
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 12: Meet The Suliman’s

Jade's POV: I made Daniel wait in the car with me while I put on my torn up clothes. He smiled while I struggled to get my shirt on and said, "Need help with that?" I sarcastically said, "Yes please help me Daniel. We all totally know it won't end with us having sex in a car and your entire family hearing it! So please, by all means do help!" He laughed at my sassiness and I fixed my shirt. We got out of the car and I grabbed my clothes from the trunk. I told him that I didn't want anyone seeing me since they could clearly see all the bite marks on my skin from him. Daniel grabbed my hand and spun me into him, he smiled and said, "What's so bad about that." He said it so innocently I just didn't care anymore. I walked up to the door and waited for Daniel to open it, they may be vampires but I'm not barging into their home. Anyway, I walked in and Daniel followed really close behind me, to close. I turned back to him and whispered, "Daniel! Why do you have to be so close!" He said aloud, "Everyone can hear you, you know. Let me show you the bathroom. Follow me!" I turned around to follow Daniel but noticed the same blonde figure I saw a few days ago here. Elizabeth. I quickly followed behind Daniel to avoid the questions. I got into the bathroom and he said he'd wait for me outside the bathroom until I was done. I finally finished getting dressed and doing my best at fixing my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and Daniel grabbed my waist, pulled me closer to him, and then kissed me. I kissed him back because, well...his lips on mine, it felt right. I pulled away and said we should go talk to Elizabeth, before we could leave the hallway someone stopped us and said, "Well if it isn't the infamous...Jade! Hello Darling!" His Australian accent sounded familiar to Daniel's and Nathan's, I take it their family is of Australian origins. Daniel quickly replied, "Well if it isn't a surprise. Hello Charles!" I got sort of scared. Daniel told me how reckless and rude he is. What if he tries to kill me? I said, "Hi. Uh, Daniel, can we go talk to Elizabeth now?" Before Daniel could get a word out Charles moved and was only inches away from me and said with a smirk, "Why? Am I making you nervous darling?" I was really uncomfortable so I gulped at his comment. I could tell Daniel was irritated by Charles. I backed up a little and with some sass I said, "I'm not nervous. I'm just impatient!" My heart was racing so fast even I could hear it. Vampires besides Daniel scared the hell out of me. Charles knew I was lying but instead of saying that I was lying or something appropriate he said, "If you wanted to see me naked darling all you have to do is ask!" He winked at me which made me more nervous. I just simply said back, "Can you please stop calling me that." "Oh but I'm having a lot more fun calling you darli-" Charles was cut off when Daniel interrupted and said, "That's enough. You need to leave Charles!" He replied, "Well I rather fancy Jade. I think I might stick around and play with her a little bit. Is she on vervain?" What's vervain? I thought to myself. Daniel was getting really mad. I don't really know why, was he jealous of Charles? Wait, no, that's not it. He wouldn't be jealous, especially if it was over me. I tried to grab Daniel's arm to just drag him away from Charles but he just pulled away and said, "Charles. I said that's enough. You've had your fun, now leave!" His tone was so angry and mean. Charles replied, "Well, as I told you...I'm having fun. Can't keep her all to yourself!" Without saying anything else Daniel charged at Charles. However, Charles dodged his hit and said, "Now I get it! You two are shacking up and now you feel like you can't share with your beloved brother!" I watched Daniel get ready to charge at him again. They're both vampires so I'm not getting in the middle of it...

Daniel's POV: I wanted to rip Charles' head off right now. He was pissing me off and being rude to Jade. Wait. Why am I upset? He wasn't really doing anything to me. I didn't realize until he said that I can't keep Jade all to myself that I did want her all to myself. I wanted her as mine and nobody else's. I didn't have much time to process everything in my head before Charles discovered that me and Jade had sex. I was ready to kill him, this close to doing it. I started charging at him again. This time instead of dodging me he ran over and grabbed Jade. I immediately stopped in my tracks. If I took another step he'd probably kill her. I said, "Charles! Don't touch her. I swear to god I'll-" I was cut off when he said, "You'll what Daniel? Please elaborate. I'm not going to kill her. Don't worry about that. Nathaniel would put me in my sleep for another hundred years, but I can do you one better..." he trailed off. I knew he didn't want me to move or he really would kill her. He quickly bit into his wrist and shoved it into Jade's mouth. I was about to run over there and grab her but Charles hurried and said, "Don't do it brother. I'll snap her neck and you know it. You just wish you would've done this a long time ago..." He was about to snap Jade's neck. She was terrified. I didn't dare move because I was praying that he wouldn't really do it, but if I moved he would. Instead I saw Elizabeth run from upstairs. She ran up behind Charles and snapped his neck. I ran over to Jade and hugged her. I said, "Jade! Are you okay? Everything will be okay, I promise!" She replied, "What was he about to do to me?" Elizabeth entered the conversation and said, "He was going to turn you into a vampire sweetheart!" "What's with this family and calling me nicknames." I heard Jade mutter to herself. Elizabeth continued, "So, can I hear this magical plan of yours or what?" I wanted Jade to meet the Audrey at least. They'd get along great, both girls are very kind and sweet. "Why don't I introduce Jade to Audrey first and then we can get on with the plan!" I said. Jade looked at me with a scared expression. I knew she'd feel better once I took her to see Audrey. Without consent I grabbed Jade's hand in mine and told Elizabeth it would only be a minute. She looked down at our hands and said, "If you say so..."

Jade's POV: It felt nice holding Daniel's hand. The only other time we did that was when I interlocked our hands and pushed them above his head when we were having sex, so just doing this felt pretty nice. Daniel dragged me into a fairly large room where I saw a girl. She look like the same age as me, maybe a year younger. I said, "Hi. I'm Jade, you must be Audrey!" She smiled and said, "Yeah that's me. It's nice to meet you. I like that Daniel has finally found someone to bring home!" Daniel looked at me and gave me the 'just don't comment on that' look. I smiled without him knowing. Daniel said, "I just came to introduce you two since after her unfortunate meeting with Charles I figured she could use a good meeting with one of my siblings!" I giggled at what he said and then he continued and said to us, "I'm going to go over things with Elizabeth, in the meantime do you girls want to hang out?" I looked at Audrey and said, "Only if you want to..." and she replied, "Of course I do! I'd love to get to know the 'future Mrs. Suliman!'"