest vermin!"

One of the Orcs shouted amidst his laughter.

"Our children of war have finally fulfilled their destiny! Pitiful forest creatures, bow before us, bow to Khalaran!"

With that proclamation, an arrow pierced the space between the Orcs' brows.

It was Elysia who had loosed the arrow.

"Annoying pests."

A Sentinel muttered under his breath.

"What could 'fulfilled their destiny' mean?"

"Well… whatever it means, it doesn't feel particularly good, considering it's the destiny of the self-proclaimed children of war."

As the conversation flowed among the Sentinels, Elysia rushed forward.

Desperately, relentlessly.


With a sense of unease in her heart.