
Consequences & Implications

Three days have passed since Eason - The Explorer, was defeated by Mega Rayquaza.

And now, Asher was enjoying a rare moment of leisure after a long time.

"So, you're an Avenger now too?"

Asher asked Thor, who was sitting in front of him, as the God of Thunder curiously looked at every part of the pocket dimension.

"Of course – I, Thor, am the strongest Avenger."

Thor gripped Mjornir's hilt with confidence.

Asher ended up asking about why Thor became an Avenger during the conversation.

Simply put, this matter was actually related to him.

When he was intercepted by Thanos and Mephisto at Rainbow Bridge, both Thor and Odin thought he was dead - after all, in the hands of the Monarch of Hell and the Overlord of the Universe, there aren't many people who can escape with their lives.

According to Thor's description, the wrathful Odin mounted his divine horse Sleipnir for the first time in nearly a thousand years, and wielding his Spear Gungnir, he relentlessly pursued Thanos and Mephisto across several star fields.

Of course, Asher knew that Odin was really angry - after all, he had just made a huge investment, hoping that Asher could help Thor defeat Hela in the future, but just a day later his investment was sneakily attacked on what was supposed to be his territory. , such an affront made old Odin very, very angry.

In comparison to Odin, and his cunning machinations, Thor's thoughts were much simpler.

In his opinion, the reason why Asher disappeared was entirely his responsibility, because it was thanks to his invitation that Asher came to Asgard, which caused the subsequent series of events.

Therefore, due to the guilt he felt, Thor decided to take on the responsibilities of his fallen friend - leaving to protect Midgard in Asher's place.

Odin ended up allowing it for the purpose of training Thor, and that's how Thor arrived on Earth and became a member of the Avengers.

"Really? I still think the Hulk is the strongest Avenger."

"The Green Beast? He can't be... You have to know that against that Celestial, he barely lasted 10 minutes."

Ignoring Peggy's disdainful expression, Thor pointed at himself proudly - "I, the mighty Thor, lasted 1 minute longer than him, before falling!"


Looking at Thor, who seemed to be gradually becoming less and less coherent, the other Avengers present also wisely chose to intervene in the conversation.

"Asher, where exactly have you been this whole time?"

The first to change the subject was Nick Fury, who had arrived with Peggy Carter, his words made Asher smile helplessly - "Well not if Thor told them everything, but I was attacked by two very powerful guys, and then space broke and So I ended up falling into a separate space, it took a while but in the end I managed to free myself."

Asher didn't want to reveal anything about time travel, so he thought it would be better to make up a story.

Of course, this story was full of loopholes - As Asher spent a lot of time in Earth's past, there is the possibility that Rayquza, Deoxys and his other Pokémon are recorded in some historical monument or even in some military document of his involvement with Carol...

But before Nick Fury could continue with the interrogation, Peggy took the initiative to change the subject: "Well, work Asher." "

Fury wasn't too happy about being cut off like that, but doing what he had been demoted to, so he could only listen from the side and in silence.

"I've known you guys long enough, Peggy, to know how S.H.I.E.L.D works - You didn't just come up to me to say thank you and ask where I was, did you?"

Asher took the fruit that Victini had brought him, he knew well how insidious these agents could be even if they were his friends to some degree.

"More than half of Queens was destroyed, and many New Yorkers lost their possessions during the evacuation, initial estimates say the damage is at least $10 billion, counting only material damage."

"This time people are very worried... We have to know where this monster came from."

Saying this, Peggy faced Asher with a serious look.

"...Isn't there a crown prince of Asgard here? Why don't you ask him instead of me?"

"Well, actually, I don't really like reading, I mean, studying was more Loki's thing, so I don't know much about them."

After saying this, Thor was quite embarrassed - "I am a warrior, a warrior doesn't need to read, you know what I mean?" So all I know is that the guy seems to be called a Celestial, and that my dad seems to have defeated one in the past..."


Seeing how illiterate Thor was, Asher felt helpless, but decided to give a brief explanation - "This Being was actually a Celestial, they are one of the most powerful races in the universe, if not the most powerful... I advise you not to ask about things you don't need to know."

Asher looked at Peggy seriously - "As human civilization currently stands, knowing about its existence is just asking for unnecessary trouble."

"But they've already arrived at our doorstep, so that doesn't give us much of a choice."

Peggy, on the other hand, seemed inflexible.

"It's just an accident, Celestials roam all over the universe, Eason The Explorer is just one of them, not even one of the strongest - if they really wanted to attack Earth, then it wouldn't be ''The Explorer'' who would come, but rather" The Judge" or perhaps "The Eradicator".

Asher said calmly.


Knowing that this catastrophe, which almost led to the destruction of Earth without Asher's interference, turned out to be just an accident, caused Peggy and Nick Fury to be stunned for a moment.

"We have to find a way..."

"You found out."

Asher pointed to Thor from the side: "Asgard is our ally, we also have the Sorceress Supreme and her Sorcerer Order who protect the Earth, also don't forget the Avengers, they are already enough to fight most threats, and they are still getting stronger."

"There are infinite powerful beings in the universe, but not all of them are malicious towards Earth."

This little speech from Asher is purely to comfort Peggy - Because some of the most powerful beings not only in the Universe, but also in the Multiverse, really harbor evil intentions against Earth, the little blue planet and really unlucky in that regard.


Looking at Asher's serious expression, Nick Fury, who originally planned to continue digging deeper, didn't continue to ask again.

Peggy, on the other hand, looked at Asher, and decided to change the topic of conversation - "The military is very worried about the Avengers and super-powered beings like you, and they want you to sign an agreement limited to the use of your powers."


Asher didn't feel surprised after hearing this - this situation was very similar to the Sokovia Accords in the original plot, these politicians wouldn't feel good seeing that they had no power over the superheroes, so sooner or later they would take some action. sneaky.


"Tell him in advance, I won't sign it."

Asher smiled and looked at Peggy - "If they have any opinions, let them come and talk to me."

At the level he reached, Asher would not accept restrictions from someone weaker than him - this was his bottom line, his inverse scale.

"...I knew you would say that, so I didn't even bring the document."

Peggy Carter obviously expected this response from Asher, so she stood up calmly - "In that case, we'll leave first."

She originally came here to find out Asher's situation and attitude, and now that everything is clear, she naturally has no reason to stay.

"Oh yes, Asher.. When you have time, you can come with me to Asgard again, Father will be very happy to know that you are still alive." "

Thor's words as he too stood up to leave made Asher roll his eyes - he almost didn't leave Asgard alive last time, so he wasn't at all eager for another visit.

After these guests in the name of the government or the Avengers left, Asher barely had time to rest, and the next guest arrived at his house.

"Asher, congratulations on your successful return."

Looking at the familiar face plastered with a mysterious, even somewhat mischievous smile, Asher was speechless for a few seconds, but quickly regained his composure - "Welcome to my humble home Sorceress Supreme of Kamar Taj, I really wanted to have a good chat. with your excellence."

"Last time in Sokovia, you fought with Dormammu and Mephisto, so you were busy and couldn't help, and this time with the descent of a Celestial to Earth, it's not possible that more Helllords and extradimensional Demons have attacked again, right? ?"

Asher was actually a little exasperated at this point, The Sorcerer Supreme guards the Earth, but why every time something happens, he's the one who has to deal with the mess? It's getting a little strange now!

Next chapter