

Traveling through the world of One Piece, I discovered that I turned out to be a person with the ability of magnetic fruit. Hey, isn’t this Eustass Kid ability? Is it because I am dead? What magnetic fruit’s ability can only control metal and form a robotic arm to fight? Have you misunderstood something in your understanding of magnetism? Primary version: Iron Sand Sword, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Electromagnetic Force, Electromagnetic Giant, Upgraded version: Gravity, Vientiane Sky Attract, Earth Burst Sky Star, Repulsion, Shinra Tensei, Million Repulsion Fist. Awakening version: control the planet’s magnetic field Akainu: Bastard, this guy’s electromagnetic cannon is shooting wanton again Sengoku: Destroyed the navy headquarters in one blow, Shenra Tianzheng was a terrifying move. The Five Old Stars: The Warring States period, Mariejois is being destroyed, and the starburst of Yuri Gadiere has sucked the entire Mariejois into the sky…

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 10, West Blue’s No. 1 Pirate Hunter is too weak. Would you like to go to New World to take a look?

Don't look at Daz's young age now.

But the strength and speed are very good.

It can be seen that he was trained since he was a child, and rushed to Yuri's face extremely fast, and his hands with blades pushed against Yuri and hit Yuri's body.

Daz's attack really hit Yuri's body,

But Daz, who hit Yuri, showed a shocked look instead.

"Not cut?"

It turned out that when Daz attacked, Yuri's trench coat moved automatically to protect Yuri's body.

Daz's blade hit Yuri's iron sand suit, and the attack was blocked by the iron sand suit.

The iron sand on this iron sand suit vibrates at high speed, not only has a strong attack power, but also has an extremely strong defense power.

Not to mention that Daz is young now, and his strength is not as strong as that of his later generations. Even the later Dazs don't even want to cut off Yuri's iron sand defense.

All the attacks were blocked by layers of fine and vibrating iron sand.

It was a normal thing for Yuri, but Daz was shocked.

Daz is a fruit-cutting person who can turn any part of his body into sharp blades. These blades have unparalleled cutting power.

In terms of sharpness, some famous knives are often incomparable.

In his cognition, no one can stop his own cutting.

But now the sharp blades on my hands can't cut this black coat anyway.

On the contrary, the vibrating iron sand on the black coat cut him like a chainsaw in pain.

When Daz was shocked, a rain of sand burst out of the iron sand coat, which surprised Daz.

Both hands and arms turned into blades to resist these sand rains, but they kept backing away from the powerful force of these sand rains.

His Devil Fruit ability also gave him a strong defense force, and ordinary sand rain attacks would not be able to seriously injure him.

Finally, when Sha Shiyu stopped, Daz also stabilized his figure and prepared to continue attacking Yuri, one of the sleeves on Yuri's iron gauze trench coat was automatically lifted, and the next moment it stretched out and hit it hard. Hit Daz's body.

The power of this blow was a bit heavy, and the hit Daz flew backwards more than ten meters, and then stopped, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Even so, Daz still did not let Daz give up,

But when he stabilized his figure and prepared to continue to kill Yuri, he saw Yuri stretch out a hand with a coin still on his thumb and index finger.


Although I was a little confused about what Yuri would dare to take out a coin at this time, but no matter what, Daz tried hard to kill Yuri again at the fastest speed.

At this moment, an orange-red light shot from Yuri's hands, and Daz couldn't even react before he saw the orange-red light shot through his ears.

"Boom." Daz looked back in shock and saw that a huge house was shot through by the orange light, and the house collapsed.

Daz showed a look of astonishment.

This time Daz completely lost the confidence to defeat Yuri.

"Is this a super-electromagnetic gun? Is this the strength of one hundred million Shanghai thief? There is no ability to resist at all." Daz said incredulously.

"Your name is Daz Bowness? You are very good. If the journey stops here, it would be a pity. How about coming to my pirate group, West Blue's first pirate hunter or something is too weak, Do you want to take a look at New World?" Yuri walked over slowly and said.

"New World?" Daz asked suspiciously.

"The second half of the Great Navigation Road is also called New World. People there call the first half of the Great Navigation Road, and the four seas are paradise."

Hearing Yuri's words, Daz's eyes narrowed.

"Paradise? It really doesn't make sense to be the number one in the paradise, then Captain, please take care of it in the future." Daz said after a while.

Daz wanted to be the strongest in West Blue, the number one pirate hunter,

But when he heard that West Blue was not a paradise enough for the population of New World, Daz immediately felt that he had no interest.

It even feels that the previous dream is very ridiculous.

And Yuri's strength has also been seen, follow him not to insult himself.

"Captain, isn't our pirate group only the three of us?"

When Daz and Yuri returned to the boat, they saw a small boat that could be overturned by a storm and Robin. Daz couldn't help wondering if joining the pirate group was the right choice.

"Hehe, do you think ordinary rotten fish and shrimp are eligible to join our Gabriel Pirates?" Yuri Tsundere said.

"…" Robin.

"Indeed, recruiting a group of rotten fish and shrimp is better than none."

Robin's eyes flickered and he believed it.

"But I already have a goal in terms of strength."

"Target?" Even Robin was surprised.

During this time they have been avoiding capture by this Marine. When did Yuri have a target?

"Why look so surprised? I don't want to be driven by Marine all the time. The bastard Akainu is like a mad dog. If it weren't for his ability to deal with Logia Devil Fruit, I would have done it with him. It's up."

"I need time to cultivate the power to deal with Logia Devil Fruit, but now that I am running around everywhere, there is no way to practice, and if we want to avoid the spies of Marine and World government, we need some power."

"The power to deal with Logia Devil Fruit? I remember you said that it is something called Armament Haki. Can this kind of thing be cultivated in a short time?" Robin asked.

Robin heard from Yuri that if you want to deal with the elementalization of Logia Demon fruit power, you need to control Haki.

But thinking about it, you know that this thing can't be controlled casually.

If she could control it so easily, she wouldn't have never heard of it.

"Armament Haki?" Daz had heard this for the first time.

"Armament Haki is a kind of Haki, which belongs to the potential power of the body. After training to a certain extent, it is guided and finally bears fruit. A special power of awakening, he can protect the body like an invisible armor. The body has a strong flying defense. As the defense is improved, the attack power is also increased. It is like a piece of tofu and a piece of iron. The power of the same size is completely different. Of course, Armament Haki has a strong defense and increased attack power. , It can also grasp the Logia Devil Fruit's body and its ability to resist Devil Fruit. Recently, I have sensed its existence, and now I am trying to guide it out and control him through training." Yuri said.

In fact, when his Observation Haki awakened, he could clearly perceive the potential power in his body.

It just has been unable to guide it out.

"There is still such power in the world." Daz said in surprise.

"This is the most basic ability of New World powerhouses. Without controlling Armament Haki, there is no way to gain a foothold in New World. If you want New World to stand out, you need to be able to split Armament Haki's defenses. Otherwise, your cutting fruit is New World is worthless." Yuri said.

"Cut Armament Haki's defense? I will definitely do it." Daz said thoughtfully, and then a steadfast expression flashed in his eyes.

[I saw someone said that there was a little water, and many fights were taken in one stroke. This is not called water. If you want water, I can write tens of thousands of words in a fight, but I will develop new abilities in the future and maybe I will write more detailed battles. ]

[Regarding the issue of gravitational repulsion, everyone can understand that everything has a magnetic field, so it's not surprising that the protagonist can control gravitation and repulsion, not to mention that Devil Fruit is nothing impossible, and after all, novels are imaginary things. Don't be so scientific. It's too restrictive, I don't like this…]*