

The entire crew watched as Little Ben's demeanor changed completely after answering his grandma's call, completely ignoring his rumored girlfriend Miss Ceca and staring straight at the extra.


Jasmine tilted her head, "You said you'd call me grandma if the call went through."


Ben: ...


"Granny, don't tease me. If I had known who you were that...earlier, could I have done this?"


Jasmine's family situation is complicated. Her parents were introduced by someone for a blind date and got married smoothly. They were happy for a couple of years, but due to some difficulties, they separated. 


Her father started a new family, and she stayed with her mother. When Jasmine was twelve, her mother had an accident, causing her to shut down emotionally for a long time. One day, she absentmindedly dialed her passed mother's phone number and surprisingly, it connected.!!!


Thinking it was a dream at first, when she realized she could actually contact the underworld, Jasmine's life changed. 


It was the tenth year since her mother's passing, and Jasmine was twenty-two, living comfortably with a house, car, and money. Taking on small acting roles was just a way to keep herself busy, and she wanted to use the magic gifts she received after fulfilling people's wishes. 


Every time she helped someone in need, she would receive a text message from the underworld mobile service, typically saying: [Congratulations on fulfilling the wish of underworld citizen XXX, receiving magic gifts *1.] 


The contents of the magic gift varied.


From good luck charms to inheriting the aura or skills of the person she helped. 


For example, the fortune of the rich, the peach blossom luck of the heartthrob...


She once helped an actress with a sixty-point acting skill, but just having a passing grade in acting wouldn't get her into a production, right? 


Recently, she obtained a special aura specifically for the entertainment industry - special charm, which meant she could exude exceptional charm when portraying distinctive characters.


Jasmine entered the entertainment industry just for fun and to try out the limelight. She figured she'd spend a little money first to buy an extra role to familiarize herself with the business process, get a feel for acting, and then see if she could get a more significant and eccentric role for herself later. 



As for Ben, he and Jasmine met for the first time, but he had heard of her before. 


Last year, the head of the Liu family, a wealthy figure in Xiang Province, suddenly passed away, causing a stir as he was relatively young and hadn't left a will. 


The inheritance dispute of the Liu family had been widely reported by many media outlets, but then, one day, the family suddenly reached a peaceful resolution. 


People couldn't understand it, and there were rumors that the Liu family had consulted a master to contact the deceased and ask for his opinion. 


The family business was established by him, and he took charge of distributing it, so his parents and relatives didn't make a fuss again.


Ben found the whole thing a bit absurd. Just as he was processing this information, he unexpectedly crossed paths with Jasmine, who was now playing a minor role in a low-quality drama. 


Ben was surprised by how young she was and was still trying to make sense of it all. 


Jasmine then extended her hand to him.


Catching him off guard. Ben was still confused, not immediately understanding what this meant.


"Give me back my phone."


Oh right, the phone, the phone is still with him!


Ben suddenly realized he had her phone and returned it. Before giving it back, He asked about the phone's model, price, and where she bought it. 


Jasmine chuckle and say, "Every now and then someone asks me this question. This phone wasn't bought by me. I exchanged my previous thousand yuan phone with someone else some time ago. They insisted on taking it because they really liked it and ended up giving me this one. You get what you pay for, but I have to admit, this one is actually quite good to use."


Ben, who had also considered upgrading his phone, was left speechless....




It seems like it's not a problem with the phone.


Ben wanted to say something, but couldn't figure out what to say at the moment. Instead, Jasmine took the lead and asked him how he felt about the extra role in the drama?


Even though everyone watching was confused, when she asked the key question, they all looked at Ben.


Ben smiled a little awkwardly.


"I still think this role isn't suitable for you."


Jasmine's face stiffened.


Ben quickly added, "It doesn't bring out your charm, in every aspect, the role of the second female lead is better."


The original second female lead, Ceca: ...


The director who had been filming for almost a week with a troubled expression: ...


Who doesn't know that the second female lead is better? Ben, what do you mean by saying that??? (⌯꒪꒫꒪)੭


The news of the replacement of the actress playing the second female lead due to health reasons was announced on April 13th, just a week after filming began for the drama "The All-Round Girlfriend." 


"The All-Round Girlfriend" drama crew official Facebook account: The actress playing the role of supporting actress Mimi, @Ceca, due to health reasons, is unable to continue filming the rest of the scenes. We deeply regret this and have had to make the decision to replace the actress. Please understand our situation. Thanks to @Ceca for her hard work all along, best wishes. 


After the start of filming, changing roles usually causes a stir, but fortunately the official Facebook provided a reason. It seems like an irresistible force. Besides, Ceca is still a student in the industry, a newcomer who gained a bit of fame through "Ben", not exactly having a fan base. Therefore, although many people expressed surprise in the comments below this Facebook post, there were not many harsh words. Some inquired about Ceca's health condition, while more eagerly recommended potential candidates for the supporting actress role. In a short while, news apps were already reporting on the replacement of cast members in the drama "The All-Round Girlfriend."


"Ben's girlfriend tragically replaced, undeserving position will eventually be restored."


"Just because she did such a thing, she was kicked out of the cast."


"Ben's girlfriend's slightly protruding belly suspected of being pregnant, will the wealthy Ben family welcome a grandchild?"


The official Facebook stated "due to health reasons," but the news editor dug up recent photos of Ceca, generating a bunch of stories based on the pictures.


There was a photo where her clothes weren't worn properly, and her slightly protruding belly was immediately labeled as a pregnancy. The news writers felt very justified.


Firstly, there was no news of any major incident in this cast.


Secondly, wasn't Ceca inserted into the cast by Ben? Ben didn't dislike her, so replacing her at this time must have been unavoidable circumstances. Don't even mention that the director of this cast couldn't stand her bad acting and found an excuse to kick her out, such directors in this cast don't have that ability.


While outsiders were still wondering if she was really pregnant? News had already leaked within the industry. According to an anonymous staff member from the cast of "All-Round Girlfriend," this woman didn't stop filming due to health issues as the official Facebook claimed. The truth was that the second female lead found the background extra girl annoying, constantly belittling her, and wanted to kick them out of the cast. Little did she know she was playing with fire. Her sugar daddy Ben came over to support her, originally insisting on kicking the person out, but the background extra took out her phone, made a call, and after the call, Ben immediately call her grandma and apologized and replaced Ceca. (//̀Д/́/)





—Is this for real? Why does it sound so ridiculous???


—It's true, I'm in the circle, heard something similar. It seems like she wanted to kick someone out, but ended up being kicked out herself. Don't make assumptions, the cast won't openly recruit new members, the second female lead should be that background extra girl coming to act, then they'll find another background extra.


—Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, after years of being a fan, this is the first time I've heard such a joke. Acting high and mighty without knowing the truth, she really messed up.


—Who is she messing with? What's her background?


—Ben didn't recognize her at first, the other party called the elders in the his family, had a chat with them, and after that Little Ben changed his tune and apologized, calling the other lady "grandmother." 


—She has quite the backing.


—Wow, how will Ceca get by in the future? Isn't this embarrassing for her?


—Definitely embarrassing, if she doesn't pretend it's no big deal, what else can she do? You think she dares to cause trouble? When Ben said he would replace her, how could she cause a scene?


—Now I'm even more curious, who is this background extra girl?


At this moment, someone discreetly circulated a photo of Jasmine dressed as a background extra.


Oversized T-shirt, cropped pants, sporty sneakers with a male aesthetic, along with that hairstyle and makeup.





—I actually think Ceca looks a bit better, at least her face is somewhat presentable.


—Just like this? Playing the second female lead? Isn't the second female lead just a green tea b*tch who only knows how to gossip except for dating?


—That's it, this show is done.


Jasmine was completely unaware of the online commotion, still modestly claiming she had no experience, yet here she was playing the second female lead, feeling quite embarrassed.


Ceca was holding back, but when she heard this, she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She turned around and quickly walked away. Jasmine glanced at Ben, "Aren't you going after her?"


"No worries, she can't run far. Grandma, can you please call my grandma again? I wasn't prepared just now, there were many things I didn't get to say."


Ben's grandmother had two sons and two daughters, one elder and one younger son, Ben's Dad is Haijun, he is the youngest among the brothers.and Ben was the youngest among his cousins. 


When his grandmother was alive, she doted on this grandson. At that time, Ben held a high position in the family, but things changed after his grandmother passed away. 


The old man, who favored the eldest grandson who appeared upright, had good relationships across generations in the Ben family. The relationships between cousins were also good, but Ben had his shortcomings. 


Today, encountering Jasmine, he was initially quite frightened, but he felt lucky when he calmed down. 


After finally contacting his kind grandmother, couldn't he tell her about his grievances? Jasmine was not so easy to talk to and had no intention of calling back. 


Ben regretted not inquiring first before asserting his authority. He had to apologize again: "I was hasty just now, Auntie, please don't hold it against me. I haven't spoken with grandma for years, and I miss her. Can you please help me do a good deed?"


"...You're really good at adapting, aren't you?" 


"Are you willing to make the call?"


"Is it that easy to make a phone call? I've said a lot, but you don't understand. Anyway, it's not possible today."


"When then?"


Jasmine thought seriously and told him, "I'll talk when I'm in a good mood one day."



This answer really makes people want to vomit.


Ben continued, "Let's slowly make phone calls in the future. How about I treat you to a meal today?"


"Treat your girlfriend instead, she's almost crying."