
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 44: Jade’s ‘Master’ Plan

Jade's POV: I slid off my jacket and kissed Charles. I knew his guard would be down if we had sex, if he was plotting some 'master plan' to bring me back then I want to know about it so I can prevent it! I shoved Charles on the bed aggressively and threw off his shirt. He then ripped mine off my body, revealing the black piece of lingerie Ariana had given me! I smiled and said, "I figured I'd put it to good use!" He smirked mischievously and pulled his upper body up to my chest and kissed me once more before we removed every last piece of our clothing recklessly. Charles took it upon his self to run his hands throughout my whole body. I was feeling ecstatic and energetic. For some reason emotionless sex feels way better than regular sex! After about three hours, Charles fell asleep next to me, thinking I had too, but now it's time for my plan...


Charles: Something doesn't feel right. Like someone is here who shouldn't be, but who? I started searching through the thick forest and found myself near a creek, this is the creek I'd visit in my dreams. It's relaxing and a very beautiful sight. I snapped out of it and continued my search to find whoever is trying to contact me...

Jade: This place is quite creepy. Tall trees, dark sky's. It just screams '3,000 year old vampire' and it shows. I honestly don't understand how someone's subconscious mind could possibly be this depressing. I started running, I can't waste any time. I ran and ran and ran until I came across a house. That's not creepy at all, some little house in the middle of nowhere. Of course I'm going to be the one to walk right in. I knocked on the door, I heard no answer so I opened it and when I walked in I was shocked! I saw someone sitting on a chair in front of a fireplace. I walked up behind him and said, "Hello? Hello! Are you okay sir?" He turned his chair around and answered surprisingly quick, "I'm okay darling. I'm just shocked to see you here!" It was Charles. I immediately said, "Charles! I didn't expect to see you yet!" He smiled and asked, "Jade, why are you in my head? What did you possibly hope to find?" I raised my eyebrow and answered, "I'm trying to find out what you're up to. I know you didn't just sleep with me to show me a good time, you watched me torture then kill a man in front of your entire family, there's something you're not telling me and I want to know!" Charles took a deep breath and said, "Darling, my entire family has me trying to either get you back, or kidnap you so I could bring you to Elizabeth so she could pull you back. I however enjoy the new you and I don't feel like listening to my siblings constant nagging. And as far as sleeping with you, I did that because I love you and I wanted to know that somewhere down there you still feel that way about me even though you allegedly have your emotions off!" I looked down and said, "Im sorry Charles, but I'm just not meant to be saved this time. Just let me go!" Without another word I dived out of his subconscious mind...

Charles' POV: I woke up as soon as Jade left my mind. I looked over at her and said, "I'll never give up hope for you Jade. No matter how far gone you get or think you get, I'll be there to bring you back from the edge every time!" Jade rolled her eyes and said, "If you want to prove to me how truthful your putty story actually was then go to your siblings and tell them that your not helping them with their stupid plan, then tell them that we slept together and you turned your emotions off!" I gave Jade a confused look and said, "But my emotions aren't turned off. You want me to lie to them?" Jade smiled and answered, "Do that and I won't be suspicious or skeptical about any of your movements!" I took a deep breath and said, "Alright, let's go then!" Jade smiled and we got into my car and headed to my house...

Jade's POV: I threw on my pants and boots as I adjusted my curls, then I realized my shirt was ripped so I just figured I'd put on my leather jacket and call it good. Soon after, Charles and I arrived at the house and we walked inside. I blasted the door off with magic a few feet before we approached it, giving everyone a warning. As soon as we stepped a foot in the doorway every single Suliman rushed to us. I smiled and said, "Hello everyone." Ariana said, "What the hell are you two doing, Charles, what's going on?" I smiled as Charles said, "I'm done taking orders from all of you. Jade opened my eyes to what my life could be without you people expecting the best out of me and controlling my every move. Then she explained to me what I'm capable of when we're together, and when I say together...I mean 'together' don't be to upset!" Audrey started tearing up as she said, "Charles? This isn't you. You can't listen to her. She'll convince you to do things you know isn't right!" I cut in, "Oh, you mean like turning off tat pesky humanity switch. Sorry to burst your bubble sweetheart but it's a little late for that!" I laughed as everyone stood shocked. I turned to Charles who said, "I know what I want. I want to be away from all of your constant nagging and controlling. I don't think Jade is lost, I think you all are. Flipping that humanity switch would make you worry less about what the two of us do, or who we kill I should say!" I smiled widely at Charles's acting skills. I still can't take any chances. I need him to be at his A Game and he clearly isn't ready for the big leagues. I asked, "Charles, baby, why can't you manage to do anything right! You can't even fool me into thinking you flipped your switch. You lost your touch sweetheart and I just don't like loose ends!" Before anyone could stop me I snapped Charles's neck, I could've just used my hands but instead I used my mind and some dark magic so that it would delay his waking up. Making the Sulimans panic about their sweet baby brother...

Daniel's POV: It's no secret that I'm in love with Jade, but I can't stand her right now. Right before she left I snapped her neck and said to everyone, "She needs to be fixed...NOW!"