
I’m Really a Titled Douluo from the start

Xu Sheng woke up and found that he had traveled to the Douluo Continent! He wanted to spend his whole life in a dull life, but didn’t realize that something was wrong until Wu Hun awakened! First Wuhun: Nine Hearts and Blood! Mutated from the nine-hearted begonia, it uses blood as a sacrifice, and the soul moistens it, completely breaking the myth of the auxiliary system! Second Wuhun: Sword of Ice Rose! The attack power crushes the Clear Sky Hammer and becomes the most powerful weapon in the mainland! Under Su Yuntao’s shocked gaze, Xu Sheng looked helplessly at the nine scarlet soul rings on his body, “Well, I just want to live a lifeless life, but you see, these nine red circles on me look pretty ?” The cover art is not mine! The novel is taken from mtl!

shehroz_ahmed · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 28

And the man who kept stepping on the hoverboard on the battlefield had reached a high level of emotion when seeing the spectator stand! I knew it was time for me to play!

He gracefully supported the two halves of chrysanthemum sunglasses he was wearing on his face, and said affectionately, "Hello everyone, I am the handsome guy who is in charge of the interpretation of this scene, Jia Le"

In an instant, the audience below was ignited with anger...

This guy is a famous poison pacifier in the Great Arena! It is almost impossible for anyone who has been opened up by this guy to win! Even the one who already has a huge advantage will lose!

Therefore, this person's reputation is very bad in the Great Fighting Arena, but because of the excellent commentary, no one will expel him in the Great Fighting Arena!

"Stop talking nonsense, start now!"

"That's right, what about the guy named Jiu-xin-xue-tang? How come he hasn't been on stage yet, did he escape?"

"Shut up you fellow! It was your poisonous milk last time, which caused us to lose a lot of gold soul coins!"

Looking at the audience who blurted out their mouths and became dirty at him, Jiale just laughed and said cheekily, "Seeing that you welcome me so fiercely, it seems that it will be very interesting to explain this game."

"Do you want to point your face? Who welcomes you?"

"Get off the court! I want to ask for a substitution!"

"Damn, I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Jiale didn't pay attention to these people at all. He looked suspiciously at the opposite of the coffin carrier. When he saw that it was a small child, he was surprised, "Wow, the opponent of the coffin carrier has already appeared? It's just age. Isn't it a little young? Could it be a disciple of that sect?"

Xu Sheng's face sank sharply when he heard Jiale's explanation, then raised his eyes and glanced at the latter, and said uncomfortably, "This guy, can you speak!"

Isn't he just a little younger?

The spectators in the audience looked at Xu Sheng, who was even less than half of them on the stage, and yelled, "What the hell? This nine-hearted blood is a little handsome.Isn't this a trouble?"

A wretched-faced man had greed in his eyes and rubbed his palms with joy and said, "It seems to be stable today. It is definitely a big profit!"

Endless disappointment appeared on the face of the woman next to him, shook her head and said, "The Great Fighting Soul Arena is getting less and less rigorous. Even this kind of kid can get on stage, and this battle should be at the Soul Sect level!"

The coffin bearer in the black robe stared at Xu Sheng with bright red eyes, and his voice was hoarse, "I am not interested in the little kid, and there is no sense of accomplishment in taking your life, hurry up and go."

Xu Sheng squinted his eyes, and then showed a harmless smile, "Coincidentally, I am not interested in you either. After all, I have never met such an opponent."

The person who carried the coffin was shocked, and a few fierce killing intent gradually mixed in his tone "Boy! You are looking for death! I wanted to let you go. Now, prepare me for death!!"

I wanted to let this kid die for the sake of being a child! It seems unnecessary!

He wants to use his own coffin to shroud this fellow who knows no height!!

Xu Sheng yawned, then lazily replied "If you can do it"

Jiale applauded, "It seems that both sides are full of fighting spirit, so please prepare for the battle and start in ten seconds..."






"One, start!"

The coffin lifter slammed his left leg and said coldly, "Huh, kid, I'll show you what strength is!"

He opened his hands, his hands directly slowly solidified a huge coffin, and then put the coffin in front of him.

Four brilliant spirit rings slowly emerged from his feet...

They are white, yellow, yellow, and purple... not even the standard spirit ring ratio!

When Jiale saw the white spirit ring, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, and then flashed by, pretending to be excited, "Our coffin lifter revealed his four spirit rings! It turned out to be a fortieth-level soul sect! It seems interesting!"

The first spirit ring is only ten years old, which is enough to prove that this person's talent is not strong, and even extremely poor...

It is estimated that the person under the gloomy black robe is already fifty or sixty years old...

However, even though the first spirit ring of the coffin bearer is a laughing point, the people in the audience still talk about it...

After all, a 40th-level soul is there, you want it, even if it has a ten-year spirit ring, it has killed someone of the same level...

And the other is a sucky kid, who won the game without even watching...

"Sure enough, although the first spirit ring of the coffin bearer is ten years old, it must not be underestimated."

"Yes, if he doesn't have a certain strength, how can he defeat or even kill the people who are also the 40th level soul sect with him!"

Xu Sheng saw the lonely ten-year spirit ring glowing with white light, holding a smile on his face, clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Wow, I didn't expect that there are people with the first spirit ring of ten years? You are indeed amazing."

Hearing the tone of Xu Sheng referring to Sang Shuhuai, the person carrying the coffin couldn't help becoming a little irritated. This ten-year spirit ring was the pain of his life, because his talent was indeed poor!

He resisted the urge to tear Xu Sheng, and said coldly, "Boy...you dare to humiliate me like this! Hurry up and reveal your spirit ring, I can't wait to tear you apart!"

"Want to see my spirit ring? Okay, please satisfy you!" Xu Sheng's mouth on the stage slightly cocked...

If you want to see your spirit ring this way, of course you have to satisfy him...

After all, it would be quite interesting to hit his weak mind a little by the way...

At the next moment, gently stretched out the palm of his hand, and the trembling and **** Jiuxin Xuetang bloomed in the palm of his hand...

The **** red glow has a large radiation range, and it has brought a cold and depressing atmosphere to the entire Great Fighting Arena...

The coffin carrier on the opposite side stared at Xu Sheng with disdain...

This kid is still so young, the soul power level is the greatest soul master, in any case it is impossible to be his own enemy!

But then, his face gradually solidified, his eyes gradually changed from disdain to deep fear...

He took a few steps back in fright, his face of fear was enough to show his emotions, what did he just see?

Ten thousand years spirit ring! ! !

That's right! It is the ten thousand years spirit ring!

This child under ten years old is not only a soul sect! And every spirit ring is a terrifying ten thousand year spirit ring! ! !

Four spirit rings floated under Xu Sheng's feet, and he asked with a smile, "How? Don't you want to see my spirit ring?"

Since he would use special eyewear to cover his face when participating in the fight, Xu Sheng did not worry about revealing himself!

The person who carried the coffin wanted to speak, but found that the words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't speak.

Instead, it was Jiale, as if he had been ignited, and shouted enthusiastically, "Audience friends! This child turned out to be a soul sect! Moreover, the ratio of soul rings has far exceeded the limit that a soul master can reach, four Wannian spirit ring!!"

A brawny man with a stubble face stood up fiercely from the seat, rubbed his eyes and stared at the four dark spirit rings at Xu Sheng's feet, and said in fear, "Just... are you kidding me? Four? ...The ten thousand years spirit ring..."

The man next to him kept repeating "How is this possible! Impossible!"

"Even Title Douluo can't achieve such a spirit ring matching, right? Only at level 40, there are already four ten thousand-year spirit rings, if he grows up in the future...

"It seems that the person who carried the coffin has planted this time, and this kind of opponent has crushed him to the point of being unable to resist in any way!"

In an instant, Xu Sheng became the focus of the entire Arena of Souls!