
I’m not leaving yet

After getting kicked out of his old school he moves to New York and finds something.. or someone.

Arrianna_0632 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


dad do I have to go?" London said as he stares down at his hands " why yes of course you do,you know New York has the cheapest colleges" Londons father Luke said whilst driving " I just don't understand why I couldn't go to college in California." London had said while balling his hands in fists " you know why after that incident there's no way you could go back to a single school there, now just relax will be there soon." Luke said.

[london had put his headphones in and fell asleep to the swift music]

"London wake up!" Luke yelled

"Æ!" London yelped "what!"

"We're here you have to wake up." Luke spoke

"Oh I hadn't realized 2 hours had gone by so quick" London said still half asleep

"Well cmon grab your bags" Luke says as he opens the trunk

[London grabs his bags while Luke grabs the boxes and they begin walking up to a small apartment]

They walk up to the door and London unlocks it, they look at the door sheet to see what door he'll be living in

"5b just great" London muttered "at least you'll be getting exercise" Luke spoke with a slight smirk on his face

[they finally make it to the fifth floor after a lot of panting and complaining]

London dropped his bags and grabs a small dainty key out of his pocket. Slowly unlocking the door he walked in and took a look at the small 1 bedroom apartment. Cozy and small just for him, he grabs his bags and his dad sits on the couch already exhausted from carrying the boxes up 5 flights of stairs. "Need help unpacking?" Luke asked "no thanks i like doing things like this solo" London responded "alright then I'll give you a call when I make it back to cali alright" Luke says getting up off the couch and walking to the exit

"alright dad" " safe travels" London says opening the door for Luke "see you soon kiddo" Luke says while leaving.

London closed the door and sits in the same place Luke was sitting in, his leg resting on top of another hands folded thinking. How can he do all this unpacking himself confused on why he said he could do it all by himself knowing he's to lazy for that. He opens his suitcase and grabs a firmly packed pajama set along with his essentials. He takes a shower then gets dressed then he skips through the living room full of boxes and bags and goes to the room where he places his phone on the charger and watches Netflix until he falls asleep.