
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 19: Back From The Dead

Charles' POV: I looked at Daniel and said, "Hello Daniel. Has Nathaniel said anything since you woke up?" He replied, "No. but he said you had something to tell me. What it is?" I glared at Nathaniel who was smiling at my misery. I responded, "Well, Daniel, you see. Okay. I'm just going to be honest with you...I- I kissed Jade!" He looked very angry with me and yelled, "YOU KISSED JADE!" I was guilty about the kiss, but I figured Daniel would rather go see Jade than argue with me. I guess I was wrong so I said, "Calm down Daniel. Listen, I'm so sorry about this. I know I shouldn't have, but you wouldn't understand. You and Nathaniel always get the girls of your dreams, and since you were asleep I thought that maybe I could have a chance at happiness. But I was wrong, and I will forever be guilty of that. Please brother, forgive me!" His face stayed the same, so did his tone and he replied, "You kissed Jade! How can I forgive you if you kissed her. You know what. Why don't we pay Jade a visit and let her decide who she wants. If she wants me then I want you to get the hell out of my life. Forever." I replied, "Daniel. It doesn't have to be like this-" "YES! It does. You betrayed me and now you're paying for it!" I felt sad and quite upset with Daniel for his reaction. I mean I understand but why would he expect Jade to pick someone, why would he be threatened by me? It's obvious that I fancy Jade, but I know that she only has real feelings for Daniel. So looks like I'm going to be leaving Boston shortly! I told Daniel that I had to leave and that's I'd bring Jade here. He looked angry about that too but let me go anyway. Shortly after I arrived at Jade's school just in time to pick her up...

Jade's POV: I walked out of class and saw Charles sitting in his car with a frown on his face. As soon as I got in I asked, "Charles? What's wrong?" He replied, "You're about to find out..." I looked at him confused and said, "Will you please take me home instead of wherever you're going?" "I'll take you home Jade, but you'll be getting a visitor very soon!" He pulled out his phone and texted someone, I couldn't see the name so I guess I'll figure it out when this mystery person gets here. We pulled up at my house and we went inside, I noticed Talia sitting in the dining room so I said, "Hey T? Where's mom at?" She answered, "Mom went out on a date! Can you believe it! She's finally putting herself out there again." I smiled and nodded my head. Shortly after I heard a knock on the door and I froze in my path when I saw Daniel! He was standing there with a smile on his face and said, "Hello Jade. Can I come inside?" "No!" I immediately replied. I'm not sure why I said that but I suppose I didn't want another original invited into my home. I continued, "Sorry Daniel. I didn't mean it like that. What did you come here for?" His response shook me to the core, "I came here so you could make a decision!" "About?" I asked. "Whether you choose to be with Charles, or me?" My eyes opened wide in shock. I suppose Daniel knows about me and Charles then. He has quite the temper right now and I'm a little scared. Daniel looks pretty scary right now. His face may have a smile plastered on it, but the tone in his voice said that he wanted to murder Charles right now. "Y-you want me to WHAT?" I stuttered. Charles replied, "Daniel believes that you have feelings for me so he's going to force you to chose between us. But no matter your decision, I support whatever you choose to do." Charles voice was soft and tender, he was warming up to me I admit, but I can't forget about the hotel with Daniel, he showed passion and playfulness. Hell, I lost my virginity to him. How could that not leave a mark on me. I had feelings for both of them, but my feelings for Daniel were stronger than ever, seeing him after he's been asleep for nearly two weeks, how could I not be relieved that he's safe from Nathan. Daniel has the face of an angle, but Charles has the face of the devil! Both of them are incredibly sexy, but only one of them will be mine. They both want me, but the problem is that I want both of them to myself! Charles has soft and passionate kisses where Daniel has rough and sexy ones. I can't leave out the fact that they both have amazing bodies. I love the way Charles' chestnut colored hair is messy in a sexy way all the time, but Daniel has dark jet black hair that's slicked back all the time. I honestly can't figure out why either of them want me, I'm just a normal girl. You know what, that's going to be my question, "Why do you two fancy me so much? I'm just a normal girl." Daniel replied, "Well I fancy you because of how beautiful you are, your voice, everything about you is amazing. And the way you're so good and innocent, you're just perfect Jade!" I smiled and then looked at Charles who said, "I'm not sure how to top that, but I can try. I believe that no matter what happens to you, no matter who hurts you that you'll just get back up and fight because you're strong and independent and you don't need anybody else to fight for you. I think that your silky hair is crazy but gorgeous in the morning, the dark brown reflects off the sun beautifully. Your voice is like honey and can make anyone melt. You soul is pure and your mind is smart. You have the figure of a goddess that can make other woman question themselves. They way you can talk to people, it just brightens their day with one word! I fancy all that about Jade!" I smiled once more and said, "Thank you two. That's makes me feel better about this whole situation. But I just, I really want some time to think about it. Can I have the rest of the day to think. I'll make a decision tonight and I promise it'll be the right one?" They both nodded their heads and left both kissed me on the cheek and I smiled once I closed the door. I looked at Talia who was trying so hard not to laugh so I laughed and threw a couch pillow at her and said, "I don't even want to hear a word from your mouth!" We both laughed and then I got serious and continued, "What should I do? I want to be with both of them, but I can't. I have to make a decision but how do I know what's right? What if I chose one and lose the other forever, or what if all of this is just pointless because I could be dead in nearly two months!" Talia replied, "You're only a kid Jade. You shouldn't have to make these decisions. Especially when it comes to vampires, they have eternity to wait for you! Just choose what you want! Not what you think they want. Not what'll make them happy, what will make YOU happy! Okay?" "Okay. Thank you T!" I walked into my room to make the decision of a lifetime, my lifetime...