
I Just Called To Say I Love You 

"Sir, we have an appointment with Mr Jones within fifteen minutes," Amy Miller said "Cancel it, I don't want to be late for my own marriage," Andy Francis said "Wait? What? Are you getting married? With whom? Why we are not informed?" Amy asked anxiously "I think I'm the boss," Andy said "Sorry sir," Amy said and lowered her head "Okay fine, let's go," Andy said before holding her wrist "where?" "How can I marry without a bride?" Andy said while moving out of the office with Amy ..... Well, Do you ever have a crush on anyone? If YES, then to what extent you went for him? Amy Miller who was smart, intelligent, hardworking women has a hard crush on arrogant, overbearing, cold and aloof CEO Andy Francis since childhood but has no guts to express to him. Will Amy proposes him? What if they both got married? Will Andy loves her? Ps:- This cover doesn't belongs to me.

Shining · Urban
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357 Chs


Nina cheeks turned red when he said, though they went physical when they were in a relationship but she couldn't help but feel giddy all over her body when he mentioned 'when we start doing things.' But Is she interested in doing things with him? Yes, she was dying to hug and kiss him but at the same time, she wants to lash out at him for being so dumb in past.

"So you hate it?" Nina asked

"Yes, I want you to smile while talking to me, I want that cute and sweet smile back darling," Erik said

"Well, earn it Mr parks," Nina said


"You want me to give you a sweet smile right? To earn my smile." Nina said

"Tell me what I should do to earn your smile?" Erik asked

"Why I should tell? Learn yourself Mr Parks" Nina said

"Okay darling"

"Darling? Who gave you permission to call me darling?" Nina asked

"It's my right babe," Erik said pulling her closer

Nina's breath hitched when he pulled her closer, he looked more cute and sexy when he calls her babe. All she want is to tear his shirt off and glance at his bare chest and toned muscles. Oh god, how much she missed his naked body.

'From when did you become such a prevent?' Nina thought herself

"What are you thinking babe?" Erik asked

Nina looked straight into his eyes and said "Your naked body"

Nina bit her lower lip when she realised what she just said. How can she say such things so directly to him? What if he thinks she is a sex pervert?

Erik gulped in nervousness when she bit her lower lip. He wanted to taste her juicy pink lips but he knows he can't do that. He can't act like a pervert until he clears the mess he had created three years ago and get back Nina in his life but at the same time, he thought one kiss doesn't affect right?

He kissed her on her forehead and said "Babe, don't bit your lip when you are with others"

When Nina slowly nodded her head, Erik chuckled and asked: "Do you want to see my naked body?"

Without waiting for her reply, he added "Don't worry about it babe, you will get that opportunity sooner"

Nina pushed him and snapped "Why the hell I want to see your naked body? You have nothing special Mr parks, I have seen better"

Erik frowned and said "You are insulting my manly ego"

"Manly ego, is that even a thing?" Nina asked

Yeah we man's have great ego than your women's" Erik said

Nina inched closer, placed her hand on his neck and started creasing it. She then tiptoed and whispered in-ear "What did you say? Your manly ego is greater than our womanly ego?"

Erik lost all his senses when Nina caressed her neck and whispered in his ear. He seriously wanted to do things with her, he about to pull her but Nina ran away and said "I have to clean your apartment Mr parks, Help me"

Erik helplessly shook his head, how can she be so cunning to him? she just turned him on and left without doing anything.

Nina chuckled when she looked at this grumpy expression, she very well knows that neck is his turning on point. She purposely turned him on because she wanted to see whether he can control himself or not. She was right, Erik has changed a lot. If he was like in past, up to now he would have pounced upon her but he neither did anything nor kissed her.


Amy and Andy's apartment

"Babe, don't do this" Amy said

"What? I'm just helping you in cutting veggies" Andy said while hugging him tighter form back

"Babe, you are making things difficult to me" Amy groaned

"You are blaming me darling" Andy said while trailing kisses all over her nape

Amy pushed him and said "Stay away and maintain distance from me"

"But babe"

Cutting him off Amy snapped "If you want to sleep on the couch then touch me now"

"You always use this trick" Andy complained and resumed his cooking works

Amy chuckled, kissed his forehead and said "You look cute when you fall for this trick"

"Now, who is being touchy?" Andy asked

"I can touch you as much as I want but you can't," Amy said

"What kind of rule is this?" Andy asked

"It's AMY'S RULE " Amy said

"Huhuhu these wives are cunning" Andy pretended like crying

"Yeah we are cunning, and there is nothing you can do hubby," Amy said before giving a peck on his lips

"Yeah, where is Ni?" Andy asked

"She is with Erik" Amy replied

"What?" Andy shouted

Amy rolled her eyes and said, "Why the hell you are shouting?"

"When? I mean how? Did they patched up?" Andy asked

"No babe, we are trying to teach Erik a lesson," Amy said

"So you girls are feeding Ni with your devilish ideas?" Andy asked

"Yes and you boys deserve that," Amy said

"How so?" Andy asked

"If we were barbie doll you men will play with us, so we wanted to be Annabelle," Amy said

"So my Amy is Anabelle" Andy asked

"Yeah I'm," Amy said

"Annabelle is scary but my Amy is sexy" Andy said while clashing their lips together

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