
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · Action
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16 Chs

Growlie’s First Battle

{2880 word count, might be the most a chapter will have}

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"It's finally time Growlie." I tell the overexcited puppy as I cuddle him. Growlie not knowing what he's getting just enjoys the hugs and licks my face. "Tell Hopkins bring over the TMs."

One of my maids left the room and went to inform Hopkins about my request. It only took a few minutes before I heard the doors open.


"I've brought all the TMs young James." Hopkins comments as he brings over a huge bag. Thanking Hopkins, I take the bag and hold it side ways to slowly knock over all the TM boxes to the floor.

"Thank god they're labeled."

I'm honestly not sure what I would of done without the labels. I mean they didn't have them in the games, even in the store it wasn't labeled.

I was now back at the Kanto region as the little trip to Sinnoh lasted only a few more days till we had to return. The Riolu egg still hasn't hatched as expected. Though the Riolu wasn't born till a decade later, it was stated the egg wasn't put in an incubater for the reason that it "Wasn't the right time".

Like really mate?

That's the best they could come up with to delay the hatching of a complete beast. I mean that Riolu could use [Aura Sphere] without needing to become a Lucario.

So the Riolu egg was kept in a room for a decade and a half for literally no reason other than bullshit.

"Lithe!" Growlie barks out feeling a little hyper because of the weird energy from the TM's. Seeing his enthusiasm I take all the TMs that was meant for him with an extra one for Beldum as he cant learn many TM moves with his current form.

"[Outrage], [Psychic Fangs], [Thunder Fang], [Protect], [Swift], [Facade], [Flame Charge], [Flare Blitz] and an extra [Protect] for Beldum."

While saying their TM name, I would grab that specific box with the label and separate them from the pile.

"Okay I think I know how to do this." I tell Growlie as I move him to my front. Taking the first TM disk [Swift] out of its box, I hold it up and signal for Growlie to touch it.

"Grawr?" With a confused expression, Growlie walked over to the disk and tapped it with his paw. As soon as he made contact, a dim light appears as the TM seemingly fuses into Growlie's paw.

"Bill's coming over today so I'll ask him if using all the TMs at the same time is fine."

With this I headed over to my private gym to where there was a newly installed battlefield with the [Protect] disk still in my hands. Not only was this place the perfect size for small Pokemon like Growlithe and Beldum and in the future Metang. The battle field when damaged can repair itself which costed quite the pretty penny.

It's the same technology you could see in Pokemon Origins in the elite four rooms. Of course this technology is also used for gyms and public battling field all the same but the repair function takes a while before it kicks in.

Taking out Beldum's Premier ball, I send him out.

"Bel!" Beldum hums out. Bringing the disk up to him, I give a short explanation of what we're gonna do.

To not cause any jealousy or distrust, I also told him that he couldn't learn many TM's as a Beldum. But when he evolved he could learn over six new moves to removed his current doubts.

Beldum hearing this just nods and touches the [Protect] disk and absorbs all the information. With this both my Pokemon have learned their first ever TM moves.

"Growlie will be testing out a new move. I want you to use [Protect] and when you can't anymore use [Tackle] to minimise the hits" I inform the shiny iron ball as he just nods at me. Beldum moving over to the opposite side of the battlefield, prepares himself for the coming onslaught of moves.

"Growlie use [Swift] on Beldum." I call out.

"Lithe!" Growlie now on the offensive uses [Swift] and produces two bright yellow stars the size of his paws. These stars automatically locked on the Beldum as they curved towards it.

Beldum seeing the incoming projectiles, uses [Protect] creating a blue barrier around itself. This barrier gets hit by the two stars creating some small smoke clouds.

"Woah!" I shout seeing the power. Growlie might only be able to create two stars, but they still pack a punch when hitting the right part. The strength of [Swift] is the amount of stars you can create to overwhelm the opponent though.

"Growlie you should be able to nail down and master [Swift] in around a weeks time."

While encouraging Growlie to work harder, the smoke clouds dissipated with Beldum finally showing.

"And as expected Beldum wasn't damaged at all." I say praising Beldum. Beldum lighting up at my words starts to prepare himself for another attack. "Can you use protect again?"

I still didn't know the cool downs and limits of the move so I had to experiment a little here. I didn't have a trainer in my family with most of the workers here not knowing what a type advantage is.

We ended up doing this training for over three hours with me taking notes on a different note pad on Beldum and Growlie's progress. They each have their strength and weaknesses but it shouldn't be too hard to help them grow.

(]}~~<Beldum Notes>~~{[)

•Level: 17 (Not updated)

•Can use [Protect] every 30 seconds and there's a chance of failure if used back to back. But when used after an attacking move (could be a supporting move) it will reset


There wasn't much to write about Beldum but this would change when he evolved obviously. The interesting thing is that [Protect] could be spammed in a battle and isn't illegal.

When watching higher level battles I thought it might of been banned or something but no it's just neglected. Knowing how useful this move is I'll make all my Pokemon learn and master this move.

(]}~~<Growlithe Notes>~~{[)

•Level 11 (Not updated)

•Can create up to 10 stars when using [Swift]

•Takes around 4-6 seconds to recover after using a move

•[Ember] is still not mastered but has close to perfect aim with Growlie's movement prediction. This move should improve if I give Growlie a fire type TM to improve his fire potency

•[Bite] is not trained but doesn't need to be for now as Growlie's physical stat is monstrous from what I know

•[Flame Wheel] is not trained but will improve when Growlie is given fire type TM


Growlie has been improving slowly and steady which isn't a bad thing. While I was finishing up my notes I heard a voice from behind.

"Hey James, it's been a few weeks." A familiar voice calls out. Looking behind, I spot the same boy I met at Siplh Co with his father.


"It's been a while Bill, how you doing?" I ask him.

"I've been doing good but have you heard?" My ears perking up at his words, I give him a curious look. "Dude, Adam Williams died. The strongest trainer in the world dead!"

"Woah really!" I reply surprised. I already knew he was gonna go missing at some point but it really made me curious on how it happened. "How did it happen?"

"Apparently he's been dead for a few months now. The information was kept the hidden with only his dead body being found in some distant land located in a desert. They weren't able to retrieve any of his Pokemon besides a Gyarados he left at the gym." He informed. Nodding at his words I pull him over to where my Pokemon were currently training.

"My Pokemon Growlithe and Beldum are training their new TM moves."

"That's cool did you give all the TMs you had all at once already?" Bill asked with a worried look. Shaking my head, Bill sighs in relief at my confirmation. "If you give a Pokemon a TM its best to do it one by one and a week in between each TM. This is so you can maximise the growth of a Pokemon as if you do it all at once you could instead harm them."

Hearing him say this with a smug grin, I write down his words on my notes for future reference. Writing important information will be a common thing here.

"So that's how it works. Does it increase a Pokemons level as well?" I question.

"Yeah it usually is a 1-3 level increase in between the time span of a week. If it doesn't increase then that means your Pokemon is able to handle the move without a stronger body."

Writing down some more notes I quickly thank Bill for the information. Bill ended up watching the training session and praised my Beldums looks.

"Dude how the hell did you get Beldum! I wish I had a Pokemon, I'm not exactly trainer material but I'll train my partner to be extremely strong." He says while nodding at his words.

"Just ask for a Pokemon, isnt your father well connected? I wouldn't doubt that he could purchase a platinum or even a diamond talent Pokemon."

Bill hearing this just laughs at my confused face. Still not understanding what's so funny, Bill soon regains himself with a sorry look on his face.

"I'm sorry, it's just that it the answer was so expected that I didn't think you'd ask it." He quickly apologised. "I've already asked for a Pokemon but father said I should earn it."

"That makes sense but it will take you a few years before you could actually get your own team member. Want I'll help you catch one right now." I offer as I had nothing to do anyways. Bill hearing this gets stars in his eyes and nods. "It's the most I can do since the information you got me saved me from wasting Growlie's abilities."

Bill walking over to my bag on the couch, takes five Pokeballs and heads over to my side. We exited the training room after I returned Beldum to his Pokeball and had Growlie walking with us.

"I'll warn you that I haven't really had a Pokemon battle yet, so don't expect much." I tell Bill.

"It's fine, I honestly want to watch your wild battle. It will be so exciting." Bill responds with enthusiasm. Chuckling at his energy I notify my third butler Sebastion who is the Pokemon battler of the family to come with us.

"Hello young masters, I'm going to be your body guard for this little adventure." Sebastian says in a monotone voice. With this I was able to heal up Growlie and Beldum with some potions before we headed out to the wild forests next to the mansion.

Surprisingly the Morgan estate is quite a fair distance away from the main towns and cities, but not too far off to the point where strong Pokemon lived. So the forests near it have very weak and lively Pokemon roaming around.

"We are going to call this Bill and James' adventures." Bill says in delight as he exaggerates his hand movements. Playing a long, I copy his movements while Growlie tries to chew Bill's pants.

"Leave me alone damnit!"

Watching Bill getting chased by Growlie, I laugh at his predicament as the four of us made it to an open field.

"This place is beautiful." I comment completely entranced by the sight of nature. Bill stopping in his tracks, tries to take a look but gets jumped by Growlie.

This ends up making him fall on his face. Bill with a tired expression, look up from the ground and spots a Pokemon.

The grass plains had lively green grass with multiple single trees out in the open. There were also many Pokemon groups roaming around which they mostly stayed together

"Dude there's a Rhyhorn over here."

Hearing Bill's ecstatic words, I look away from the Bellsprouts and Nidoran groups I spotted a little far back.

"Okay Growlie come over here, this will be our first battle." Growlie hearing my words, sprints off to my side as we made our way to the male Rhyhorn.

"We might be biting off a little more than we can chew, but let's start this with a [Swift] on the Rhyhorn anyways!" I command. The still clueless Rhyhorn didn't move at all not noticing Growlie approaching.


Growlie forming ten stars from [Swift], locks them on to Rhyhorn which directly hits the Pokemon right after.

"Rhy rhy!" The Rhyhorn growls in pain as it got an irritated look. Seeing that Growlie has recovered, I set another attack up.

"Growlie one more [Swift] and make sure to run to a tree for cover."

Growlie hearing this nods and makes another ten stars which heads towards Rhyhorn. While this was happening the annoyed spikes Pokemon had a glow on its horn and charged towards Growlithe.

Rhyhorn tanked the damage like it was nothing and kept on charging.

'Damn that's [Horn Attack].'

"Growlithe use the tree as cover and then use [Bite]." I shout. Growlie hearing this, take cover behind a tree and channels dark energy to its teeth.

"Rhy!" Rhyhorn shouts as it rams "into" Growlie but actually instead hits a tree. Rhyhorn hitting the tree gets stunned from the impact with its horn semi-stuck in the wood.

Growlie taking advantage of this, runs up and attacks.

"Lithe!" Growlie barks as he bites Rhyhorn doing a direct hit. The Pokemon wincing in pain, quickly recovers and stomps the ground.

With Growlie still in the vicinity of the now identifiable [Bulldoze]. He gets sent upwards with a few noticeable scratches on his body.

"Graw!" Growlie barks in pain.

"Growlie use [Swift] on Rhyhorn eyes!"

But with Growlie still mid air, it isn't able to attack and shortly lands on the ground in pain.

'Shit what am I meant to do.' I think to myself as Rhyhorn gets its horn free from the trees trunk.

Panicking a little I don't realise that Rhyhorn is already on the move.

"Oi James, Rhyhorn is about to attack Growlie!" Bill shouts snapping me out of my thinking. My heart started to race at the pressure of this battle.

It was just a wild battle but it made my blood pump so much.

"Use [Swift] on the floor in front!"

Growlie hearing this makes seven stars and sent them to the grassy terrain causing a decent slump to appear.

Rhyhorn who was using [Horn Attack] again, ran right into the slope and slipped causing it to fall.

"Now use [Swift] on its eyes!" I call out using my thinking from before. Without missing a beat, Growlie took four seconds to recover before sending out over 15 stars towards Rhyhorn's face.

'So this is why Pokemon battling improves a Pokemon so much.' I think in wonder to what I'm witnessing.

Growlie is making visible progress to the naked eye. The pressure, the attacks, the potential threat of getting Growlie dying stimulates fast growth and improvements.

I wont suddenly become reckless but I see the appeal in this lifestyle at least.

It may not be the prettiest moment of my life but it's the day I found out the real excitement of Pokemon battling.

It's exhilarating.

"Rhyhorn!" The mad Pokemon shouts in anger as its face is bombarded with stars.

'There's only one move Rhyhorn could potentially use here.'

Thinking this, I immediately spring to action.

"Growlie get out of there and run behind a tree!"

After Growlie made his way out of the way, as expected Rhyhorn used [Bulldoze] again making itself exhausted.

"Now use [Swift] then go in for a [Bite]!"

Growlie proceeds to improve on his record and makes so many stars that I couldn't count them.

With the [Swift] impacting Rhyhorn again. It made the spikes Pokemon stumble in pain as Growlie went in for one last attack.

"Finish it off!" I scream. Growlie starting to close in, doesn't let Rhyhorn recover and uses [Bite] which ends up flipping it over with swirls in its eyes.

"Holy shit you really did it!" Billy shouts with me following suit right after. But realising that the reason we were here was to catch him a Pokemon, I snap myself out of it.

"Throw the Pokeball you idiot!"

Bill hearing this proceeds to walk up to the Rhyhorn and catches it in one of the Pokeballs I gave him.

"Good riddance, your a real life saver Growlie." I softly mutter. Carefully grabbing the pup, I started to pamper him with attention.

Growlie now extremely tired from its first battle, affectionately licks my hands while growling softly.

"I'm sorry boy, I shouldn't have been so hot blooded and challenged a Pokemon your weak to." I apologise. Growlithe's seemingly accepting my apology licks my face before going to sleeep in my arms.

'Well this will be a memorable moment.' I chuckle to myself as we headed back to the mansion.