

Great! Just great! Imagine being reincarnated as an illegitimate child in a novel that only lived to the age of ten, NO! what a miserable life. (Gained title: Reincarnated individual-SSS) (Gained title: Hero-SSS+) (Gained title: Righteous spirit-S) What! I became the hero!?! And have reincarnation perks sweet!

Amazing_Books · Fantasy
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Illegitimate child.

'Ace that is my new name, why does it sound familiar' a newly born child/recently reincarnated individual thought to themself about how familiar the name feels when it clicked and he remembered who Ace was 'Shit! Ace the abandoned brother of the villain and adopted son of a retired magic swordsman that is the protagonists uncle, the very same Ace who would be assassinated by his biological family at 13 years old because he didn't die naturally' Ace's mind raced thinking of how bad his situation was when (Gained the following titles: Reincarnated individual-SSS, Hero-SSS+ and Righteous spirit-S) 'ok I guess I shouldn't have underestimated the power of reincarnation and the unknown facts about Ace but this is good not only do I have Cheats but 13 years for growth' Ace celebrated about his upcoming victory.

POV change:


Knock, Knock, Knock!

"Yes, come in!" I said wondering what news my subject has for me. The head butler walks in and takes a bow at a 70° angle before saying "I apologize for interrupting your Grace, I have come to inform you that the prostitute you enjoyed 9 months ago has given birth to a son with your blood" The head butler reported waiting for my commandments 'What! Crap I have a bastard son, no I don't if I say I don't the child will probably die anyway due to sickness' I thought to myself at the time thinking it was a good idea "I only have one son and he is born of my first wife!" I said sternly and the head butler my most trusted servant nodded in understanding.

POV change:

general POV:

A woman is seen rushing down the streets as if her life depends on it carrying a small child that she previously birthed in an alleyway by her self (what a legend, even after labour that she has that much energy, well of course she is a Dragon kin so she is stronger than normal)

she dashes past multiple stalls and stores directly towards the city gates, stealing a bag of bread in the process and runs out before anyone can stop her, now outside the city she jumps onto a carriage and stays their until spotted where she will start running again until she finds another carriage repeating the process while whispering to her child " I wish I could be there to save you Ace my little boy but as your mother is dead woman walking I can't put you in danger please be a good boy to the people who will look after you" after saying her much needed words she quietly ran into a village and banged on a door and left Ace at the door step before vanishing into the night and hopefully some how survives.

Ace had two thoughts the first 'So cool, my mother is awesome' and 'I hope she's still alive' suddenly the door swings open and woman that's appearance is that of someone in their early thirties looks around for some one but sees no one just as she is about to close the door she hears the sound of a baby's cries, which brings her attention to the baby right bellow her "John come it's a miracle" the lady cries. A man in his mid thirties comes rushing down to see his wife holding a child that looked so delicate that it could snap at any moment. Soon he felt something hot run down his cheeks when he touched it he saw a clear liquid before he realized it he started crying.

POV change:

John POV:

It was a peaceful night Amanda was cooking dinner while I watched her in awe thinking how lucky I am to have such a beautiful wife I mainly thought that while staring at her gorgeous ass, If only we could have children that would make Amanda feel less burdened as to feeling like she is lesser to others when others could never compare to my Amanda. Damn I'm gonna fuck her good tonight, soon Amanda finished cooking and I could eat the world's divine treasure again later after we finished eating and I was just about to get in the mood when someone banged on the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Amanda being the type of person to always help ran to the door thinking it was something urgent but found no one was about to leave when we heard a cry of a baby, I was stunned did the Goddess answer our prayers and finally gave us a child. Then I heard her call for me "John come it's a miracle!"and I ran down stairs as fast as possible.