

Yorichi Nagano started as a civilian in Naruto. He had no talent, no bloodline limit. He thought he could only be a passerby his whole life. However, cheats may be late, but they will definitely not be absent. The god-level selection system, which is three days late, comes with an infinite chakra buff. The system granted infinite chakra, doubles the happiness, and gives you a new experience (This a Chinese MTL novel, I will be only cleaning the courting death parts and making this understandable)

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35 Chs

Wood Clone Jutsu

The basic Wood Style ninjutsu were promoted to the intermediate level, but Yorichi didn't get what he wanted.

"There are still three or four hours before dark and with the advanced Body Flicker Technique, I should be able to reach Konoha in ten minutes."

Yorichi clenched his fists hard

"I don't believe my luck is bad enough to not obtain wooden clone jutsu till today's end."

He continued to pour out wood style Chakra in the vegetation around him

Small plants sprouted out of the corners of the river.

The voice of the system kept ringing in Yorichi's mind.

[Wood Style proficiency plus one]

[Wood Style proficiency plus one]

With Wood Style Chakra's non-stop pouring, Yorichi basically hears the sound of proficiency plus one every second.

[Wood Style (3% in the first stage of ability inheritance): Tree-bound Eternal Burial Intermediate (100/1600); Wood Wall Intermediate (0/2000); Silent kill-Binding Technique Intermediate (100/1600); Great Forest Technique Primary (100/1000); Elementary Tree Boundary Wall (0/1200); Thorns Killing Technique Elementary (100/1000)]

Every time Yorichi used his Wood Chakra, he gained a proficiency of one

Even if the three basic Wood Style ninjutsu reached intermediate level, their proficiency can still be increased by controlling Wood Style Chakra.

Yorichi still has three to four hours. It is not a problem for Wood Style Ninjutsu to reach advanced level or maybe perfect level.

Wooden clone jutsu shouldn't be considered a very advanced ninjutsu in wood element

He began to seriously invest in his proficiency.


Kakashi hurried back to Konoha from the Valley of End.

"I have to go to the Third Hokage's office first."

The Third Hokage looked at Kakashi anxiously, "What's wrong?"

Although a little worried, the Third Hokage kept his calm.

Kakashi calmed down his complicated mood.

"Hokage-Sama, that kid….."

"Nagano Yorichi left Konoha to practice at the Valley of End."

Hearing this, the Third Hokage nodded, "It is indeed secret training, but why did you rush back here?"

"Hokage-Sama, that kid has an amazing talent."

Looking at Kakashi's serious look, the Third Hokage smiled and said "What level of talent does this kid have to make even you surprised?"

Kakashi was only five years old when he graduated from academy and became a chunin at six.

With a Sharingan in his left eye given by his friend Obito, he became the 'copy ninja Hatake Kakashi', a well-known ninja in the world.

The Third Hokage didn't think that a civilian kid would ever surprise Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded affirmatively, "Yes, Hokage-Sama, that kid is really amazing."

"Oh?" The Third Hokage looked at Kakashi seriously.

Kakashi continued, "That kid not only possesses three Chakra affinities, he is also very skilled in Water Style ninjutsu, he may be better than Jonin who specialize in Water release."

"And.." Kakashi gave a pause in between "The reason why this kid doesn't practice in the village and went to a place like the Valley of End was because his ninjutsu was too strong."

"Too strong?"

"The power of that ninjutsu is S-Rank."

"What? S-rank? At that age?" The Third Hokage stood up.

A Genin who has just graduated from academy can cast S-Rank ninjutsu?

"Hokage-Sama, that child Nagano Yorichi, his Chakra Reserves are amazing."

"And the S-Rank ninjutsu he used, Water Style : Hard Vortex Water Blade, I have never heard of that jutsu."

Third Hokage's brow twitched, "Water Style : Hard Vortex Water Blade? What kind of ninjutsu is that?"

Kakashi was stunned. "You haven't heard of that jutsu, Hokage-Sama?"

The Third Hokage shook his head.

Kakashi concluded that the ninjutsu is definitely Yorichi himself.

Third Hokage is known as the 'Professor', he knows all the jutsu in the world, if he hasn't heard of it, then it is self-created jutsu.

"No way! That kid really created an S-Rank ninjutsu?"

Kakashi murmured, even if his suspicion was confirmed by Third Hokage, he couldn't believe it.

The Third Hokage heard what Kakashi murmured clearly.

Self-created S-Rank ninjutsu at 12, has a huge Chakra reserve.

Konoha has another genius

According to the records, Nagano Yorichi has Senju blood running through his veins although it is very thin.

It's not impossible that the bloodline inheritance of the Senju clan was awakened in Nagano Yorichi after a few generations.

"Kakashi" The tone of Third Hokage seemed to be very serious.

Kakashi looked at the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage looked solemn, "You tell me everything you saw today in detail"

"Yes, Hokage-Sama, I started followed Nagano Yorichi in the beginning..."

The Valley of End at the same time

[Wood Style proficiency plus one]

[Wood Style proficiency plus one]

[Wood Style : Great Forest Technique is upgraded to Intermediate]

[Wood Style : Thorns Killing Technique is upgraded to Intermediate]

Yorichi looked at the forest denser than before in front of him.

"Normal people can't pass through here anymore, only rabbits and mice can pass through the gaps between the tees."

Wood Style proficiency continued to increase.

Soon after, Wood Style : Tree Boundary Wall was also successfully promoted to the intermediate level.

[Beginner Wood Style Ninjutsu is promoted to Intermediate, and a new Wood Style Ninjutsu is opened]

[Wood Style : Wood Substitute]

[Wood Style : Wood Transformation]

[Wood Style : Wood Clone]

See the three new Wood Style ninjutsu coming out of Substitute, Transformation, and Clone.

Yorichi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally got it."

"Wood clone."

'With this ninjutsu, I don't need to waste time doing tomorrow's cleaning task.'

The function of Wood clone is similar to Shadow Clone, it can also be used in combat, but the best advantage is that Wooden clones are not as easy to see through like the shadow clones

Even Madara had problem picking out Hashirama's wooden clones

Using it to deceive an ordinary Jonin and two civilian Genin would be a piece of cake