
I’m The Protagonist’s Dead Brother

Jay is a ‘normal’ citizen who enjoys reading novels one day gets transmigrated into his favorite novel as the protagonist’s dead brother but that’s not just a dead brother but the dead brother that's supposed to kickstart the end of the world. ( I’m a brand new author so I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me by writing reviews so I can produce some good-quality content.)

Meowscles_KittyGod · Fantasy
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2 Chs


~POV: Unknown~

In a dark forest a boy can be seen running while carrying another smaller boy. With a stoic expression mixed with pain, the boy looks to be about 15 years old but as the boy is running a giant man lands a few meters in front of him the man looks to be about 7 feet tall.

" There you are, why are you running so much it's not like we want to hurt you." says the giant man as he grabbed the buster sword on his back.

As the boy stops and with frustration on his face he turns around to run only to see a tall slender looking woman holding a rapier in her hands the boy the looks around to see that he is surrounded with no way to go the boy puts the other kid down.

" Hey Adonis we going to play a game okay all you have to do is close both your eyes and ears okay you can do that for me right." says the boy to the smaller kid he with a strained smile on his face.

" Brother, no please we can just run away together." says Adonis with tears coming down his face.

" Donnie it's okay I'm strong remember the strongest of our generation nobody can stop me." says the boy with a smirk.

The boy then proceed to to step away from his brother and make some hand signs and magic sign shows up under Adonis's feet.

" STOP HIM, his making a teleportation spell." shouts some one from the crowd that surrounded the two kids.

" ***Scutum, praesidium, Ianuae, tutum***." chants the boy, and just as he finishes chanting a rapier stabs his chest from the back the boy turns around and looks at the woman.

" Too late it's all ready down." says the boy as blue circuit like lines show up on the boys body and a sword on his right hand. The boy then looks at the Adonis who is sitting on the magic circle with a shocked expression and tears falling down his face.

" BROTHERRRRRR!!!" Adonis then shouts as he trys to run to his brother but then stopped by a barrier. Adonis then starts to hit the barrier while crying and trying to go to his brother.

" Adonis I'm sorry to show you such a scene just bear with me okay it will all be over with soon." as the the boy Finish saying that he disappears from his position and appears above everyone with a hand sign.

"***Ego, Samuel Gracefall, hic corpore animaque mea sacrifico potestatem ad hostes meos vincendos et delendos. Te rogo, o ille maledicto nomine, Demurgus, Conditor, Magnum Malum, Primum Malum, ut votum meum concedas eosque quos ut inimicos meos habeo delendas.*** " As Samuel stops chanting the circuit-like lines on his body turn Red and purple cracks appear on his face that start from his eye he then opens his eyes for everyone to see nothing but black as if it's the abyss.

Everyone who had been frozen from the time Samuel had started chanting all start feeling a chill down there spine as Samuel finished chanting and as there all had the same mind one thought came to there minds is that whatever Samuel did is dangerous and they need to escape no matter what but before they could escape Samuel then says something but now his voice is different as if two people are talking one voice is deep and raspy while the other is Samuel's but one thing everyone seems to have acknowledge was floating about them was not Samuel Gracefall

" Mana Zone." says the unknown being that has taken over Samuel's body as huge dome appears from no way and prevents every one from escaping.

" It seems that we are in a really complicated situation but that's not my problem now I guess I will solve this and leave the complications to him." says the unknown being as it looks in the sky with a smile he then turns down and his smile disappears he then snaps and everyone in the Mana Zone then get sliced into pieces leaving only the Giant man, The slender man and Adonis.

With a confused expression he then teleports in front of the slender woman and then asks

" You who are you or should I say what are you to escape my authority." asks the unknown being with emotionless face. But with pure fear in the lady's face she then stumbles backwards and and fall on her backside.

Out of no where the giant man shows up out of no where while trying to cut the unknown being down but just as his buster sword was about to touch The being's head a giant snake like creature came out of its Shadow and proceeds to eat the giant man in one bite.The lady seeing the giant snake like monster proceeds to pee herself.

" Don't mind him his just a little hungry now are you going to answer my question." says the being with a stoic expression. As the words register in her head she looks at the being in Samuel's body with pure fear.

" M-my n-name is R-Roxanne I-I'm an otherworlder I-." says struggles to talk to it but it stops her as it smiles and repeats the word otherworlder twice.

" And let me guess you work for some organization that needed something from this body and the boy."says the being with a smirk on it's face.

" How did you know that." asks Roxanne with a shocked expression.

" I can read minds did I not explain that, you know what means right I know everything." the being's smile then grows wide as Roxanne then proceed to open her eyes wide open with pure fear. As the being turns around as it looks at Adonis who is just looking a the being in his brother's body with shock and fear the snake like creature then proceeds to eat the lady as the being walks to the Adonis.

" You heard that right boy this was because some people had a grudge against you but since I'm nice I will help you if you wish for revenge your enemy is an organization called Lucifer so do with that information as you will." as it finishs talking Adonis then teleports to who ever knows and the being then looks at the body it's in only too see cracks everywhere with blood coming out everywhere.

" Looks like this body couldn't even handle this much hopefully he fixed this issue but for now time to make sure everything is ready for his arrival this is going to be fun to watch." he looks at the sky with a smile.

Meowscles The Kitty God here begging you to write some reviews to help a desperate God so that maybe in the future he can get a job

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