
I’ll surely change my destiny

Ruan Tian had been in love with Shen Shu for a long time. She pursued him fiercely while they were young, and was crazy for his love. Ruan Tian always knew that Shen Shu still had a white moonlight inside his heart, but she was still willing to be the disposable stand-in if it meant she could be by his side. However, no matter how hard she tried, she was always just an unwanted and scheming white lotus girl in Shen Shu’s eyes. She was a notorious actress who lingered down near the eighteenth tier of the entertainment industry. Then, in their second year of marriage, Ruan Tian was hit on the head and was surprised to realize that her life was a novel, and she was only the girl the domineering CEO was using as a substitute. She was just an insignificant stepping stone in the story for Shen Shu and his white moonlight. A tool that would be used up until there was nothing left but a miserable smear of blood. Thoroughly sobered by this realization, Ruan Tian hurriedly filed for divorce and didn’t hesitate to kick Shen Shu to the curb.

Bittercup · Fantasy
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Chapter 4

Skipping to the present.

Ruan Tian was sitting in the living room of Shen's residence.

This was the first time she had seen her nominal husband in two years.

Looking at Shen shu's face, what flashed through her mind was those two words that she hadn't said two years ago: Fuck you.

Shen shu wore a black shirt and leaned lazily back in his chair. He folded his long legs and tapped his thin, white fingers carelessly against the table.

Under the glass floor-to-ceiling windows, he was bathed in sunlight.

He had a fair complexion and exquisite features, so handsome that he seemed almost otherworldly.

Shen shu pushed the divorce papers in front of her, "Take a look! if there are no problems, sign it." After a pause, he added: "If you have any questions, you can find my lawyer."

Ruan Tian looked at his face, It was strange to think that in the future, This same man would kill her for his precious white moonlight.

She was very calm. Much calmer than Shen shu expected.

Her two round eyes stared at him unblinkingly, As if she was seriously thinking about his proposal.

Shen shu stared into those crystal-clear eyes, and a strange emotion that he couldn't quite grasp flashed through his heart.

Ruan tian picked up the divorce papers and stared at them for a full five minutes.

The words were dense, numerous, and complicated to the point that looking at them hurt her eyes.

Ruan tian gave up looking through all the papers one by one, and turned directly to the last page. When she saw that all the money she would get, She felt as if she had finally seen the true value of this marriage, and felt it was very worthwhile!

She took a deep breath and didn't even have to think, "I have no objections, I'll sign!"

She was so cheerful, it was abnormal!

Shen shu's gaze changed, he raised his eyebrows, and his lazy eyes gradually condensed with some seriousness. As if he didn't expect her to agree so readily and suspected that there might be some trick.

He sneered and chuckled coldly. Hadn't Ruan tian spent a lot of time and effort trying to marry him back then? So why didn't she cry and make trouble during the divorce? Could it be that she had some other trick?

Ruan tian was frightened by his strange gaze and blinked innocently.

Shen shu asked: "you have no opinion?"

Ruan tian shook her head, "None!"

As long as the money was in place, everything was easy.

Shen shu had given her seven-finger compensation. When she saw the 6 zeros after the number in the divorce paper, Ruan tian suddenly felt as if she had become the living Bodhisatva who could forgive the whole world!

When she agreed, Shen shu didn't say much anymore, he just lightly gazed over at her, took out a pen, and neatly signed his name on the divorce papers.

Ruan tian followed suits and signed her name in the women's column with a single stroke.

After she signed the papers, Ruan tian asked, "So…. When will we get the divorce certificate?"

In fact what she was more concerned about was, when her money would arrive.

When Shen shu saw her heartless yet expectant look, he felt a bit unhappy.

"Today is Saturday so the civil bureau affairs is closed. Let's meet another day."

Ruan Tian stood up and said, "Alright, you can tell me when you've picked a day and we'll go get the certificate."

She didn't have any other work except for being on the crew of that garbage costume drama, and she didn't have that many scenes, so she wasn't busy.

After Ruan Tian walked out of Shen's residence, she received a call from her agent Jiang Lily, Her first sentence was: "You're finally getting the hang of it!!! Now you know how to post hype!!!"

Ruan Tian's little head was filled with great confusion. It had already been two years since her debut and she hadn't been on hot search once.

"What do you mean? what did I do?"

"You are on the hot search." Lily was silent for a few seconds before she continued, "You and Xu jing were secretly filmed while you were working on the crew, and people are saying that you two are in love."

Ruan Tian subconsciously blurted out: "When did I go blind? when did a hole develop in my brain? am I so sick that I would fall in love with Xu jing?"

After hanging up the phone, she opened Weibo and her phone screen directly froze after being overwhelmed by thousands of private messages.

After the phone recovered, she found that she had gained 20,000 followers, and her private messages and comments were full of insults and ridicule.

"Where did this 18th tier peasant come from to try to leech some of lord Jing's heat? Disappear bloodsucker."

"Xu jing doesn't even follow her Weibo, so what kind of thing is she?!"

"Heat is something metaphysical, so we don't need 18th tier woman who only thinks about fame trying to stick herself to Lord Jing. Us fans of lord Jing are not vegetarians"

"NMSL! You're really garbage!!"

"You stay away from Lord Jing!!! My brother is kind, simple and gentle. He is too kind so don't try to take advantage of his kindness."

Ruan tian swiped through hundreds of comments and felt extremely frustrated. Even among so many people, not one of them spoke for her!!

End of 4th chapter! Stay tuned!