
Hypnosis: Whispers of Power and Deceit

In 'Whispers of Power and Deceit,' Dr. Alex Mercer, a struggling therapist, discovers a mysterious ability in a vivid dream. As he tests the limits of his newfound power on an unsuspecting acquaintance, the story delves into a complex exploration of morality, manipulation, and the consequences of unchecked desires. As raw emotions collide with ethically challenging choices, Alex's journey unfolds in a gripping narrative that blurs the lines between fantasy and the darker corners of the human psyche. Hello author here, this is my 1st time writing, I am writing this just for fun and English is not my 1st or my 2nd language so don't expect a masterpiece.

Author_1188 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

2. Enigmatic Influence

Surprise danced in Sarah's hazel eyes, and then a warm smile of acknowledgment bloomed. "Alex! Wow, it's been forever. How have you been?"

They exchanged pleasantries, reminiscing about the old college days. Alex couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia mixed with a touch of nervous excitement – he was, after all, facing a long-time crush.

"Yeah, it's been ages! I've been navigating the thrilling world of therapy. You?"

"Work has its challenges, you know. The corporate jungle is no joke."

Alex remembered the weight of his own financial struggles, and as they continued talking, he found himself unintentionally adopting the soothing cadence of his therapeutic voice.

Unbeknownst to him, the latent power that had manifested in his dream began to stir once again. The rhythm of his words unknowingly entranced Sarah, her shoulders relaxing, and the lines of stress on her face softening.

Alex chuckles "Tell me about it. My therapy office is collecting more dust than clients lately."

Sarha smirks and replies "At least you have an office. I've been drowning in a sea of cubicles."

"The grass is always greener on the other side, huh?"

More people were coming into the coffee shop so Alex decided to move to a quieter corner.

"Hey, let's move to a quieter corner."

Sarah found herself captivated by Alex's voice, a sensation she couldn't quite comprehend.

"Sure." She subconsciously aggred to his suggestion.

They move to a quieter corner of the coffee shop, and as they settle in, the conversation flows effortlessly.

"So, what's new since our college days? Still the overachiever?" He remembered her acing all those exams. "Always made the rest of us look bad."

As the conversation flowed in their new corner of the coffee shop, Alex couldn't help but notice subtle changes in Sarah's demeanor as time went on. Her once lively hazel eyes now held a distant gaze, and her responses became increasingly terse.

"Sarah, everything okay?" Alex inquired, concern etching his features.

Sarah's smile, once warm and genuine, now seemed mechanical. "Yeah, just lost in thought, you know?"

But Alex wasn't convinced. The atmosphere around them seemed to shift, and an eerie familiarity washed over him. The vivid dream he had last night echoed in his mind – the dream where his voice held an unusual power.

A chill ran down Alex's spine as he recalled the dream's uncanny resemblance to the current situation. The sense of control, the trance-like state – it was as if his dream had manifested into reality.

Trying to shake off the unsettling feeling, Alex decided to steer the conversation to lighter topics. "So, any exciting plans for the weekend?"

Sarah's response was oddly detached. "Not really. Just the usual stuff."

The rhythmic cadence of Alex's voice unintentionally intensified, a remnant of the mysterious power he had experienced in his dream. As he spoke, he noticed Sarah's gaze becoming more vacant, her reactions dulled.

A knot tightened in Alex's stomach as the pieces fell into place. The dream, the strange power – it was happening again, and this time, it wasn't confined to his subconscious.

"Sarah, are you sure you're okay?" Alex pressed, his voice tinged with concern.

Sarah's reply was monotone, "I'm fine, just a bit tired."

The realization hit Alex like a wave – the power he possessed in his dream seemed to be real, and inadvertently, he was affecting Sarah with every word. Panic crept into his thoughts as he grappled with the enormity of what was unfolding.

After the initial wave of panic the realization of his newfound power sent a strang excitement through Alex.

The prospect of wielding such influence over others sparked a selfish desire within him. Thoughts of fulfilling his own dreams and desires with this extraordinary ability clouded his initial apprehension.

With a sly grin, Alex decided to test the extent of his powers on Sarah. Leaning in, he spoke with deliberate intent.

"Sarah, tell me about your darkest secrets."

As Alex eagerly awaited Sarah's response, a perplexed and shaken expression crossed her face.

Just as she opened her mouth to respond, her phone rang loudly, startling both of them.

The sudden interruption jolted Sarah, and she fumbled to answer the call. "Hello? Yes, I know, I'm on my way," she spoke hurriedly into the phone. Her expression shifted from confusion to alertness, and she glanced at Alex apologetically.

"Sorry, work emergency. I have to go," she explained, a sense of urgency in her voice.

"Could we continue this conversation tomorrow?" Alex asked, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Tomorrow's a holiday, after all."

Sarah hesitated, torn between her work responsibilities and the intrigue of the mysterious conversation. Finally, she nodded, "Yes, tomorrow. I'll text you the details."

As she rushed out, leaving Alex with her phone number, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation.

As the day unfolded with the unexpected turn of events, Alex no longer wanted to go to his office instead he returned back home.

Seated in the quiet solitude of his apartment, Alex tried to remember the essence of the dream that granted him this mysterious ability.

'How did it work? What triggered this power?' The vivid images danced at the edges of his consciousness.

After a long think Alex came to few conclusions. His powers were related to his voice and mind.

In the dream, Alex's voice held an unusual power, influencing the thoughts and actions of those around him.

Intention Matters, the influence seemed tied to his intentions. The more deliberate and focused his thoughts and words, the stronger the effect.

For example if he casually asked someone for a favour they would probably refuse him. But if he thought about them granting him the favour if he focused on that thought the other party would find hard to refuse him.

The words he used also mattered, all these were just theories Alex came up with and he could not wait to test out his powers tomorrow on Sarha.

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Also, I don't really know how this app works. Can you tell me what counts as a view?

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