
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 50: The Not-So-Sweet Escape

Jade's POV: I decided to go to bed, I knew they wouldn't actually hurt me, plus I had a stressful day. But, once I woke up this morning I noticed something strange. When I went bed last night everyone was in the house, well except for Rosie. Charles was next to me, and still was this morning, and so was Ariana and Elizabeth, but when I woke up and went downstairs I didn't see any sign of them! There's a barrier spell on the whole house, so Elizabeth must've deactivated it when she and Ariana left, and I bet it was to go find the wolf girl! I ran back upstairs and pretended to be asleep before Charles woke up, I don't want him to think I'm crazy, even though he probably already does. When I started to hear Charles wake up I kept my eyes closed real good. He turned over to me and whispered in my ear, "Good morning darling." So softly and smooth, I nearly forgot what happened last night with just a sentence. I turned over and said, "Good morning baby. What's the plan for today?" Charles 'booped' me on the nose and replied, "I think we should focus on your sanity for today. Everyone thinks you're crazy and that you need saved, so I'm pretty sure we're stuck doing that!" I smiled and asked, "What about you? Do you think I'm crazy and need saved? Because if I'm not mistaken, you told me you have a thing for bad girls!" Charles smirked and bit his lip while saying, "I think crazy girls beat that. Did I mention how incredibly sexy you look right now?" I blushed a little and said, "Why, thank you. But I think you need to specify on that answer..." Charles shocked me when he said, "I like crazy girls better because the sex is always better!" I leaned closer to Charles and whispered, "I think we should try it out just to be sure..." Charles rolled over on top of me and kissed me tenderly on the lips. He unbuttoned my pajama shirt and slid off my shorts. Then I pulled his shirt over his head and continued kissing him. He moved down to my neck. Before anything else happened, Elizabeth bursted through the door and said, "Seriously Charles! Not the time nor the place for this! I got the wolf, let's get to work!" When I heard that I quickly put my clothes back on and rushed downstairs to finally kill Rosie! However, I was once again fooled, Rosie was outside. I knew the barrier spell was still up so I couldn't get her, however, I know a way that just might work. I used some magic to levitate a knife. Once I waved my hand towards Rosie the knife went flying. It went through the barrier spell and landing right in Rosies stomach. I called out, "I may not be able to touch you but I'll gladly get my vengeance from in here just as easily Rosie!" She fell to the ground and her eyes started rolling to the back of her head. It was over, I won! I turned around and watched Ariana and Elizabeth's faces as they realize nothing can stop me from getting my revenge. I had an evil smile on my face until a voice from behind me said, "That was not very nice Jade!" I turned around to see Rosie standing there, perfectly healed. Vampire blood? Werewolf healing? (If that's even a thing.) Or maybe something totally different? I have no idea! Before I could say a word I watched Rosie throw the knife towards me. It stabbed me in the heart and I fell back into a short nap...

Ariana's POV: I just wish those two could get along! It's nobody's fault for anything at all! They're just to prideful and stuck up right to see that. I was planning on just leaving the knife in Jade's heart but of course, Charles to the rescue. He ran from upstairs and pulled the knife out of Jade and held her in his arms until she woke up. I however, wasn't very excited to be here at all. I asked Elizabeth, "Can I go now? I have no purpose for being here right now!" Elizabeth replied, "Whatever. You can go. But make sure everything's good at home and check in okay!" I rolled my eyes with a smile and immediately left...

Jade's POV: A knife to the heart! You'd think she'd go for the back, classy as always. Anyway, Ariana's gone, Rosie's vengeful like me, Charles is concerned, and Elizabeth wants to fix something that isn't broken! This family is impossible! Well, at least I can try to escape. I used my spell to secretly draw out all of the magic from the barrier spell so it'd be gone and I could be free. Nobody even saw me leave into the kitchen, so I finished the spell secretly and totally anonymous! I walked back into the living room and said, it'll be so nice to have a proper meal without my interruptions." I turned my gaze over to Rosie who looked terrified. I raised my eyebrow and whispered, "кълбовидна мълния" This spell placed a fireball in my hands. I held it up and said to Rosie, "Any last words Rosie, I'll be sure to put them on your headstone!" She remained silent so I said, "Okay. Fine by me..." I went to throw the ball when, in midair, it just stopped and hovered. I turned around and saw Elizabeth standing behind me with a smile and said, "Let's get you fixed up, shall we?" I rolled my eyes and was ready to walk out the door when I was stopped. I took the barrier spell down. How did this- My thoughts were shortly lived as Elizabeth said, "Going somewhere? You seriously think I didn't know that you took off my barrier spell, lucky for me I just set a new one. And that one has a backup, and a backup backup, and so fourth. So have fun with your not-so-sweet escape!