
I’ve been reincarnated as a golem.

Jackson Shaws was walking home from his office job when his life was cut short by a Prius. He accepts his death and is ready for oblivion or whatever hell awaits him when he realizes that it's been a minute since he died... and he's still here? Everything is dark and he can't feel his body when suddenly a game window shows up in front of him. G.. golem?! No this can't be, I was reincarnated into another world but ended up becoming someone's servant. No! I will not accept this. I've been given a system and a new life so I will become a peerless existence and rule whatever world I've been reborn into. Follow jacks hectic new life full of love, adventure, and .... Milfs?

Loligagger27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

I’m back b*tches

Guards POV

"Hey Randle.... you feel that?"

" Sal, what are you...?"

" The ground it's shaking..."

Normal POV

" Master, what are those?"

Tessa points straight ahead at the guards in front of the northern gate.

" Those are called humans Tess. They are fragile, pathetic, naturally evil creatures that love only themselves. Even when they do good it's only a form of self satisfaction"

" That's almost the same description you gave for the goblins we faced on the way here"

" So it is...."

I wasn't expecting a warm welcome... not when We both look like mini bosses you'd find deep within a dungeon. But I also wasn't expecting them to just attack us without provocation, or before identifying us.

" We need reinforcements!!"

" They look like high level mobs!"

" Are they undead, the style matches it"

" They can't be, The mana sensors are picking up.... core readings? Ranks... E+ and F+!!!!!!"

" Golems? That's strong. We need some adventurers here now!"

Me and Tess have our weapons visible. She has her rifle strapped to her back, and I was carrying that huge ass sword I made a while ago( I'll make a new one later ). It's easy to understand how they'd rather summon some adventurers to be prepared for the fight than wait for us to get close enough for me to hand over my ID.

This has gone on long enough.

I pull out my ID from my spatial storage and hold it high in the air.

" What the!"

" It has a guild card, it's an adventurer!!!"

" Or it just took it off someone else!"

" If we attack it we might get in trouble!"

" Would you rather die!?"

The guards keep fighting amongst themselves but at least not all of them are in a fighting stance anymore. They still have spears pointed at us, swordsmen with two handed grips on their swords, and magic gunmen all around tho.

I lower my hand and a guard slowly approaches me, takes the ID, and runs back behind the defensive line.

They use the same mana stone as always to check the ID and the chief guard yells..

" It's a... false alarm! Get back to your stations!"

The crowd of guards dispersed as the chief guard walks up to me.

" It's been a while huh?"

" I've only been gone a couple of days "

" Well, I'm a little confused, the system has you registered as.... "

" Dead?"

" MIA"

" That's even better, I was excepting there to be a huge problem due to my resurrection but thankfully there won't be"

" Resurr....."

I snatch the ID out of his hand and make my over to the guild hall. Tess keeps looking at all the magic stores and shops with wanting eyes. Unfortunately for her I've decided that from here on out I'll make my own stuff, unless I find something cool that I really want.

As we reach the main entrance the doors swing open with a loud bang as the doors hit the wall.

Everyone in the room look at the entrance to see two large armored beings standing in the door way. I immediately spot Patricia and make my way to her. As we were getting close she actually got off her chair and started to speed walk away.


" Huh?"

" It's me... the dirt golem dude"

" Wha...?"

" Can you please come back?"

She quickly dashed back to her standing position and berates me with question after question. Where was I, how am I, etc....

I tell her to calm down and explain my situation. I lie to her and tell her that I was just traveling around, I met Tessa on the road and formed a party with her, and that I would like to pay for Tessa to become an adventurer.

" So she's not already and adventurer?"

" No, why?"

" That gear looks expensive... oh is she from some rich family? they usually spend lots of cash to give their members good gear early on"

" No she's a golem like me"

" ........"

I pay her the fee and they go through the whole registration process. The reaction to her was actually bigger than mine.

" D rank!!!!"

Adventurers don't register when there this strong. People can't really lvl up in the wild that much by themselves without being affiliated to a guild.. so some one walking in for the first time being this strong is.... really f#*€ing rare.

" Mr.Golem... why do you do this to me?"

" What?"

" You know people associate you with me now right?.... because you only ever deal with me"

" Is that a problem?"

" Yeah actually.... in your absence a bunch of party leaders came up to me and asked me about you, to tell you about their offers..."

" Decline them all"

" Won't you at least..."

" I've already made a party, me and Tessa. I have no interest in joining someone else's"

" Fine, it's your life after all"

" Oh by the way, is there I place I can check my estimated rank in private"

" Uhh.... Sure... I can take you there now"

We go to a room located on the first floor with a giant mana stone in the middle.

I place my hand on it and.....

" C rank... of course you are...."

Some where on another continent...

" So this is what that b*tch wasted a summoned spirit on?"

" Yes, although it does show growth just as fast as the others..."

These two women are currently walking to a shrine.....

" We have to get it back as soon as possible... it's our property... and Gods forbid anyone finds out a golem has a hero's spirit within it.

Imagine the uproar"

" An intelligence that isn't human isn't intelligent at all"

" Quite right"

" We will just transform him into mana and use him to level up Regina"

" what rank is he now?"

" C rank"

" He's the 6th strongest hero we have then"

" Doesn't matter, he'll be xp soon enough"