
I’m Your Miracle

Seon Haneul is an 18 year old girl. Gifted with a lot of talents, skills, and maybe a little bit of powers. Either being an Idol by day or a Hero by night and vice versa. One day, she only wished for one thing that night.. She's going to meet many people either good or bad. She'll meet many Kpop Idols at that. Can she take it all? Will her wish come true? Can she find love? Can she give justice? Does she have the power to protect and save people? Read if you dare! ------------ THIS IS A FANFIC! I REPEAT! THIS IS A FANFIC! I am new to webnovel so I didnt know there was another category for fanfic, so this book became in the novel category. Im sorry for the confusion if there were any! ____________________________________ This is a remake of my book in my last acc Kpop4Ever7 in WATTPAD, which was deleted to my dismay. It wasnt finished so I'm going to make a new one since I was engrossed with making this book before my acc got deleted! To those who have read my book before, you'll be seeing some changes since I dont remember all of it. To those who haven't please feel free to read this book! You wont regret it, i promise! See you all! -Aki ____________________ Copy Right. All rights reserved EXCEPT for some of the pictures and other images used in this story. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHOR. If you see this book on anywhere which isn't in this account of mine in WATTPAD, please inform me.

Angelika_Aki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Fourteen: Are you....



Haneul turns to look where the voice came from and saw a figure emerging from the 10 figures of men. "Aren't you scared?" The figure that emerged sounds like a man and Haneul's eyes narrowed. "Why would I? A bunch of guys like you would dare rob from an old lady? Don't make me laugh." Haneul says looking at the guy who spoke.

"What you said is right. Why a bunch of guys like us rob an old lady?" The man then walks towards Haneul while pushing his hood down. If it weren't for you being here I would've thought of you as a handsome guy. Haneul thinks to herself as she sees the guy's hood come down and revealed a handsome guy with a little scar on his right eye.

The guy with the scar on his eye stood in front of Haneul and towered over her by a feet which means 180+cm. Haneul leans her head back just so she could look at the guy more. "The old lady from earlier was just a set up. We paid her to do that. It was a set up to see who would be a hero that'll help and that person is who we will rob. Didn't expect it would be a girl." The scar face said as he looks at the little masked girl in front of him.

"Since you're the first girl to become a hero, we'll forget this ever happened." The scar face said trying to be as manly and threatening as possible but Haneul could see that he was trying hard. "You know, you look really handsome." Haneul compliments out of nowhere which took everyone by surprise. The scar face's cheeks held a tint of pink and he coughs.

"Give me that." The scar face took the bag from Haneul's hands but Haneul grabs his wrist at the same time. "Did you really do a set up with the old lady?" Haneul asks pulling the scar face closer. Scar face starts to lose his composure as he got closer to Haneul. "Ye-yes." Scar face stutters as they were now eye to eye.

Haneul could see the truth in his eyes yet also held innocence. Haneul didn't bother looking into his memories when she saw his eyes. Haneul lets go of scar face. "Little Boss, we have to go if this isn't going to pull through." One of the 10 figures moved and told scar face who was called, Little Boss.

"Alright." Scar face regains his composure and walks away with the 10 figures plus the other guy. "Bye, scar face!" Haneul waves goodbye which made scar face stop in his tracks for a moment before continuing his walk. What a weird girl.


Haneul walks out of the alleyway and was confused for a whole minute not knowing where she is but she followed a road that might've lead to somewhere. Haneul was lost again so she just walked around aimlessly not knowing where she is until she stumbled upon a crisis.

In a dim lit road where it looks like no one's around, she heard groans and something falling to the ground so she checks it. She leans on a fence-like-wall for support and leans a little to the right to see the situation. Haneul's eyes widen. Is that Scar Face? Haneul thinks to herself as she sees a bloodied Scar face holding his stomach and is on the ground which also his buddies from earlier were also beaten up.

They were surrounded by people looking like real thugs/gangsters. "Didn't think I'd stumble into you, Jinho-ah." A guy who was in front of the body of scar face says as he gives another kick to his stomach. Scar face groaning again from the pain. "I don't understand why father adores you more than the rest of us. You don't kill, you don't hurt anyone, you're not like us at all but..."

The guy knelt down to grab a fistful of hair from scar face's head. "But why does he love and adore you more? We did everything for our father. Me and Hyun Ki killed, stole, and smuggle a lot for father but you? You just play around and you pick up trash with you." The guy threw scar face's head down. The guy referring the men with scar face as trash.

Haneul's eyes widen when she saw the gun from the guy's hand which he took out from his coat when he turned around, his back facing scar face. Haneul runs towards the guy. Then the guy turned around again and points the gun at scar face.

"Better be you dea-" The guy didn't get to finish what he said when Haneul jumped and kicked the gun away from the guy's hand. "What the fuck?!" The guy yells as he sees a masked girl in front of him. "Who the hell are yo-" The guy was going to ask but Haneul did a roundhouse kick on the guy, knocking him out. The 'real' thugs/gangsters look alike took the guy away immediately and left since their boss was knocked out.

Gangsters? Kill? Steal? Smuggle? More like sissies. Haneul thinks to herself as she checks the ones on the ground, seeing that they weren't that badly beaten. She walks to scar face and knelt beside him. Haneul held him gently in her arms and laid his upper body on her lap and arms. "Scar face. Hey, Scar face. Can you hear me?" Scar face heard a voice calling out to him.

He opens his eyes and saw the little masked girl from before. "Oh, it's you. You shouldn't be here." Scar face says and tries to move but he couldn't. "Damnit." He curses from the pain that shot up and closes his eyes again. Haneul's right hand held scar face's cheek and begins to heal him slowly but not fully. Scar face felt warmth that started from his cheek then down to the tip of his toes. He relaxed instantly from the warmth.

Haneul looks at the others on the ground who started to stand up. "Can you guys manage to move? We should head to your headquarters or wherever you guys live so you can treat those wounds." Haneul asks and said which made them nod their heads and was about to take scar face. "Don't worry about him. I'll carry him. You guys get the car." Haneul instructs the bulky men as they listened to Haneul and went to fetch the car.

Haneul held scar face more as she helps him get up and puts his arm around her shoulder while her arm around his waist. Haneul stopped healing him when he stopped bleeding. Though the warmth from the healing subsided, he felt another kind of warmth that Haneul emitted which scar face liked as well.

Scar face opens his eyes and sees that the little masked girl was carrying as well as walking him to the car in front. "You're still here?" Scar face asks with a smile cause she didn't leave him nor them. "Why? You want me to leave?" Haneul asks while they walk to the car. "Ani, I was just asking." Scar face says shaking his head which made Haneul smile under the mask.

Haneul and scar face arrived at the car and Haneul gently puts him inside and got in herself. The car drove off once Haneul closed the door. Haneul puts a seatbelt on scar face then on herself. "You know, you could've left us there nor shouldn't have meddled in our business." Scar face says losing the strength to sit up so Haneul moved closer to scar face, held his face and gently puts his head on her shoulder for him to lay on.

Scar face didn't expect that but he didn't complain and just laid his head on her shoulder. "Well, I don't care if you guys were in a fight, which was more like a one-sided fight. He was going to kill you and your friends so I did what I had to do." Haneul says which made the people inside the car felt something they haven't felt before, they were thankful that there was someone who didn't want them to die.

"Thank you." Scar face whispered as he drifted to sleep. One of the guys in the car noticed. "No, no, no! Little boss don't die, yet!" That guy said as he shakes his little boss which earned him a smack on the head by his little boss, who is now awake. "I'm not dead. I was sleeping." Scar face says and makes himself comfortable again on Haneul's shoulder.

Haneul chuckles at the scene and the guy who got smacked, smiled then rub his neck. "Sorry." That got the whole car shaking by the people laughing inside even though they were also badly wounded. After 10 minutes of the car ride, they arrived at a remote place where there was nothing but tall grass in the vicinity.

Hanuel was about to ask where they were but then she saw a little house far away. Then it turned into a huge house once they were close. "Woah." Haneul says as she looks at the house in front. "Pretty cool, huh?" Scar face says and made a move to sit up but couldn't. The car stops in front of the house and parks the car. Everyone starts to get out while Haneul helped scar face out of the car.

Putting his arm around her shoulder and her arm around his waist and off they walk towards the house with the others trailing behind them to watch over their little boss as one of the guys quickly run to the front door to open it.

Everyon quickly got inside and Haneul saw that the inside was very spacious and modern like interior which was cool to look at. She sees a filled living room, dining area and a second floor. Haneul could even see stairs leading underground which meant a basement. "Cool." Haneul says as she walks towards the living room and puts scar face on the couch for him to lay on. She leans on the hand rest of another couch while watching everyone.

The men from earlier were running around trying to get every emergency kit they have so they can treat their wounds. All the men have the kits in their hands and were crowding their little boss so they could treat his wounds first. "Aigoo, they really care about their little boss, huh?" Haneul whispers to herself.

"Treat your wounds first. Mine aren't that serious." Scar face says as he tries to put up a smile for his men. "You're joking. You got beaten worse than us, little boss. At least let us treat your wounds first." One of his men says and the rest nod their heads. "No, treat yourselves first. I won't die from thi-" Scar face got cut off by Haneul.

"Give me a kit. I'll treat his wounds." Haneul stepped up and walks towards them with her hand up, waiting for one of them to give her a kit. One of the men quickly gave her his kit and Haneul walks in front of Scar face then sat on the couch where there was space. "You guys treat your wounds. I'll handle his." Haneul says as she adjusts her mask while getting the things needed.

After hearing Haneul, the men start to treat their wounds once they saw Haneul treating their little boss' wounds. "Thank you, little miss." One of the men says, grateful towards Haneul while treating his wounds. "Don't thank me. This is nothing." Haneul says as she now focused on treating Scar face's wounds. After treating their wounds, they felt a tiny bit better.

The whole time Haneul was treating Scar face, Scar face was watching Haneul intently, curious as to who is under the mask. "What's your name?" Scar face asks. "Not important." Haneul says while finishing up the treatment. "How old are you?" Scar face didnt stop. "Not important." Haneul says as she finished and packed the kit.

"Where do you live? We'll drop you home." Scar face tries again which Haneul looks at him and didn't say a word. "At least tell me your name." Scar face says, sounding desperate to know. Haneul sighs. "My name?....." Haneul trails off, teasing Scar face while the men were watching. "Who are you guys? Why did the guy earlier tried to kill you guys?" Haneul asks as she looks at the men then at Scar face.

"The guy from earlier is my brother, Mun Min Ki. I'm actually the youngest of the family of thugs or a gang as people call it like that nowadays, the Mun clan. We're the number 1 clan out of all the five clans here in Seoul." Scar face starts to say, trying to sit up.

"Father is growing old so because of that, my brothers started this competition on who father favors more, will be the one to inherit and be the leader of the family clan. My two brothers were always in the clan business since they were young. Father didn't want me to be tainted like them which is why he took care of me more than my brothers which they misunderstood, making me their target. Father knew that they were targeting me, so he made me live here with two bodyguards." Scar face adds and sits up properly while groaning.

Haneul was confused as to why he said two when there are many men here. "You must be wondering why I said two and not many, right?" Scar face asks since he saw her expression and Haneul nods her head.

"Well, since we were hiding, we decided that why not recruit more. So the set up from earlier was actually for us to recruit the kind hero who tried to help. The men you see here besides my two bodyguards are the people we recruited. I offered them a job and that is to protect me with monthly pay. This has been going on for a year and somehow in the end we became brothers. We protect each other and tried to recruit more people. These guys are not bad guys. Some are good at fighting, some are good at planning, and some are good at cooking."

Scar face and his men laughs at the end. Haneul smiles under her mask watching them smile which looked like they are really happy. "Why not take over the clan and change it's ways? I mean what does your father do?" Haneul asks.

"My father is the most kindest and ethical thug around. The word thug is suppose to mean something bad but father is that kind of thug that monitors the other thugs and when one messes around in a bad way, he tries to correct them or mess them up. My father did not like the way my brothers handle their business that's why he doesn't want any of them to take over but he's afraid.. no... it's like he's expecting that one of them will betray him and ruin what father has build over the years. That's why I'm recruiting people to help father in case something happens."

Scar face says as his eyes held determination. "Aren't you guys afraid?" Haneul asks all the men. They shake their heads. "Being with little boss made our lives better. We lived very hard lives and when little boss recruited us, our lives got better so we're ready to risk our lives for little boss." One of the men says, looking at Haneul which Haneul saw determination and loyalty in his eyes and she saw it in everyone's eyes.

"Yo, Scar face." Haneul calls out to Scar face as he was smiling at his men, thankful for them and turns to look at Haneul when she called out to him. "Hm?" He hums with his eyebrows raised. "You got good men." Haneul says truthfully which made Scar face smile even more. Haneul got up and stood in front of them.

"Since I saw and heard a lot of good things from you guys tonight, I would like to say that I will gladly offer my help to you guys. If there's anything bad happening to you guys or to your families, you can ask for my help." Haneul tells them all. The men was looking at her, confused. "It's fine. We can handle it." Scar face says and smiles at Haneul as a thank you.

"I'm not joking around. I might even become your guys' ace." Haneul says to make Scar face change his mind. "Fine but only when its an emergency and if we really, really need you." Scar face says which made Haneul nod her head. "What are your guys' names?" Haneul asks them which they told her their names. "My name's Mun Jinho." After his men gave their names, Scar face told his which Haneul nods her head.

"Yours?" One of the men asks Haneul for which Haneul thinks of a name. "Call me M." Haneul says and the men was baffled. "Don't misunderstand. It's not that I don't trust you guys but there's things I can't tell you guys yet but I will soon." Haneul says quickly explaining herself. The men nod their heads understanding.

"So M, how old are you?" Scar face asks which the men were also curious about. "You first." Haneul says which made Scar face smile. "22. Everyone here is in the range of 20-35 years old." Scar face says which the men nodded at what he said. "Now, tell us yours." Scar face says which Haneul shrugs her shoulders. "I'm 18." Haneul says which shocked the men including Scar face.

"You're a lot younger than I thought." Scar face says which made Haneul put her hands on her waist. "And how old did you think I am?" Haneul asks and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe 20 or 21." Scar face says which Haneul chuckles at that. "I get that a lot. I look more mature than my age." Haneul says which earned her nods from the men and from Scar face.

Haneul then checks her phone and sees that it was getting pretty late. She sees a text from Rey. "Han, where are you? It's getting pretty late. Come home!" Rey's message made Haneul smile. She quickly replies to Rey and puts her phone away. "Oh by the way, here's my number in case you guys need me." Haneul gives her phone number to one of the men since Jinho can't move that much yet.

"Also, I got to go. Can someone take me to XXXXXX in XXXXXX?" Haneul asks and one of the men raised his hand. "I can take you there since I'm the one that drove earlier. Plus, I'm not that wounded so it'll be easier for the rest that I'll be the one to drive you there." Kang Dae spoke while standing up. "Let's go." Haneul says and they start to walk towards the front door. "Take care of her, Kang Dae-ah!" Scar face, Jinho and the rest of the men yell which Kang Dae nods his head before heading out with Haneul.

Kang Dae and Haneul got in the car and drove off. As Haneul and Kang Dae drove off, the rest of the men helped their little boss up the stairs to his bedroom to lay him down on his bed and helped change his clothes. "Thank you guys. I'm sorry you got beaten up like that because of me." Jinho says as he was very sorry to his comrades.

"It's alright, little boss. We're here for you no matter what it is. Good night, little boss." His men tells him reassuring him that it's alright. "Good night." Jinho bids them goodnight as they closed his bedroom door. A lot of things happened which made Jinho think a lot but the most interesting thing that happened was Haneul. What an interesting girl.


Kang Dae drops Haneul off and bids her goodbye and a good night then drove off. Haneul was dropped on a cafe near the dorms and waited till the car was gone. She starts to walk back to the dorms and after a few minutes, she arrives at the dorms and got inside, into the elevator. Haneul got out of the elevator as it dings to their floor.

Haneul walks to their dorm room and unlocks the door. She enters the dorm room, removes her shoes and walks to the living room seeing the boys and Rey playing a game. Haneul saw one was wearing a blindfold and everyone else were hiding in very obvious places. The one wearing a blindfold was carefully walking towards where Haneul was at which Haneul just stood still while everyone who was hiding, didn't notice Haneul home, yet.

Haneul saw that the one wearing a blindfold is Lay. As Lay, was carefully walking towards Haneul without knowing, he bumped into her. "Got one! This is.... Uhm... Who is this?" Lay shouts and tries to figure out who the person was and Haneul just stood still as Lay's hands travel up from her arm to her neck then to her face. Lay went closer to Haneul's neck to smell a scent and didn't smell anything so he backs away a bit.

"Oppa." Lay heard a female's voice that only belongs to one person. "Haneul-ah?" Lay removes his blindfold with one hand while his one hand was still on Haneul's cheek. Lay's eyes widen and removes his hand from her cheek. "Haneul's home!" Lay yells which made everyone in hiding, come out to greet Haneul one by one.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." Haneul shakes her head and leans in to kiss Lay's cheek. Lay puts his hand on his cheek and felt himself blushing while Haneul went to the others to greet them as well. "Welcome home, Haneul-ah!" The boys and Rey greeted Haneul as Rey gave her a hug. "Where were you?" Suho asks as everyone took a seat on the couch and on the floor.

"I just got back from the nearby convenience store." Haneul answers making up an excuse and the others nod their heads. "So how was practice?" Haneul asks them as to change the topic. "Practice was good. Plus we're going on an overseas tour next month for our concerts." Baekhyun answers as he yawns.

"Oof. That's awesome!" Haneul says, feeling excited for them. "How about you, Rey? Dream Girls and Knights?" Haneul asks which made everyone turn to Rey. "We finished one song together so did Knights and we're going to continue on the others tomorrow and so on." Rey says which made everyone congratulate her.

"It's getting late. We still have practices later. We need the rest." Suho says which made everyone nod their heads. The boys and Rey made a line which Haneul understood immediately. Haneul kisses their foreheads one by one and gave them each a hug while at it. Then they made their way to their bedrooms after saying good night to each other and everyone went inside theirs.

Haneul went inside hers, turns on her room's lights and starts to remove her cross-bag, coat and hoodie, then her sports bra, then wears her hoodie again then puts the clothes she removed in her closet when her bedroom door opens. She saw Kai's and Sehun's head popping out of her doorframe.

"Yes?" Haneul says as she walks to her bed and looks at the two entering her room and standing by the door. "Can we sleep beside you?" Sehun and Kai asks at the same time which Haneul felt shy but she nods her head nonetheless. Haneul crawls on her bed to lay on the middle. She taps the space on her sides while spreading her arms to shoulder level so Sehun and Kai made their way to their spots quickly after turning off the lights and laid beside her.

Sehun and Kai lays on Haneul's arms to which Haneul brings them closer. "Aigoo, my babies." Haneul coos as she caresses their head. Sehun and Kai were shy but liked how she coos and caresses them. "We're not babies." Sehun says which made Haneul chuckle. "You may not be actual babies but you guys are my babies and I mean all of you." Haneul says as she hugs them gently while Kai and Sehun wrap their arms and legs around Haneul.

Haneul laughs as they wrap their legs around hers. "You're like a mom, Haneul-ah." Kai says which brought out a smile on Haneul's face. "I guess you're right, Kai oppa. Let's get some sleep, okay?" Haneul asks at the end which they nod their heads. "Good night, oppas." Haneul coos as she continues to caress their head. "Good night, Haneul-ah."

Haneul caresses them a little while longer until she felt their steady breathing and finally, she closed her eyes.

Fast forward to January 11, 2017 ... A Wednesday ...

Haneul woke up from her alarm ringing so she tries to get up to quickly shut her alarm off. Haneul slowly gets up from her bed, trying to not wake Chanyeol and Lay who slept beside her last night. Haneul then walks to her closet, picking out a simple outfit. A black oversized shirt, a black hoodie over the shirt, white sweatpants, undies, cross-bag, white socks and a black coat. She leaves the cross-bag, coat and socks on her bed while bringing the others with her and a towel.

She went to the bathroom to shower and after the shower, she dries herself then wears the clothes she picked out. She got out of the bathroom and went back to her room, seeing that Chanyeol and Lay are gone. Drying her hair as she sits on her bed and put on her socks. After drying her hair and putting her socks on, she grabs her coat and cross-bag and heads to the spare rooms.

She checks the bedroom near hers and saw no one inside. She checks the other two bedrooms as well and saw no one inside. They probably got up already. Haneul thinks to herself and walks to the living room to leave her coat and cross-bag then heads to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When breakfast was ready, as usual the boys and Rey helped with getting the dishes out of the kitchen and they ate their breakfast. After eating their breakfast, they all got ready. Wearing their coats and bringing their personal things for the day.

The day was the same like the previous days. Practicing in the morning, eat lunch, then continuing the practices after lunch. Everyone was already polishing their steps and parts. When the time strikes at 4pm, everyone slowly piles out of the studios and were huddled in the lobby, talking about what they're going to do.

EXO having their practices as well as Super Junior and SHINEe, SNSD and F(x) having their schedules, and both, Knights and Dream Girls, continue to prepare for their debut which means Haneul is left with nothing to do.

Haneul waves goodbye to everyone as they left to do what they need to do. Haneul is once again left in the lobby thinking of what to do. Haneul was looking at the ceiling, laying on a couch when her phone rings.

"Hello?" Haneul answers her phone. "M! We're under attack! We're hiding in the basement right now. It's a good thing the basement is like a bunker that doesn't get destroyed easily. I'm embarrassed to say this but we need your help!" Just like that, Haneul ends the call and made her way to the car.

Haneul got in her car, wore her black face mask and drives to the mansion of Jinho. After a few minutes since she was speeding a bit, she arrives a couple meters away from the mansion and saw a lot of cars in front of the mansion. Haneul parks her car a little far, away from their sight and got out of the car.

She walks towards the mansion and sees there were some men outside on the look out. When Haneul came into the men's view, they immediately scramble for their guns to aim at her. "Who are you?" One of the men says as Haneul hears things getting destroyed inside the mansion.

"None of your business." Haneul says as she continues to walk towards the mansion. "We're going to give you a chance to back down and leave!" The man says trying to scare Haneul but it didn't work. The men looks at each other for a command and they nod at each other. "Shoot!" The man commands and guns shooting was heard throughout the area.

Before the bullets could hit Haneul, she stops the time and walks towards each of the men. Haneul made time run again and the bullets hits their cars instead as Haneul was in front of the men. "What the hell?! Get her!" The man orders his people and every one of them tries to fight Haneul which Haneul fought back.

Not one of them hit her and one by one, the men fell to the ground which left one man standing. "Either you tell me why you're doing this or just get knocked out." Haneul suggests as she continues to hear things getting destroyed inside. The man struggles to let out a word as he saw all his men on the ground.

"Little boss' plan was to just scare his little brother but it got out of hand. He, now, wants to kill him. Little boss is inside causing a lot of ruckus." The man says after struggling for the words. Haneul nods and walks towards the man, hitting him and knocked him out.

Haneul stood in front of the double doors which was locked. Haneul then thought of how to get in with ideas coming to her mind but then, she remembers something. The time where she caught the criminal who killed Ji Kyong. She felt immense strength that flowed through her that time which she crushed the man's wrist.

Haneul then closed her eyes, calming herself as she felt the same immense strength flowing through her. Jinho and the others are inside with the men who are trying to kill them. Haneul, you're the only one who can save them. Haneul thinks to herself as she felt the strength's flow getting more intense.

Haneul's eyes open and in like a slow motion moment, she pulls up her right leg and kicks the double doors open. The double doors flew to the other side, making the men inside who were making the ruckus, jump from fright and shock. The men inside then saw a figure walking inside and turns to look at them in slow motion.

Their little boss was shocked to see a girl in front of them and was in disbelief that the double doors flew like it was nothing. "Who's the little shit- I mean the little boss here?" Haneul says as she turns to face them with her arms in her coat's pockets. "Who are you?" Haneul saw a young man pushing the men in front of him away so he can stand in front to take a look at Haneul.

"You must be the little boss?" Haneul asks as she looks at the young man who looks 180+cm tall. Damn, these brothers do be tall and good looking. Haneul thinks to herself as she saw the young handsome man looking down at her with a smirk.

"And who might you be, little girl?" The man bends down to Haneul's height. Haneul felt annoyed. Just because you're tall doesn't mean you have to freaking bend down. Haneul thinks to herself and rolled her eyes.

"Back up. Jinho oppa's back up." Haneul says which made the little boss snicker and in the end, laughed at Haneul. The men behind the little boss laughed as well. The little boss stood straight as he continues to look down at Haneul.

"Yeah, right. Pack it up and leave, little girl. I don't like to hurt girls. I'm just here to scare my little brother. What's it to you?" The little boss says as he snickers at Haneul. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Also, don't you think 'scaring' Jinho oppa like this is too much? A lot of men with guns outside and inside the mansion destroying his things? You call yourself his brother? Don't make me laugh."

Haneul says and snickers back. The little boss got mad but he didn't make it obvious yet Haneul could see it by looking into his eyes. "If you're not going to leave then I'll use you as a hostage." The little boss says as he tries to take Haneul by the arm. "Nope."

Haneul says as she smoothly evades the little boss' hand. The little boss was shocked that Haneul evaded him so smoothly. "You don't look like that Min Ki guy. You're probably the other brother, Hyun Ki." Haneul says which made the little boss' eyes wide.

"How'd you know my nam-" Hyun Ki didn't finish his question when Haneul smoothly and swiftly takes Hyun Ki by the neck with her right hand. Hyun Ki was too shocked to move or utter a word out as his men made a move to aim at Haneul with their guns.

Haneul sees his men do this and Hyun Ki saw it so he raised a hand to stop his men from doing so. His men drops their guns down and stood still. Haneul then looks at Hyun Ki and brings him closer. As they were now eye to eye, Haneul begins to see into his memories.

Haneul couldn't believe what she saw. "You. You're just acting? You may look and be like an asshole on the outside but you're actually a soft ball like Jinho oppa." Haneul says to only make Hyun Ki hear it. Hyun Ki's eyes went wide as he heard what she said.

"You're acting like this because Min Ki has the person you love as hostage. Making you do the planning and giving the good ideas because you're smart? Damn. Min Ki is actually the asshole between you brothers." Haneul says as she looks at Hyun Ki in the eyes. Hyun Ki could only look at Haneul back as what she just said were true.

"How?" Hyun Ki manages to let out. Haneul shakes her head and releases her hand from his neck. Hyun Ki held his neck, rubbing it but felt no pain. "Get your men out of here. If Min Ki asks what happened today, just tell him that it was ruined by Jinho's back up." Haneul says which only Hyun Ki can hear.

Hyun Ki did not make a move but his eyes did it for him when Haneul looks into his eyes. "If you want to save your lover, come find Jinho and ask for me. Don't tell anyone what you witnessed between us, okay? Now, go." Haneul gives him a gentle look as she says this. "Men, let's get the hell out of here."

Hyun Ki says as he turns to look at his men, letting out his acting skills. His men were hesitant but Hyun Ki gave them a threatening look. Hyun Ki and his men left the mansion and drove off. Haneul could only look at their cars driving away.

There's always someone who'll do anything to get what they want. Even if it means to hurt someone. The world is sure a scary place. Haneul thinks to herself and shakes her head. She gets her phone and dials Jinho's number.

"Hello?" Haneul hears Jinho's voice on the other line. "They're gone. Come out. I got something to tell you." Haneul says and hangs up. After a few minutes, Jinho and his men got out of the bunker-like-basement. "M!" Jinho and his men calls out, happy to see her yet cautious at the same time.

Jinho and his men sees Haneul outside watching the field in front so they went to stand beside her. "Jinho oppa." Haneul calls out when she hears their footsteps. "Yes, M?" Jinho replies, standing next to her. "What do you think of your brother Hyun Ki?" Haneul asks Jinho as she turns to look at him.

Jinho was taken aback from the sudden question from Haneul. Jinho turns away to look at the field in front. "He was a good brother before but when he kept being with Min Ki, he changed a lot." Jinho says with a sigh at the end. Haneul nods her head.

"There's a reason why." Haneul says and Jinho looks at her, curious as to what it was. "He's just acting." Haneul says a clue which Jinho did not get. "What do you mean?" Jinho asks. "He's just acting as a bad person because of your brother, Min Ki." Haneul says as she looks into Jinho's eyes.

"Min Ki blackmailed Hyun Ki into doing what he's been doing because he has taken Hyun Ki's lover as a hostage." Haneul adds which made Jinho confused at first and finally realized in the end. Jinho got mad as he curled his hands into fists. "I told him that if he needs help in saving his lover, he'll contact you so he can ask for me. When he does, call me immediately and tell me the plan." Haneul says which Jinho nods his head.

"For a little girl, I feel like you're the little boss instead of me." Jinho says as he laughs. Haneul slaps his shoulder as his men laugh with him. Haneul then checks her phone for the time, 5:35pm. "You guys should clean the place up and buy new furniture. The place is a mess." Haneul says after getting back inside and looking at the place.

"Yeah." Jinho says and looks at his men as they nod at Jinho, his men starts to clean the place. "I'll help." Haneul offers and after an hour, they weren't done but Haneul has to go. Haneul checks her phone again and sees that it's 6:37pm. "Jinho oppa and other oppas, I need to go. I have somewhere to go to." Haneul says as they bid her goodbye.

"We can drop you off." Jinho offers and Haneul could still see his busted lip from two days ago. "No, it's fine, oppa. See you soon!" Haneul says as she runs to where her car was. Jinho and his men watches Haneul run away as her silhouette vanishes from their sight when she turned to a corner.

Jinho and his men continues to clean the place and Haneul got in her car, then drives off. Haneul arrived at the ICSYV building, parks her car in the parking lot. She checks her mirror to see if something was off and she saw her mask still on her face. She got out of her car and head inside the building to the studio where she's practicing for the past 3 days.

She got inside the studio, sees the staff waiting and talking to each other. She walks to them and greeted them all and the staff did the same to Haneul. Haneul walks to the mirror and begins to remove her coat, cross-bag and hoodie. She stretches her body before starting her practice. After stretching, she looks at the staff then music starts to play.

For the course of 2 hours from 7pm-9pm, Haneul kept practicing and this time, she took small breaks in between which made the staff worry less for Haneul's health because too much practice without breaks could leave a toll on the body. The staff stops the music once Haneul was done.

"Thank you for everything!" Haneul bows to the staff thanking them for staying with her and taking care of her. The staff felt happy when she thanked them. "I'll be going, now. Stay safe and be careful when going home." Haneul says and wishes them to stay safe, then bows to them. Haneul then grabs her coat, hoodie and cross-bag, walks to the door and opens it after waving goodbye to the staff.

Haneul was about to walk out of the building when someone called out to her. Haneul's eyes widen when she heard the voice and know who it is.

"Are you _Miracle7_?"


Hey guyss! How's it going? How's the chapter? I would love to see your thoughts/comments about it hehe. I hope you guys stay safe and be safe! Love you guys! See you in the next chapter!
