
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · Action
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16 Chs

Months Go By and Kanto

[A/N: {Telepathy} ]

After placing the letters and news papers in my spatial bag. I go over to the discarded Pokeball with the note on it.


Hello dear trainer or noble.

This Pokemon is a special one that has been birthed in The Sanctuary. Please take good care of it and have a Pokemon on stand by, Deino's are blind in their first evolution and can't see. They will initially try to attack everything that moves and are hard to handle.

So you'll need to discipline it using another Pokemon, but this should be fine as it's still a new born.

Thanks again, please take care of it.


Reading the last part of the note I get a ecstatic feeling reading the words "Deino" on the note. I mean its final evolution is a strong ass Pokemon.

"I should be fine even without a Pokemon." I murmur grabbing some Pokemon food. Making my way to the back of the dojo, in an open space, I sectioned myself off so the Deino wouldn't be able to leave.

But I could if he was stronger.

Grabbing the Pokemon I send Deino out.



The Deino looking confused, started to curiously sniff around before sniffing some food in my direction.

Looking at the Deino, there really seemed to be something special about it…

"Is it fucking green?" I shout surprised. Taking a second look at the thing I get a giddy feeling.

It's a shiny and I couldn't be happier.

"Deino!" The little guy shouts as it heads towards me in a hurry. Dodging the little guy, he seemed to get annoyed and channeled dark energy to his teeth.

"Is that [Bite]?" I say to no one particular.

I should probably reprimand him by roughening him up a bit no?

Would it be considered Pokemon abuse? Well who cares about that. It's not like with my background I could be arrested as a future gym leader and noble.

'I'm sorry little man, this hurts for me more than you.' I lie to myself in a heart beat. Doing a side step to dodge the incoming [Bite], I grab him by the head and throw him to the ground.

'Does that count as a [Smack Down]?'


Deino with shaking legs tries to muster another attack. Seeing that it's about to use some ranged attack. I just silently walk to the side as he used [Dragon Breath].

Seeing the clearly exhausted Deino, I walk up to the guy and give him some pats.


"Haha!" I laugh seeing the irate Pokémon's state. Taking the Pokemon food from before, I hold it up to his mouth.

Deino smelling the food regain some of its energy and tries to bite with force. Already expecting this, I pull my hand away.

"You need to eat slowly, and not bite like a maniac." I say hopelessly as it couldn't understand me.

This will take a while…

After I successfully fed Deino without losing a whole hand, I returned it to its Pokeball in stasis mode and went back to my room.

'I should check mothers letter.' I think to myself.


Jumping on my bed where the letter was, I take a peek on it. It seemed to be quite chunky, maybe mother more than one letter.

Seemed to be a bundle of notes to be honest.

<~|}Water Type Training Guide (By Adam Williams to Misty Williams){|~>

"Oh that poor child haha." I laugh in joy seeing the title of the paper.


"Magikarp come over here!"

*Splash* *Splash*

Hearing my voice, the Magikarp could be seen heading over with excited movement. Waiting for the guy to get close, I bring out a brush and start to clean and scratch him.

Remembering the tips of how to raise a Magikarp to Gyarados, I giddily rub Magikarp on his new tough scales.

"Your gonna become a gym challengers nightmare!" I say in joy seeing Magikarp just relax at the massage.

The main three things to train a Magikarp are actually quite simple.

First is to interact and regularly feed the Pokemon yourself with the custom made Pokeblock recipe for the Magikarp line. I've been doing this for a month now and he's been progressing well as he's close to evolving.

The second tip is to brush the guy not only to bond with Magikarp but help it recognise you when it evolves to a Gyarados. Because of a Magikarp's intelligence, it's hard for them to actually interact or remember their trainers.

So this will keep me safe when Gyarados as in Adam's notes, a Gyarados "rampages" because on evolution. Their whole body is in constant pain from the huge metamorphosis.

The third thing I needed to do was to have Magikarp use [Tackle] on multiple different surfaces. This toughen ups his scales and could potentially increase his talent.

I didn't know you could increase talent like this but it apparently was a family secret. I'm almost sure you can increase talent of other Pokemon with different methods but it's probably a family secret like this one.

After hours and hours of Magikarp using [Tackle] on boulders. He was able to toughened up dark red scales on its body.

"Magi magikarp!"

"You like this brush no?" I question, happily brushing Magikarp's scales. This went on for a few more minutes until I had to leave the pond.

"James let's watch all the evolutions already!" I hear Leon shout while pouting. Seeing the battle crazed idiot, I head over and made our way to his room.

Entering the room, it had two chairs with a table holding a computer.

"Have you already downloaded it?" I questioned taking a seat. Leon nodding in excitement, plays the video as we just stayed silent.


"Leon is this thing on?"

"Yeah it is, go on and use it." Leon insists, pushing me forward. Seeing myself taking the Firestone, I hold it up to Growlie to which he happily tugs on it.

A huge bright glow starts to engulf Growlie as its body structure could physically be changing. This lasted a few more seconds as the bright glow dimmed down.

"Arcanine!" The legendary Pokemon roars out feeling its new strength.


"That's so cool, you can see Arcanine's metamorphosis " Leon says ecstatic with stars in his eyes. Grinning from ear to ear, I play the next clip.

The next few videos showed my Pokemon evolving with the next few clips being Leon's ones.

Four of my Pokemon ended up evolving these few months with this including Metagross, Starmie, Arcanine and Wartortle.

While for Leon his Haxoruous, Seismitoad and Rhyperior are welcomed additions to his main team. From what I've seen, they are now complete monsters with Leon always training in the wild.

Leon often battles me which helped Metagross and Arcanine become my strongest duo. But his main way to train was to challenge elite four level wild Pokemon in the wild.

This included a recent group Bisharps which got completely destroyed by Rhyperior with [Stone Edge].

"It seems like the new Pokeblocks you made for your water types increased the their size. They are way above the average size of their race." Leon comments seeing the size of Wartortle on the video tape.

"Yeah I was able to get two Pokeblock recipes from becoming the future Water Gym Leader." I say offhandedly. Leon already knew that I owned the Cerulean Gym as I've told him before. There isn't any reason to hide it from him anyways.

'One Pokeblock recipe was for water types and one generally any Pokemon.' I think to myself remembering that I already made enough to last me a year.

I'd be too lazy to make them when I need it, so why not just make soo much that it would take a while till you ran out.

Genius right?

It only works if you're rich.

"Hey Leon, I know you're a battle freak and want to see strong Pokemon. So I bough tickets to the World Coronation Series finals, wanna join?" I ask with a sly grin. The one way to torture a battle maniac is to make one watch a battle without being able to join in.

Leon not seeing the problem with this just agrees with a aloof nod.

"Don't we need to tell sensei about this?" Leon says with a worried look. Glancing at Leon in disbelief I just hammer it down.

"You battle groups of fully evolved Pokemon who could eliminate whole towns for training. Dont give me this bull." I respond immediately.

Leon realising how Mustard technically isn't our guardian, just scratches his back and grins. We had a week to leave and head over to Unova to where the tournament was located this World Coronation.

"I'll go get some of my Pokemon."

Saying this I left Leon to do his own thing to retreive my Pokemon.

"I can finally battle some trainers." I murmur with a determined look. The main reason I'm going to Unova is to visit Kanto first and claim my Gym Leader position.

The minimum age for a gym leader is seven as hand me down Pokemon for gym leaders are quite common.

This in turn will allow me to legally become a trainer at the age of eight and can challenge trainers.

Making my way to the inside of the dojo, I spot Riolu, Kubfu and Wartortle just playing with each other.


"Kub kub~"


Kubfu seemed to be teasing Riolu while chowing down on some Pokemon food.

'Riolu probably got his food stolen.' I mused.

Walking up to the three I get their attention and explain what's happening briefly.

"We're gonna be heading out for a couple weeks. There's a good chance we battle a few trainers so be ready."

Saying this I take two Pokeballs and return my two Pokemon into them and make my way out. The next place was the outer area of the dojo which had Metagross and Arcanine.

{Sir, are we going out?}

A voice in my head asks. Recognising that it's Metagross, I reply in my head.

{Yeah, call over Arcanine}

Soon after these words. Two Pokemon could be seen heading towards my way. A titanium robot and a huge fire dog arrived next to me.

Taking two more Pokeballs, I return the two as I made my way outside.

My current team looked was Arcanine, Metagross, Wartortle, Riolu, Chansey and Deino.

Deino interestingly enough was a gold talent. But because of the difficulty of disciplining a dragon and dark type, I had to put the man in stasis till now.

I'll deal with him some time else.

While I'm going to be out and battling. My water Pokemon not including Wartortle were all doing weight training besides Magikarp and Mareanie.

Mareanie was focusing on her water and poison attacks.

"Alright let's go."


"Woah, the views great!" Leon shouts.

"Yeah it isn't half bad." I comment looking at the scenery. We were currently on a ferry and on the way to the Kanto region.

"Let's have a battle while we're here James." Leon comments seeing the battlefield in the middle of the deck. Getting a wide grin, I accept the challenge and walk towards the opposite end of the battlefield.

"Look they're gonna battle!"

"Aren't they a bit young to be trainers?"

"I wonder what Pokemon they got."

A small crowd gathered as Leon and I started to prepare for our little spar/battle. We ended up agreeing on a small one on one which would probably not hurt any bystanders.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Leon says in joy throwing out his Pokeball. Doing the same our two Pokemon manifested on the stage.

