

During filming, the director focused solely on the script and didn't consider other aspects. But during post-production, he had to face the issue of getting the drama to air on television. 


Jasmine's agent, Sister Chen, made the right call. The drama wasn't initially intended for television sale. It underwent cast changes, script revisions, and additional investments from wealthy backers, which led to an upgrade in production quality. Despite not reaching the level of major TV dramas, "All-Round Girlfriend" was considered well-produced for a youth idol drama. 


So the director was reluctant to negotiate with online streaming platforms directly; he aimed for television broadcast, which was not easy to achieve. 


With numerous TV dramas produced nationwide each year, many get stuck in the approval process. Even those that obtain distribution permits rarely make it to major TV stations. The competition during the summer season was fierce, adding to the director's uncertainty. 


If Ben's family, influential in Zhejiang Province, particularly Ben, was willing to help, they might be able to sell "All-Round Girlfriend" to Blue TV. 


However, Ben usually invested in projects and left the specifics to others. Asking him for help was unlikely to yield positive results. 


After some contemplation, the director felt hesitant to reach out. 


After worrying for a few days, he planned to try his luck with major TV stations after passing censorship. If unsuccessful, he would consider other options. At that moment, he received a message from Wang Fang, the head of the purchasing department at Yuzhou TV station. 


The director was thrilled at the opportunity, but hesitated before responding. 


Wanting to confirm the identity, he did a quick search and found that there was indeed only one Wang Fang at Yuzhou TV station, serving as the head of the purchasing department.




This show is still under review, and a TV station took the initiative to contact you?! 


Recently, a friend of him went to great lengths to sell the show by having the male and female leads accompany several TV station executives to dinner. They finally secured a deal with the Grassland Channel, whose ratings are not too high. Comparing Yuzhou Satellite TV with the Blue Channel is not fair, but among the local channels, it's considered decent. 


The director quickly added Wang Fang's friend and sent a polite greeting. 


On the other end, a voice message came in, mentioning that someone recommended the drama " All-Round Girlfriend," praising its quality. Wang Fang asked if post-production was completed and if it was convenient to view the show.?


"Anytime works, whenever you have time." 



Yuzhou Satellite TV was the first to express interest, and surprisingly, the Blue Channel also showed interest and wanted to preview the content. 


The director was thrilled, chatting with Jasmine, is she the one who helped out in there?


"Helped out? Helped with what?"


"Contacting the TV station, did you use your connections to recommend our show to the TV station leaders?"


Jasmine waved her hand: "I don't know the TV station leaders, I just posted on my Moments saying it's not easy to finish filming a drama and get it aired."


"And then?"


"Then someone messaged me, saying there's nothing that's not easy." Jasmine raised her eyebrows and turned to ask if the drama had been sold and if the premiere date had been set.


"Currently negotiating with Yuzhou Satellite TV and Blue Channel, both need to coordinate, they have to air simultaneously. The specific date is not set yet, at the latest probably August 20th, we are aiming to launch it at the end of the summer vacation."


This was Jasmine's first time filming a TV series, and she was quite happy to hear that it wouldn't take long to see it on air. She immediately shared her joy by sending a red envelope to her assistant.


After waiting for two more days, the director announced in the WeChat group that it was confirmed, the show will premiere simultaneously on August 18th at 7:30 pm on both channels, airing two episodes daily.


Everyone in the group was overjoyed, the actress who played the lead role was initially not happy privately, as she felt overshadowed, but now seeing the show selling so quickly and securing a prime-time slot, she thought that it was probably due to Ben or Jasmine.


Regardless of which of the two it was, this time they both benefited from Jasmine.


What she could see, others could naturally see as well, Huang Leran and others all @ Jasmine, saying "Boss Jasmine, we have the chance to work together again" "Hope we can act together in the future"...


Jasmine looked puzzled.


She was called "Jasmine " at first, then became "Sister Jasmine," and now "Boss Jasmine"??? 


[I am still a newbie, a weak and helpless newbie, I need you to guide me!]


As the show became popular, everyone in the group was very happy, congratulating each other, some sent red envelopes while others speculated about the viewership ratings.


Just as they were celebrating, a drama critic with two million followers posted a sarcastic Facebook.


Sharing Good Drama v:


"I have a friend, an old director, who worked hard last year to shoot a drama, he strictly supervised the production during shooting, and the post-production was also very well done, but guess what? He spent a year on the show, running around talking to people, keeping a low profile but still couldn't sell it. When asked, people said the lead actor wasn't famous enough, the supporting cast lacked popularity, the director wasn't well-known..."


"Recently, I had dinner with him, and he poured out his heart, even if the content of the show was not good and it got rejected, he would have accepted it, but the reasons people gave were truly frustrating."


"There's an even more ridiculous thing."


This year, there was a drama with mediocre content, yet it was snatched up by several major TV stations for some unspeakable reasons. Fortunately, it was during the era of "One Show, Two Stars." If it had been the previous "Big Four + X," you would have seen the four major TV stations simultaneously airing a melodramatic and nonsensical show during prime time."


"I'm not trying to diss anyone, it's just that this era is too unfair to hardworking and diligent TV people."




With two million followers, can such an incendiary Facebook post not provoke a strong reaction?


Many people below were as indignant as him, some said that the shows nowadays are getting worse, while others urged him not to spare anyone's feelings and just name names, asking which production team took the wrong path to sell the show.


The "Sharing Good Drama" blogger posted another update, saying not to ask, asking would provoke, and that he had a couple of drinks tonight before chatting with them.


The entire cast and crew of "All-Round Girlfriend" immediately felt targeted, thinking that the Facebook post was aimed at them.


Since the blogger didn't explicitly name them, they couldn't jump out and expose themselves, so they could only create a new account to criticize him a bit.


The crew held back, but there were others causing trouble.


The entertainment industry is not that secretive, and based on his description, people could guess who he was talking about in the circle, so someone went to an anonymous forum to start a thread saying that the blogger was probably referring to "The All-Round Girlfriend." Originally a web drama, after changing the supporting actress, it was upgraded consecutively, and after filming, they took the route of leveraging the supporting actress to secure deals with two major TV stations, One of them is even on Blue Platform, scheduled to be broadcast in the prime time of late August.


- This one can air on Blue Platform? Won't Vila and Huang Leryan laugh to death?


- Only this one, even if it's a huge hit, it won't be on the heads of the male and female leads. Who in the industry doesn't know that the success of a drama is all thanks to Jasmine? But they can still pick up a drama to air on TV without any effort.


- I kind of understand why the blogger went crazy. There should be a lot of sourness in the TV industry, right?


- Definitely, with her influence, there will be many scripts looking for her in the second half of the year. This might be the life of an rich young lady, soaring to the top as soon as she debuts, I truly envy her.


The All-Round Girlfriend drama crew was exposed, along with that Facebook post, was sent to the hot search, attracting considerable attention.


Everyone is waiting for the response from the drama crew, the director's first reaction was to buy a string of firecrackers to set off.


Because he failed to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the city.


The director personally paid for some Trolls to smear his own drama, instructing them to blacken it, trample the drama to death, exert more force, and show an attitude of wanting to kill it at all costs.


Trolls: ???


Usually bosses require a more subtle approach to smearing, so it's rare for him to use such force.


Although somewhat puzzled, the Trolls never questions the reasons for their actions, they just follow the boss's orders.


This group immediately took action, using Facebook and anonymous forums frequented by fangirls as their base, went crazy defaming the drama crew, claiming they produced trash films by using connections to secure resources, and called on the audience to boycott.


The drama crew became a hot topic, really hot. Initially, they were being criticized, but then some people started to have a rebellious mindset, thinking it was unfair to be criticized so harshly without even seeing the content. After all, you said there's a wealthy and well-connected young lady in the drama crew, this young lady is really not particular, willing to act in any trashy film?


Some people started to feel that something was off with the rhythm, speculating whether someone wanted to kill this drama.


The director responded to the online comments at the critical moment of changing winds, not playing the victim card, just saying that while he may not have won any prestigious awards, he still puts effort into making dramas. The drama "All-Round Girlfriend" may not be something that people will cherish, but it doesn't deserve to be criticized so harshly. The director urged everyone to be sensible, at least watch a couple of episodes before judging, it's not too late to criticize if it truly disappoints you.


The director took the lead, and other crew members also started to speak up, the main and supporting actors also came forward, talking about how they had to revise the script significantly after filming started, sharing some shooting details, emphasizing that they are not just casually making the drama, but putting in a lot of effort.


Everyone came out to speak, except for Jasmine who remained silent.


Onlookers couldn't help but comment: "Truly a lady from a wealthy family, sophisticated and composed."


When Ben was scrolling through Facebook, he saw this post and went over to show it to Jasmine.


Jasmine was visiting the Ben's family, she had just heard Ben's mother complaining about her son serving freshly cooked braised pork knuckles to his grandmother on a hot day, which made Jasmine laugh.


At that moment, Ben squeezed over.


"Look, look, they all say you have a commanding presence, even if the sky falls, you remain calm."


Jasmine leaned over to take a look, she saw the sentence, but didn't understand.


"What's going on? What sky is falling?"


"You haven't been on Facebook or read WeChat, have you? It seems like people in the industry are jealous and trying to smear your drama, saying that nowadays well-made good dramas are hard to sell, while rubbish produced by the collaboration of capital and popular stars is being snatched up by TV stations."


Ben was waiting to see her reaction, but Jasmine didn't react much.



"Aren't you angry?"


"Did they specifically mention us?"


"Not really."


"Then it's fine, our drama is not bad, why should we take it to heart? Just think about it, there is some truth to what they say. I also think that the dramas in the past two years haven't been very good." 


... You really has an open mind, sister.


Ben was prepared to comfort her, but it turned out she didn't need it.


He was not convinced, and said, "Even though this critic didn't name names, someone online revealed that he dissed you guys. Your drama is currently trending, getting bashed." 


Just as Jasmine was about to say something, her phone rang. 


Without moving, she picked it up and it was her agent, Sister Chen, calling. Sister Chen said, "You're about to become famous. I've been answering calls all day, all asking you to film TV dramas." Sister Chen even mentioned a few famous directors to her, but Jasmine didn't commit to anything, saying she would talk about it later as she had something to attend to. 


After hanging up, she relayed Sister Chen's message to Ben. 


Ben could definitely see the look of satisfaction on Jasmine's face. 


Damn t, these directors have no integrity; hearing that Sister Jasmine's drama could easily make it to the screen, they flocked like flies to manure.