
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs


Sokovia, hidden in the middle of a dense forest.

A building, which seemed to blend into the environment, was located, almost invisible from afar, but if someone approached, they could see a mark of a skull with tentacles on the armored doors of the fortress.

In this desolate place was Hydra's main advanced research base.

Inside the main hall, a bald man was carefully looking at the situation in the laboratory through the security system.

He was one of Hydra's top leaders, Baron Strucker.

"Baron, we have lost Pierce and all the seeds planted within S.H.I.E.L.D."

At this moment, a member of Hydra was reporting, and one could see a trace of displeasure on Strucker's face after hearing, "So it's finally been discovered?"

He seemed to have expected it - It was a possibility, after stealing the Tesseract from S.H.I.E.L.D., it wouldn't take long for something to be discovered, after all Fury was known for his paranoia and control freaks.

"Being able to decisively eliminate all of our seeds... Nick Fury really is a ruthless guy."

However, although it is regrettable that the efforts of so many years were ruined, Baron Strucker was not too worried about it.

Because... His branch of Hydra no longer needed the disguised seeds that were infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military.

"But... Their sacrifice was worth it."

Looking at the Cube, in the laboratory, which was emitting an absurd amount of energy, all due to Dr. Selvig's research, Struker truly felt that it was worth it, the power they would soon achieve, was worth some sacrifices, "Cut off a head, and two grow from the place."

"When we complete the research on the Tesseract... We will have enough power, and then we will clean up this dirty world and establish a new order!"

He opened his arms, as if welcoming the future to come.

And then....


With a tremendous noise, Baron Strucker, who had nothing to hold on to, fell to the ground somewhat disoriented.

"What happened?"

He quickly got up from the ground and asked angrily.

"It's S.H.I.E.L.D., we've been bombed - they're invading the base!"

The Hydra soldiers who were in charge of guarding the entrance positioned themselves and prepared for the imminent combat.


So Baron Strucker was horrified when he heard - how did S.H.I.E.L.D manage to find him, he made sure all tracks were cleared.

But he didn't have much time to think about it: "All soldiers at their posts, prepare for combat, buy as much time as possible, Research team retreat, prepare the Cube for immediate transportation!"

Recovering from the initial blowout, Struker issued orders to everyone in the base, showing his leadership abilities, he also prepared to leave the base with the research team.

With a large amount of weaponry and elite Hydra soldiers at this base, Baron Strucker had no doubt that even S.H.I.E.L.D. with all its power intact, it would not be able to break through its defenses in a short time.

Then he would have enough time to escape.


"I'm sorry...Baron...I'm afraid we won't be able to delay the retreat."

The poor soldier who came to report the situation seemed to have lost all strength, including the will to fight.


After hearing this, Struker took a step forward and accessed the base's security system, and as soon as he saw the situation the base was in, his face immediately turned pale!

In the middle of the forest, soldiers from both sides clashed.


Explosions could be heard from all sides, the weapons in the hands of the Hydra soldiers spewed furious tongues of fire, while the agents and soldiers on the other side responded with heavy fire.

But the key point is not about ordinary soldiers.

Because on the battlefield, there were individuals who upset the balance in favor of the attackers.

A tall man wearing an eye-catching uniform could be seen running madly across the battlefield, incomparable, the most attractive point about him was his shield, which seemed unaware of the laws of physics, every time it was thrown some Hydra soldiers fell!

The man in question needed no introduction, he was Hydra's greatest enemy - Steve Rogers "The Captain América".

High in the air, a red blur shot energy beams in all directions, it was Tony Stark, "The Iron Man".

There was also a Green Giant, who was running over everything in his path, none other than "The Incredible Hulk"!

"Hawkeye" Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanov, the "Black Widow"... He was also doing his part, taking down an incredible number of enemies even though they were the most common of the group.

It could be said that this was the first presentation of the team that Fury wanted to assemble - The Avengers.

As part of the organization that commanded all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secret plans, Baron Strucker, I knew as soon as I saw that these people were candidates for the Avengers initiative, separately they already represented a great threat, together the result could be seen well ahead.

However, there was still more to this!

Because although the group of superhumans at the front was causing massive chaos in the battle, they weren't the most eye-catching point in the entire situation!

Because there was a being whose speed and destructive power on the battlefield was comparable to the Avengers themselves.

"Those... What is it?"

Looking at the three monsters, who surrounded the base from almost all directions, Baron Strucker lost the ability to speak for a moment.

To the south, a serpentine dragon, dark as night, fired beams of energy, turning everything it hit into dust.

To the west, the western dragon, surrounded by white fog, walked slowly with every step he took, the ground was frozen along with everything around him, without distinction.

To the east, the huge red dinosaur-like monster created fissures and spouted lava from the ground, creating a trail of destruction wherever it passed.

There were no other troops involved - these three monsters alone almost destroyed Hydra's entire defense line!

And in the sky watching the three giant monsters, a figure floated calmly.

"Asher Oaks..."

After seeing the speed at which the three beasts were advancing, Baron Strucker understood that the soldier's words from before were not wrong.

At this speed... It's simply impossible for them to evacuate before the base collapses!


Watching everything unfold, Baron Strucker's expression changed, and then he turned and walked towards the laboratory!

It was at this time that Tony, who was blasting Hydra soldiers from the sky with his Mark VI, stopped moving.

"Hey, guys.."

Seeing Asher's creatures far exceeded his advancing speed, Tony heaved a helpless sigh: "Although Asher is my friend, I still have to say - we look like supporting characters in the movie, which isn't cool."

In the face of the power of Asher's invocations, the newly formed so-called ''Avengers'' were more like a support team, supporting characters...perhaps the only one who could really do something would be the Hulk, preferably a very angry Hulk.

"Hulk... Smashes."

Hulk, who had just crushed a tank, looked towards Rayquaza - The battle that the two fought was still fresh in the Emerald Giant's mind.

"Stark, you said supporting characters..."

Barton, on the other hand, drew an arrow and fired, eliminating yet another soldier.

"I feel like we're not playing supporting characters — we're supporting the villain."

After hearing Hawkeye's words, the remaining Avengers looked at the surrounding battle scenes, and then couldn't say anything for a moment.

Because now the scene of one-sided destruction looked a lot like a scene from a monster movie, in which they were the henchmen of the villain who controls the giant monsters, while those Hydra soldiers shot down would be the innocent citizens crushed in the way, or the army that is unable to stop the creatures' advance!