
I’m Really a Titled Douluo from the start

Xu Sheng woke up and found that he had traveled to the Douluo Continent! He wanted to spend his whole life in a dull life, but didn’t realize that something was wrong until Wu Hun awakened! First Wuhun: Nine Hearts and Blood! Mutated from the nine-hearted begonia, it uses blood as a sacrifice, and the soul moistens it, completely breaking the myth of the auxiliary system! Second Wuhun: Sword of Ice Rose! The attack power crushes the Clear Sky Hammer and becomes the most powerful weapon in the mainland! Under Su Yuntao’s shocked gaze, Xu Sheng looked helplessly at the nine scarlet soul rings on his body, “Well, I just want to live a lifeless life, but you see, these nine red circles on me look pretty ?” The cover art is not mine! The novel is taken from mtl!

shehroz_ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13

Xu Sheng nodded, and the three of them gradually started walking toward the depths from the outer entrance of the Star Dou Great Forest...

Along the way, Xu Sheng saw many weird soul beasts, such as mandala snakes clinging to thick branches, gray-black, two meters long, and a pair of dark purple eyes with dark vertical pupils. Staring, spitting out letters from time to time to declare sovereignty...

The mutant praying mantis that is hunting has evolved to the size of one meter, especially the sharp double-edged blade, which can easily cut a piece of rock...

At this moment, Xu Sheng is looking around for a soul beast that suits him, but these levels are too low for him...

Yueguan stopped suddenly, turned her head curiously to look at Xu Sheng, squinted her eyes and asked, "Boy, before this, can you tell me what direction your martial soul intends to develop?"

Hearing what Yueguan said, the ghosts on the side looked at Xu Sheng with a wait-and-see attitude. From his point of view, Xu Sheng's mutated spirit of Jiuxin Haitang should be even more terrifying than that!

However, it stands to reason that Jiuxin Begonia's simple recovery ability even surpasses the mainland's first auxiliary martial arts Qibao Liuli Pagoda, but this kid's martial arts spirit is extremely evil, and it might be better to develop toward the control system.

Xu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his mind and thought about it, "I haven't thought about it yet, but it should be developed towards the auxiliary department?"

He just awakened the spirit a few days ago, and indeed he has not thought about the development of the spirit, but Xu Sheng still thinks that the auxiliary department is more suitable for him, after all, he really just wants to be a humble salted fish. .

After Yueguan listened, he burst into laughter, yin and yang ridiculed, "Auxiliary system? Boy, are you sure you are not kidding? Your evil pure martial arts spirit is completely different from Jiuxin Haitang, don't put your teammates to death. !"

Xu Sheng also raised the corner of his mouth slightly, smiling and retorted, "Elder Chrysanthemum, your martial soul should be Chrysanthemum? Even such a weak and incomparable martial soul has offensive power. Why can't my martial soul be a support? Are you a soul master?"

Talking? How happy you are smiling now, how embarrassed you will be when you hunt me soul beasts!

Upon hearing this, Yueguan angrily cursed, "Fart, kid! You are ignorant! Lao Tzu's martial arts spirit is the strange velvet chrysanthemum, and it is also the top plant martial arts spirit!!"

His martial spirit is not an ordinary plant martial spirit, otherwise he wouldn't be able to successfully cultivate to the 95th level Title Douluo! !

Looking at the whole continent, there are not many, enough to prove the strength of his martial arts!

Guimei's expression flashed unpleasantly, she frowned and stopped in a cold voice, "You two shut up!"

The suffocated Yueguan gave Xu Sheng a fierce look, and then secretly sneered, "Damn boy, wait a minute to see the ten thousand year soul beast, and see if you call it!"

This kid is just a guy from a small place, maybe he hasn't even seen a soul beast, so he will let a soul beast scare him! Hey black...

Looking at the expression on Yueguan's face, Xu Sheng's heart suddenly chilled, "Look at this, you will have to do something after Yueguan?"


But suddenly, there was a violent humming sound around the whole area, and Yueguan, who was the first to sense among the three, suddenly opened his eyes, stepped forward and blocked them in front of them, and took a vigilant deep breath. Looking at the ghost, "Old ghost! Protect that kid! A big guy is coming!"

If nothing happened to him, this guy who was about to appear would have been cultivated for nearly 30,000 years! ! !

Seeing that Yueguan didn't seem to be joking, the ghost guarded Xu Sheng's surroundings carefully...but he spit out uncomfortably, "I see! If this guy dies, our life will be sad." Up!"

Xu Sheng looked at the front curiously, and whispered suspiciously, "The guy who can make the Chrysanthemum Pass and the ghosts be wary! It seems that this soul beast is unusual."

Sure enough, under the "buzzing" sound that resounded through the sky, a huge wasp suddenly emerged from the grass in front and swooped down at the three of them! This wasp is four or five meters in size! The tail is full of poisonous thorns!

Yueguan's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed, "It's a bloodthirsty wasp! Possessing poison! And the cultivation base is almost 30,000 years old! Boy, what kind of big guy have you hired!"

Behind Xu Sheng rolled his eyes, and secretly vomited, "How did I know? It's that your Title Douluo was so scared by a 30,000-year-old soul beast... Why does it feel a little unreliable?"

This chrysanthemum pass is so awkward, how reliable is the guy next to him?

The bloodthirsty wasp's combat effectiveness is actually not strong, but it has an extremely strong defense, especially his poisonous needles, which are the most headache! It also has a characteristic, once you smell the blood, you will never die! !

This is also a guy who is unwilling to provoke easily even if it is a Title Douluo!

If thousands of poisonous needles fly towards it as soon as it hits, it feels so wonderful...

Face this kind of guy. Yueguan had to go all out, and nine terrifying spirit rings emerged from under her feet, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and black!

In an instant, the terrifying aura of the ninety-fifth level Title Douluo surged out...

The bloodthirsty wasp flying in the air seemed to feel the horror of Yueguan, his body suddenly retracted a step, and the dense rows of small eyes on the dense teeth looked at Yueguan not swooping past...

Yueguan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, and turned his head to raise an eyebrow at Guimei and Xu Sheng and said, "Fortunately, this guy is afraid of my strong strength! I dare not..."

The ghost looked at the bloodthirsty wasp behind Yueguan and rushed when his back was facing, and said "careful!"

Yueguan turned and looked subconsciously, and saw a huge figure rushing towards him!

He swiftly jumped sideways, avoiding the impact of the bloodthirsty wasp dangerously and dangerously. Yueguan was suddenly ignited with a violent temper, and said angrily, "My grass! You dead thing! Today I won't kill you. !"

His dignified title Douluo almost fell into the hands of this sneaky grasshopper, absolutely unforgivable! !

Seeing such a ridiculous scene, Xu Sheng's eyelids jumped, and the corners of his mouth twitched close to the ghost, and asked in a low voice, "Elder Ghost, is it because of you that Elder Ju can survive so hard?"

The careless character of Chrysanthemum Pass was able to cultivate to the title Douluo without being tenderly killed. Isn't it strange?

He seriously suspected that it was because of the existence of ghosts, which made up for that guy's nerves!

The ghost who was asked by this soul choked all of a sudden, coughed, and said disapprovingly, "Nonsense! Otherwise, even though that guy is a Title Douluo, he has not died many times!"


An unusually large velvet chrysanthemum appeared in his hand, and he shouted, "The third spirit ability, breath barrier!"

The strange velvet chrysanthemum split into countless hard as steel petals covering the surrounding bloodthirsty bee, and then burst out a strong ripple, a pale white mask gradually covered it, and the huge pressure that followed Boom straight to the bloodthirsty wasp!

The scream of "Om" roared from its mouth, and the bloodthirsty wasp flying in the air seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, falling straight to the ground, smashing a large hollow pit!

Yueguan floated in the air, stepping on the chrysanthemum, looking at the bloodthirsty wasp lying in the big pit, my heart instantly felt refreshed!

Then a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes! Charged to the bloodthirsty wasp!

"Get ready to die!!"