
The Dark Day

I try getting my two boys together as my husband sets up dinner. Yea, my husband is a dick. I do all the work in the house, and he works at in and out. I sit down and put on the news. But then I saw a familiar face... It's Grey's wife. "Woman found dead in a dumpster with gun in her hand and a gunshot to the head" It was captioned. "That's Grey's wife Amanda..." I say. I turn off the tv and we all eat. "Mom, can I go to my room now?" My son Justin asked. "Oh uhm, two more bites then you can go." I say. He eats and runs to his room.

-a few days later after the funeral-

I go to Grey, who I haven't seen since high school. "Hey... Are you ok?" I ask. "I'm ok..." He reply's. "I'll go check up on our children..." I say as I go to his son and my sons. "Are you guys hungry or thirsty? There's water and snacks in the kitchen." I say. Grey's son, Jaeden, walks to the kitchens do grabs a snack.

I walk over to my husband and say "You ok there?" "I'm fine." He says. I've never met the woman but looking at her, She's beautiful. I walk back over to Grey and say "She is a beautiful woman..." "Yeah... She was..." He says. "Hey, if you ever

Need a friend or anything I'm just a call or text away..." I say. "Thanks..." He says.