

Speaking honestly, this breaking news from the netizen isn't very credible.


The entertainment circle is quite small, and many celebrities have had their differences. Just because there are conflicts between them, does that mean they can't cooperate? Even if they don't greet each other privately, they still have to compliment each other on stage, right?


Moreover, regarding Jasmine and Bai Man, they shouldn't have any conflicts originally. The only issue was when they portrayed characters in a TV drama where Wen Jia tortured Gu Pan, and in reality, Jasmine "tortured" Bai Man.


"My All-Round Girlfriend" has broken a viewership rating of over 2, securing the title of this year's viewership champion.


However, the boost for the male and female leads in this drama is quite limited.


The exposure was given to them, but the glorious achievements were not attributed to them. Within the industry, Bai Man and Huang Leran shook their heads, as they are considered unable to carry the drama.


Due to this, they might face some awkward situations, but shouldn't Bai Man feel the most uncomfortable?


According to the internal staff at Blue Studio, it was Jasmine who messed up this collaboration.


-- "You're saying Jasmine can't sing properly? Who can't sing properly? Isn't that statement baseless? Not knowing how to play the piano, violin, flute, or Chinese Zither, and only possessing the skill to play the soulful suona... Look at me with my big dog eyes, guess if I believe it or not?"


--"No, even if someone wants to learn an instrument, would they choose the suona horn for their daughter?"


--"Hahaha Jasmine is not an ordinary person, she's a young lady from a prestigious family. She has been diligently practicing the suona horn since she was young, eagerly waiting to inherit the billions of family fortune once her father is out of the picture, right?"




However, some netizens are associating Jasmine's exceptional farming skills demonstrated on a variety show with the ability to play the suona horn, isn't that surprising?


But Sister Jasmine's character is becoming more and more intriguing.


Level five in gossip, level ten in farming, and now adding the soulful suona horn...


This direction of development is truly D**N unconventional.


The exposure first appeared on an anonymous fan forum, then was reposted on Facebook, and shortly after, it became a trending topic.


#Jasmine and Bai Man's New Year's Day cooperation suspected to be canceled#


Clicking into it revealed the suspected Blue Studio employee's leak on the anonymous forum. Facebook users flooded Jasmine's page with comments under her recent post, many posting screenshots and asking if it was true? 


Jasmine was still half asleep when her agent called.


"Your issue with Bai Man has escalated on Facebook . How do you plan to respond?"


Still a bit groggy, Jasmine parroted, "My issue with Bai Man? What issue?"


"The failed cooperation for the New Year's Eve gala."


"Is it worth bringing up?"


Sister Chen explained that due to her rising popularity, she had become a threat to some, causing a small disturbance. She advised Jasmine to go live since her TV drama and variety show hype had faded, suggesting it was time to create a fresh topic. "Otherwise, by the time 'Girls' airs next year, the audience will have forgotten about you."


The agent was always right.


Jasmine readily agreed to go live with fans.


She didn't act immediately but first checked Facebook.


Oh my, the discussion about her and Bai Man was indeed intense. There were few negative comments, with most people looking confused, asking if it was true or false, whether her skills had deteriorated or if it was a deliberate attempt to challenge her.


Supporters of both arguments were vocal, expressing their views.




Alright, it's time to showcase my true skills.


She found a large instrument store nearby, bought a black sandalwood suona horn, and was about to head back when she thought it might not be suitable to play the suona horn in her community.


Jasmine messaged Ben, asking if it would be okay to make some noise at his place.


Ben: [???]


Jasmine: [I want to do something in a place where making noise won't lead to complaints from neighbors.]


Ben: "[Then you come, my uncle's villa is next to my house, far away from other houses. Even if they hear that it's my house causing a ruckus, they won't say anything.]


Jasmine: "My boss Ben, is always arrogant/doge."


Ben thought to himself, "What a joke being arrogant in front of you!"


At this moment, he never expected that Jasmine borrowed his villa to livestream playing the suona horn. When Jasmine drove her car into his garage and took out the instrument box from the passenger seat, he started to realize something.


"Are you here to practice instruments? What is this?"


Jasmine went inside and sat on the sofa, opened the instrument box, and took out the black sandalwood suona horn inside, saying, "Do you know what this is?"


Ben: "...Is it a suona horn?"


"Yes, I learned from a friend of Wen Hang's grandfather recently and felt a significant improvement in my skills. I came here today to livestream for my fans."


When Jasmine mentioned livestreaming, Ben suddenly realized that another incident had happened online, otherwise, with her personality, she wouldn't be causing such a commotion.


While Jasmine was preparing, Ben was playing on his phone next to her, and suddenly burst into laughter.


"Is Bai Man leading you with the rhythm? Intentionally revealing these things to take you down a notch from your arrogance?"


"I don't know... but this doesn't seem like a takedown."


"Could such random revelations even be true???"


Jasmine raised the suona horn she held in her hand, "Why can't it be true? Just because I'm a gaming king doesn't mean I can't play the suona with soul."


Jasmine invited him to the backyard, set up the livestreaming equipment, and was ready to start the broadcast on Facebook.


At this moment, there were already many people on her homepage waiting for the battle. When they saw the livestream notification, a large group rushed in. They noticed that it seemed to be in a private garden. Jasmine tied her hair in a lively high ponytail, with slightly curly hair naturally cascading down. In the camera, her skin was very fair and tender, full of collagen, and her eyes seemed to speak, exuding a charming and likable aura.


Seeing herself on the screen, Jasmine waved towards the camera.


"I was filming on set a while back, and when I came back just a few days ago, I was bombarded by my manager sister. She asked me to check Facebook, and when I looked, well... it was about this matter."


The barrage of comments from the audience were all asking, "So, is it true? Is it?"


"It's more or less like that, but actually, we both tried our best. If we have to blame someone, it's probably my skewed skill points. That day during rehearsal, I almost drove the music director crazy, do you know that? At first, he wanted us to do a duet, but no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't match. He then changed his mind and said we didn't have to duet, I could play the accompaniment for Bai Man to sing, and asked me if I had any proficient instruments, like piano or violin.


I told him, I'm pretty good at playing the suona horn... at that moment, Mr. Liao looked so hopeless, he almost dropped dead on the spot.


Of course, I felt a bit guilty too, but what can I say? We actors don't necessarily have to know how to play instruments, right?"


Not to mention the fans, even passersby were laughing to death.


-- Yes, yes, you're great at acting as an actor!


-- Eight clarinets might not even be able to overpower one suona horn, you want to send her away by using the suona horn as accompaniment for Bai Man!


-- Suona horn, the number one rogue in the musical instrument circle, domineering and unruly. Jasmine, the arrival of the Purple Star in the entertainment industry, unstoppable. Perfect match, right?


-- What's wrong with the suona horn being my favorite instrument? I bet you guys have never experienced the charm of the suona horn!




Most people really haven't experienced it.


After all, this thing, usually doesn't go to concerts, mainly used for funeral.


Jasmine said since the livestream was already on, she would give everyone a demonstration. She picked up the suona horn from the nearby table and started playing.


In an instant, the loud and melodious sound of the suona horn echoed in the top-tier lakeside villa.


She played not a classic piece like "Hundreds of Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix."


It was the current number one on the electronic music chart.


Just three seconds, and the live stream room is lit up.


The rhythm, the volume, so exciting! So emotional!


When the chorus kicks in, that electronic music effect is truly amazing, giving chills to those who came to watch.


Lying on the bed playing with the phone spirit.


Those sitting in front of the computer couldn't help but start shaking their legs.


 Several people have gathered on the second floor terrace of Ben'sv uncle's villa next door, looking towards the garden here.


Not only them, but even those living further away are also looking in this direction.


Jasmine didn't pay attention to them, fully immersed in the joy of playing the suona horn. Oh my! She used to underestimate this instrument, thinking it could only drive people away. But look at it now, what kind of music in the world can't be played on the suona horn?


Who said the suona horn can't be used as accompaniment?


It's naturally beautiful on its own, no need for accompaniment!


-- Damn! Damn damn damn! This is the suona horn???


-- I repent, I underestimated the suona horn.


-- Accidentally turned up the volume too loud, now my whole family is dancing Disco with me.


-- First time watching a live stream kneeling down, sister is really amazing!!! Who would have thought of using the suona horn to play electronic music?


-- It's so terrifying, giving me chills.




Jasmine suddenly started a live broadcast without much promotion, attracting quite a few viewers, but it wasn't as lively as other celebrities' live broadcasts.


But this is just at the beginning.


After she started playing the suona horn, viewers went crazy, shouting out, inviting friends, and even posting on forums and chat rooms to bring people in.


"Jasmine is causing a stir in her live broadcast, come and watch!"


"I've shared all my hidden treasures with you, don't regret missing out!"


"Friends, hurry up and come over, if you don't come now, you'll miss out on the meat soup!"


It's not often to see such genuine and heartfelt promotion for a live streamer.


With efforts from all directions, Jasmine's live stream popularity soared, going crazy and everyone shaking and dancing, with the screen filled with lively gifts.


-- I thought sister was going to show off and make it difficult for others, but now it seems not at all!


-- Bai Man is unworthy, she's not worthy!


-- Promise me, in the future, just like the suona horn, don't cooperate, don't be tied down, stay with your naturally beautiful, alright?


- They are all not worthy of you, besides sucking blood, can't do a darn thing.


After playing a hot and spicy electronic music piece, Jasmine saw the barrage filled with such comments.


Even more exaggerated than the barrage was Ben.


He was stunned.


"This... this is the suona horn???"


-- Who?


-- Who's talking?


-- Is there someone next to Jasmine? Is it a man!!!


-- Dog man, come out!


Jasmine pointed at the barrage and said to the person beside her, "They want you to come out."


Ben then poked his head out, waving to the audience in the live stream room indifferently, "Stop scolding, it's me, this is my backyard. Why am I at her house? Because my neighbor lives far away, if she plays this at her own house, the whole neighborhood will complain."


As Ben spoke, Jasmine supplement hydration by sipping water on the side.


By the time he finished speaking, he had almost finished drinking.


"New viewers say they didn't hear it, so play another piece? What do you want to hear?"


-- Just like before, another fast-paced one!


-- Yes, yes! like that, I was only halfway through my disco dance!

