
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 56: Visions Of The Crazy Minded

Jade's POV: I quickly got out of bed and walked downstairs. Why was I dreaming about that? I've never even thought about marriage, until now I guess. I'm only confused about why it felt so vivid, so...real! I think this is just my deepest desires plunging their way to the surface of my mind to create unrealistic images of things I don't want to see right now. I shook all the thoughts away from my head and grabbed a blood bag, it was about 2 AM so nobody was awake. I was desperate to permanently erase that from my mind. It's not that I don't want to marry Charles, I do, just someday in the FAR future! I need a distraction...blood. Fresh, from the vein, blood is the only distraction I can think of. I went upstairs and changed my clothes so I wouldn't be going out in my pajamas. I just put on a casual outfit, jeans and a t-shirt with my red leather jacket and black boots. Once I got down the stairs I started feeling weird, dizzy almost. Like something bad was about to happen. I started gasping for air. It felt like my oxygen was shortening and everything was turning black and white. I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head and then my head hit the floor with a loud thud...

Elizabeth's POV: I heard a thump come from downstairs and I went to go check it out. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Jade laying on the floor unconscious. I quickly yelled to Charles so he could get down here and figure out what's wrong. Once he got here I noticed Nora Lee followed with a concerned face. I said, "I heard a loud noise and when I came down here I found Jade unconscious on the ground. I moved her to the couch before you got here, but she must've collapsed or something." Charles grabbed Jade's hand and asked me, "What do you think could've caused her to just pass out so suddenly?" I looked around the room in question for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure, I could jump into her mind again and see if she'll tell me anything, or we could wait for her to wake up." Charles nodded his head. After a moment I realized something strange so I asked him, "It's barely 3 AM, why is Jade wearing actual clothes at this hour?" Charles have a confused look as he examined her body. Then he said, "She's hiding something. Jump into her head again and find out what's going on. I'm going back to bed, wake me up when you find something!"


It's the year 1923 in Boston, Massachusetts. The years of classic jazz music and beautiful dresses. Flappers; the most gorgeous women in the most iconic outerwear you could imagine. I'm in my room right now preparing for my date tonight. I curled my hair and pinned it up with white pins. I then put on my white flapper gown, my white shoes, and my pearl jewelry. I put on some light makeup and awaited for my date to arrived. Finally...they're here. I opened the door and they said, "Good evening Miss Eddington, you look stunning tonight!" I smiled and replied, "As do you, the Suliman family has a tendency to have that effecting most people." "But I see I have your attention at the moment Shania." I bit my lip slightly and said, "You always will, Ariana Suliman..."

Elizabeth: I'm honestly a bit confused. Last time I was here this place was more...colorful. Everything's in black and white and looks like it's from the 1920's. I see girls dressed in flapper costumes and pin-up curls with their dates ready for a night out in the town. It was still Boston, I recognize some of the houses here that were built during this time! One of them being Jade's old house. I walked down the street to see if Jade was possibly there and I was extremely shocked about what I found. I saw Ariana there, she was kissing someone, not just any someone...Shania Eddington. Ariana's best friend and the woman who put my sister to sleep for 90 years, also Jade's ancestor! This is interesting. My whole family knows that Ariana is only affectionate towards women, but Shania! They're best friends, or 'were' best friends. They never told us about their relationship. My other concern is why the hell is this in Jade's subconscious mind? She wasn't even alive during this time, and she didn't know about this. I have to go find Jade...fast! I ran at my fastest vampire speed throughout the entire town, no sign of Jade anywhere. Last time I was here I found Jade easily, but now it's almost like something else is already in her mind keeping her occupied. You know what, if I can't find Jade in this nut-job subconscious then I'm leaving to wake her up...

Charles' POV: I couldn't sleep without knowing what happened so I went back downstairs. I got there in perfect time, Elizabeth just came back from Jade's mind so I quickly asked what happened. Elizabeth only shushed me and started trying to wake Jade up. Eventually she did and Elizabeth said, "What the hell was that?" I was confused, but Jade clearly wasn't. She instantly replied, "Calm down Elizabeth, can we please just talk about this later...ALONE!" Her tone was angry and mean. I put my hand on her shoulder and asked, "Is everything okay? What happened?" Jade's mood quickly shifted from angry to happy and soothing as she said, "I'm fine, baby. I just need to discuss something with Elizabeth privately. It's about her, I'll tell you if she thinks it's okay to, but I don't want to invade her privacy by telling you. It's okay, I'm okay...I promise!" I smiled and left the room without another word, I value my privacy, and I know my siblings do too. If Elizabeth wants her privacy then I shall grant that! I went back upstairs and tried my very best to fall asleep...

Jade's POV: I grabbed Elizabeth's hand firmly and said, "You cannot tell a single person about what I'm about to tell you, got it?" Elizabeth nodded her head as I continued, "The reason my subconscious look like that was because it technically wasn't my subconscious, it was a vision. I've had two in less then 12 hours apart. This one was more of a vision of what happened with Shania and Ariana back in the 20's. It's not my memories or flashbacks at all, it's something different I have yet to find out. I thought my first one was a dream, but it was the same thing, only something that didn't happen. Before I tell you, swear to me that you won't tell Charles this?" Elizabeth said, "I swear. Now spill, what did you see?" I continued, "I thought it was all a dream, but I realized I'd never even thought about this at all, like ever. It was marriage. A whole day filled with notes and surprises left by Charles leading up to a picnic in a meadow he took me to once. There, he pulled out a ring and proposed to me. It felt so real, I knew it wasn't a dream, if felt like I was actually living it in real life! No dream feels that way. So...any theories?" Elizabeth replied, "Only one, but it's pretty crazy!" I raised my eyebrows and said, "Oh please. I got the visions of the crazy minded. It can't be that bad..."