

Upon learning that Jasmine had snatched the role she had been fighting for, Tang Shanshan was furious. She vented her anger at her assistant, recalling the time she exchanged WeChat messages with Jasmine while filming the variety show in the village. Tang Shanshan found Jasmine in her contacts and sent a message: --


Tang Shanshan: Have you auditioned for 'Seeking Immortality'? Are you trying out for the male lead's sister?


Jasmine: yeah.


Tang Shanshan: [But Jasmine, how did you come up with the idea to audition for this role in "Seeking Immortality"? The younger sister of the male lead in this drama seems a bit silly and naive, doesn't quite suit you, huh?]


Jasmine: [It suits me well, Sister Shan, aren't you treating me like a fool?]


Tang Shanshan looked puzzled. ๑ᵒᯅᵒ๑


Jasmine continued: [Why did you follow the rhythm then act as if nothing happened to talk to me? You said you wanted to be friends with me but I didn't give you a chance, wanted to have a meal with me but I went with four other guys, didn't you see your fans scolding me as a troublemaker?]






In the entertainment industry, even if there is deep enmity, people usually wouldn't say such things face to face. They would just brush it off, but Jasmine couldn't be bothered to act for even a second and directly retorted. Tang Shanshan was dumbfounded.


"You're overthinking it, Jasmine. When I said you walked with four friends, it was to dispel rumors about you meeting your boyfriend secretly. I also mentioned that you were too tired during the day to chat at night. The person who insulted you on my behalf is not my fan, but a troublemaker in between, trying to instigate conflicts. Don't fall for it."


Jasmine replied with a small smiley face emoji: [If I did so much only to be misunderstood, I'd call her ungrateful and crazy. Sister Shan, you're magnanimous! Learn from Sister Shan! When I talked to Director Gao Teng about this film, he mentioned that while the male and female leads were set, there were still other roles. If Sister Shan is available, you can audition.]


Unable to keep up the act, Tang Shanshan raised her hand and smashed her phone to pieces, startling her assistant next to her.


"Please calm down."


"Calm down? Why should I calm down? This B***h wants me to audition for a supporting role to boost her image. Hasn't she looked in the mirror to see if she's even suitable?"


Tang Shanshan paced around the room in slippers, her chest heaving with emotion, showing a significant fluctuation in mood. After a while, she instructed her assistant to leak the information to the fan group about Jasmine pulling strings to snatch her role.


The assistant suggested securing another project quickly and making an official announcement to mitigate the negative impact of losing the role.


After her suggestion, she was reprimanded: "Do I need you to teach me how to handle things?"


Tang Shanshan was a bit malicious, often caring on the surface while stabbing in the back, and others found it challenging to confront her, often pretending not to know. In any case, she rode the wave of popularity, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, no matter how disgusting it was.


Jasmine was the first to strike back, wanting to tarnish her reputation. How could Tang Shanshan endure it?


Not particularly bright, she became even more foolish when angry.


She must have wanted to vent her frustrations, slyly exposing the incident of Jasmine snatching the role. She hoped her fans would go and criticize her.


And guess what happened?


Her fan, Little coral, just posted on the forum, criticizing Jasmine for taking on the role of the male lead's sister in "Seeking Immortality" so convincingly, it was absurd. The character wasn't just a bit naive, believing anything people said and willing to do anything for the male lead like a loyal dog, right?


Little coral launched another attack in the main post, relentlessly criticizing the mismatch between Jasmine's demeanor and the role.


Little did they know that others didn't follow their line of thinking.


Others thought it was quite good, the idea of a silly cat charging into battle for its owner was quite cute.


But Little coral wasn't ready to give up!


"——Not a fan of anyone in particular, but I think Tang Shanshan is better than Jasmine, she at least acted in period dramas.


——Sister coral, stop pretending, who else besides you would praise that girl?


——Little Coral, this name was not well chosen, I see your 33 sisters are about to fall apart.


Too many past grievances resulted in isolation during conflicts, Little Coral had a bad start, and then someone started a new post titled "Is this the top star? Love it, love it!" Clicking on it, there were only two pictures.


One was director Gaoteng announcing he finally found the right actress for the female lead, with male lead Yu Yang modestly praising and leaving a four-word congratulatory message: Congratulations congratulations.


It all seemed pretty normal here, quite star-like, right?


Then you look at the other picture, it was taken from a friend's circle by helpful sb , Yu Yang said he never thought he would be able to work with the actress he currently really really likes in "Seeking Immortality", it's like hitting the jackpot, he even shouted out that "cat" are the best choice!


He has publicly supported Jasmine many times before, recalling when 'All-Round Girlfriend' was popular, when Gu Pan and Wen Jia had a falling out, he posted on his friend's circle 'you are not worthy, you are not worthy, you are not worthy'... fans already know how much he likes Jasmine to play Gu Pan, some even went overboard analyzing Gu Pan's outfits in the drama and buying similar ones.


After Gaoteng started following Jasmine, his fans were wondering if he was going crazy.


And he really did.


As soon as he made a statement, his fans immediately mobilized.


——We fully support Director Gaoteng, looking forward to Jasmine's portrayal as the second female lead.


——Sis Jasmine, please take care of my second silly brother.


——Don't expose brother's flaws in public, brother is a perfect idol with a beautiful appearance!


——Yu Yang family, let's take action and show them our attitude!




Other fans are just watching the show while the top star's fans are making a scene.


They also criticized Yu Yang for deliberately posting that friend's circle, didn't he know that someone would secretly monitor and screenshot his friend's circle content? Knowing this, he still posted it, just to show off happily after hearing that Jasmine took the role of his drama's sister and they would have scenes together. Sister coral sarcastically said she wasn't suitable for the role, suggesting Gaoteng consider Tang Shanshan instead, but before the director could respond, Yu Yang slapped them in the face.


The number of top star's fans is not something Tang Shanshan can compete with.


Suddenly, the wind changed, and congratulations flooded the internet. The atmosphere in Tang Shanshan's fan group became tense, it took a while before someone said it was impossible, the Yu Yang family was controlling the situation, negative posts were deleted quickly, and with Jasmine's good public relations, a few scattered individuals couldn't stir up trouble for her.


[Then let's hold back for now, and wait until the variety show airs to defend Shanshan?]


[Right, which female celebrity can perform perfectly on that kind of program? We'll wait for the right moment to support her.]


[That's the plan!]


They waited for three weeks, and Jasmine was about to join the cast for 'Girls', the variety show would only air then. The beginning was for the five regular guests to guess who would appear on this episode? After some blind guessing, Jasmine and the singer who was currently popular made a dazzling appearance.


The barrage was full of compliments, all saying beautiful beautiful beautiful! Sister Jasmine, you're so beautiful!


After a brief introduction, the guests got on the business car prepared by the program team, the basic routine of variety shows, chatting in the car is the time for chatting, but it couldn't be just casual chatting, they had to create some explosive moments.


The segment about Jasmine and Ben's relationship was presented in its original flavor.


With everyone eagerly waiting, Jasmine gave a funny answer that cracked everyone up: it's the relationship between the Grandma and the Benny. She even proved it by making a phone call.


—Haha, is Benny always like this in private???


—He's quite humble in front of sister Jasmine.


—He didn't even realize he was making a call on a show, and then he started complaining.


Come on, take a screenshot with me and post it on Facebook with the hashtags #Ben Powerful Comment# ,#Why Would You Go On This Show Without Thinking?


Ben watched the web TV with his mom and sister. His mom smiled as she watched, "Jasmine has a really good personality."


His sister, Meng Meng, nodded along and said, "Jasmine sister is great, mom, look at that girl sitting in the middle of the last row, she's really mean."


Mrs. Yuan has her own career and isn't too focused on the entertainment industry, so when her daughter mentioned it, she casually asked, "How is she bad?"


"My brother told me, after they finished recording the show, Liu Yiyang and his cousin, along with a few others, drove to pick up Jasmine sister and wanted to treat her to a meal as a sign of courtesy. Isn't that basic manners? But that girl sneakily started a live broadcast and said Jasmine sister has a bad reputation, always hanging out with many boys."


"She just said that without knowing the situation, isn't she afraid of hurting someone?"


"Mom, don't you get it? She's doing it on purpose. Online, they say she's upset Jasmine sister came in to steal her spotlight as the group's favorite, she's usually the only female guest and everyone revolves around her."


Mrs. Yuan shook her head, "This girl is no good, she's making things difficult for herself."


The only exciting part in the beginning was the phone call. After entering the village, the story became more interesting. The group split into three teams, with three people staying at the village chief's house to help, while the other four split into two teams to gather ingredients.


One team did miscellaneous tasks around the village, and before the audience could criticize them, the camera cut to another scene where Jasmine and Ji Chun followed an elderly man into the peanut field. The old man was clearly displeased and tried various ways to shake them off, all ending in failure. Eventually, he put down his basket and started digging peanuts as if the two stars didn't exist.


Suddenly, the screen went black, and white words appeared:


"Attention! This is not an exercise!"


"I repeat! This is not an exercise!"


You wouldn't believe the BGM playing at that moment in a rural variety show; it was clearly music for a Gundam battle.


With this BGM, Jasmine quickly started digging, and after finishing, she moved aside. Ji Chun, who was assigned to the task of helping the elderly man, struggled to operate and Jasmine quickly found a tool to assist.


She surpassed the old man!


She passed!


The old man was stunned!




Not only the old man, but also the viewers were perplexed at this point.


The barrage of comments consisted of ellipses for a few seconds.




What's going on?


⊙▂⊙ ⊙▂⊙ ⊙▂⊙


The audience watched as the old man tried and failed repeatedly, eventually clearing the peanut field completely with Jasmine.


-- I'm amazed!


-- Is this the legendary sophisticated miss? It's the first time I've seen a sophisticated miss outdo a country bumpkin.


-- Look at other people's cats (Jasmine), then look at my pampered one, sigh.


-- Is this the main focus?? Look at the old man's surprised and disappointed expression, doesn't it feel heartbreaking?


-- I not only don't feel sad, but also want to laugh.


-- A female star shamelessly stealing from an elderly farmer, trending topic alert!


-- Do you know what respecting the elderly means? Jasmine, you have no heart!


Although the old man suffered a blow to his professional career from Xu Mi, he quickly regained confidence from Ji Chun.


Ji Chun, tasked with mentoring the newcomer, faced double rejection as he struggled with tasks... 


The old man bet his 50-year reputation as an old farmer on a final competition with Jasmine.


Before the battle, he told the young man not to follow, as he couldn't help, while Jasmine gave him the reward she earned from harvesting peanuts to take back to the village chief's house.


-- So, did Brother Chun get abandoned???


-- Ji Chun: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? Why do I have to endure this insult?!


-- women are outperforming men decline, hot search arrangement! 


-- I sent you out to accompany the young ladies, not to freeload off her! 


-- It's over, from Grandpa to Sister Jasmine to Ji Chun, the character of these three people has collapsed together. 


-- to Jasmine: Stop acting, with your skills, go work in a greenhouse as a vegetable seller. To Grandpa: Stop farming, with so many talents, join the entertainment industry. 




The audience and fans of the stars burst into laughter together like pigs. 


When Jasmine defeated the old farmer twice to win back the big catfish for the guest team, not only the barrage but also Facebook exploded. 


Emoticons and jokes arranged together, like - me, Jasmine, a rookie actor, the king of the vegetable field, a primary school student in the entertainment industry, a postdoctoral researcher in the peanut field, defeated the fifty years of farming experience of the farmer uncle in two rounds, setting up an arena in the vegetable field today, inviting all vegetable farmers from around the world to come and battle. 


Just casually writing a joke, who knew she would actually challenge the whole village after lunch, the village chief used a loudspeaker to call over idle villagers to fight for the honor of their village, the audience eagerly awaited to see Sister Jasmine single-handedly battle the entire village, and that's how that episode ended. 


--"Keep playing! I haven't seen enough yet!" 


--"Oh my, I will never dare to criticize the entertainment industry again, compared to Jasmine, I am the waste." 


--"What kind of female star have I become a fan of? After watching this episode, the image of Sister in my heart suddenly blurred." 


--"Not blurred, just changed from a Persian cat to a country cat." 


--"I watched it with my mom, my mom praised Sister Jasmine endlessly, saying she is a positive energy star in the entertainment industry, asking me to learn from her. Me: ... even fifty years of farming experience can't beat her, how can I learn???" 


--"My grandma said this girl must have gone out to work hard in the countryside, that taste is unmistakable!" 


In the top ten hot searches, this show occupies five spots, all related to Jasmine. When netizens teased her, they also remembered the female star who used to show off her farming skills every now and then by posting pictures of chili and tomatoes in her backyard. Some people do it well without boasting, she never says anything, while others only know a little bit, but show off their love for the countryside and farming on every variety show. 


Praising one while criticizing the other was about to cause trouble, but at this point not many people are paying attention to that, they are @ Jasmine how she leveled up her farming skills to such a level. 


Many people commented that their parents and grandparents who usually don't pay attention to these young people in the entertainment industry were won over by Sister Jasmine today. 


Never seen such a dedicated female star. 


Others go on variety shows to perform, she goes on variety shows to farm, harvesting peanuts and sesame seeds on two pieces of land, and after finishing, she is still not satisfied. 


After conveying the support for Jasmine from their parents, the younger brothers and sisters all raised a soul-searching question --


This Jasmine, which rich family in China did she come from? 


How peculiar must one be to send their daughter to learn piano, dance, calligraphy, and painting at someone else's house, but secretly cultivate her into a genius in gossip level five and farming level ten? 


It's not just on Facebook, forums and places like WIKI are also asking. 


With so many people talking about it, Chen asked if she wanted to record a small video response? Jasmine then found some of the most liked Facebook comments and made a video response. 


"When I filmed 'My All-Round Girlfriend,' some people said I was from a wealthy family, even the crew asked, but I said no, I am just an ordinary rookie actress, just know more friends. All those speculations about wealthy dads and celebrity moms are completely false. 

Why do I farm? Maybe because my ancestors for eight generations were poor farmers? It's a tradition." 


Jasmine thought that by saying this, her fans would finally believe her. 


Little did she know, there were a string of dog heads below. (ᕑᗢᓫ∗)˒


--Sister, think about what you wear every day, don't tell me it's borrowed from the brand. Who would lend you everyday clothes, right?


--And the bags, along with all those expensive accessories, are those affordable for a newcomer actress from an ordinary family who just started in the industry? /Doge.


--I almost don't recognize the words "ordinary" anymore.


Jasmine: ...


It's true it's not borrowed, but I didn't spend money, it was given by someone else.


But honestly, you probably won't believe it!


Forget it, let's read the script.


She recently accepted the role in a modern urban drama revolving around four girls' friendship, careers, and love, which is about to start filming. The main cast has been assembled, and Xu Mi has thoroughly studied the script with the top understanding she received from Ai Heping, even writing a character background for the character she's going to play. She is well-prepared.


This is her second time acting, and Jasmine's performance and acting skills seem to have improved compared to when she played Gu Pan before.


After the show started filming, she appeared in the first scene. Her first scene in this drama didn't make her stand out, her presence was not strong at that moment, the director even doubted if Gu Pan's character was just a flash in the pan, but he was proven wrong.


However, When he reviewed it, he found that this girl is quite interesting.

