

In the imperial year 4521, Keith Vincent Degurechaff, a teacher at the Imperial Academy, navigates the challenges of life with his Maine Coon cat, Princes, and an addiction to a cutting-edge virtual pod. The narrative delves into Keith's poignant past—losing his parents in a war, growing up in foster care, and ultimately finding solace in his privacy and virtual escapades. The story takes a dramatic turn when a sudden system error disrupts the game, signaling an unexpected glitch. As Keith grapples with the unfolding events, a strange solution emerges—transmigration. In a flash of light, Keith loses consciousness, and an eerie message echoes in the game world. The narrative sets the stage for an enthralling journey as Keith faces the challenges of this unforeseen transmigration, blurring the lines between his virtual haven and the new world that he finds himself in.

Emman_Tipdas · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Prologue: Into Another World

Imperial year 4521, Keith Vincent Degurechaff got home late at night from work as a teacher at the Imperial Academy. Being a teacher wasn't always his dream but when life gives you lemons you make some mother fuckin' lemonade.

"Princes I'm home!"

He warmly welcomed his majestic Maine Coon cat, a furry companion that swiftly bounded to his side, nuzzling against his leg with a rhythmic purr resonating through the air.

"You only got like this when you're hungry."

He pouted at his cat who was continuously purring at him and rubbing her soft head at his feet. Keith lives alone although not by choice. He is so busy with work and his hobby of virtual games that he has no time for romance. He was an orphan at the age of ten due to the war with the Qi, an alien race whose sole purpose was to cleanse the universe of life other than theirs. His parents were collateral damage from the war. Humanity won but he lost everything.

Since then, he has been in the foster care system until he turned eighteen. His foster parents earnestly did everything they could to make him feel welcome and at home, but nothing beats your real family. His foster parents offered him to keep living with them despite him turning eighteen, but he doesn't want to intrude any more than he already has. He always had felt that way.

It also helps that he has his own place now and by the love of God he has privacy. Living with six other foster siblings was a nightmare if you want privacy. They're annoying like a real sibling but fun to be around with. He loved them all truly.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed some cat food from the shelves. He then poured the disgusting substance into Princes' cat bowl. 'I swear cat food smells more awful than cat litter!' He thought to himself.

After savoring a meticulously prepared warm meal, he retreated to his study, eager to immerse himself in the virtual wonders of the pod. The anticipation of returning home always centered around this marvel of human ingenuity—a virtual pod that allowed him to upload his consciousness into games, transforming them into immersive experiences akin to real life. A fifteenth birthday gift from his foster parents initiated his addiction, and now, with adult money on his hands and at his disposal, he invested in a state-of-the-art virtual pod, a purchase that cost him an arm and a leg just to get one on his hands.

As the familiar hum signaled the pod's activation, Keith eagerly hopped into the futuristic device, navigating to his cherished MMORPG, 'Rise of the Heroes of Fenrir.' Logging in, he was greeted by the familiar home menu featuring his character, the enigmatically named Lucent Morningstar. Lucent, a level 100 angel with obsidian wings dipped in royal blue, donned a unique interpretation of a choir boy's attire. A doll-like figure crafted from pure gold and golden orbs serving as joints, Lucent wore a porcelain mask eternally adorned with an eerie, permanent smile. Keith, a fan of horror movies and mythology, found solace in this somewhat unsettling online persona, a manifestation of his penchant for the unconventional.

He entered the game and a familiar view appeared. He is on top of the heist peak of the palace on top of the highest point of a mountain in the floating city that he owns. This city which he appropriately named Heaven, was a prize he won as the consecutive winner of the world tournament ten times in a row, a gift from the Devs.

'Rise of the Heroes of Fenrir' was not only a role-playing game but also a kingdom-building strategy game as well. He put blood sweat and tears into this game, making it the majestic sky empire it is today. What's unique about ROTHOF is that the players make the lore and story of the game as it goes. Everything that happened inside the game was canon.

[System Error] [System Error] [System Error]

A loud booming robotic message voice rang in the whole city, A similar message appeared in the sky. The sound of it deafening to his ears.

[System Error] [System Error] [System Error] [System Rebooting] [Host Body Compromise] [Uploading Consciousness to The Cloud] [Upload Failed] [System Rebooting] [World Generating] [World Generating Failed]

"Oh-oh this can't be good"

Keith said worry in his voice.

[Eror #230401] [Finding Solution] [Solution Found] [Solution: Transmigration] [Eror] [Eror] [Eror]

"Wait what!?"

A burst of light envelops him and Keith Vincent Degurechaff has lost his consciousness and falls asleep. Meanwhile, in the real world, a freak and sudden power outage occurred. In this day and age power outage is a rare thing to occur but it does happen. It's just Kieth's bad luck that his pod got short-circuited when the power went back on and he was electrocuted. When Keith woke up, he was still in the same place only the main difference was that he could feel the wind on his skin and smell the fresh air. His pod's technology was advanced but not that advanced.

"Oh shit!"