
Hypnosis: Whispers of Power and Deceit

In 'Whispers of Power and Deceit,' Dr. Alex Mercer, a struggling therapist, discovers a mysterious ability in a vivid dream. As he tests the limits of his newfound power on an unsuspecting acquaintance, the story delves into a complex exploration of morality, manipulation, and the consequences of unchecked desires. As raw emotions collide with ethically challenging choices, Alex's journey unfolds in a gripping narrative that blurs the lines between fantasy and the darker corners of the human psyche. Hello author here, this is my 1st time writing, I am writing this just for fun and English is not my 1st or my 2nd language so don't expect a masterpiece.

Author_1188 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


"One... fully relaxed, fully open to the suggestions." Alex paused, observing Lisa for signs that she had reached the optimal level of hypnotic trance.

Her breathing was slow and regular, her face smooth and tranquil. But he needed to be sure before proceeding.

"Lisa, can you hear me?" he asked gently.

She responded with a faint "Mmm hmmm."

"Good, very good," Alex said. "I'd like you to lift your right index finger if you can hear me clearly."

Lisa slowly lifted her finger in response.

"Wonderful," said Alex. "Now Lisa, I want you to go deeper into trance. Double the relaxation you feel. Let your whole body feel warm, heavy and completely at peace."

He watched as her body seemed to melt further into the chair. "That's great, you're doing so well. In a moment I will begin giving you some positive suggestions to help you reach your goals.

But before we start, I want to make sure you are fully focused inward. Lisa, can you tell me, where are you right now in your mind?"

"I'm...on a beach..." she murmured dreamily.

Alex grinned sinisterly as Lisa's voice faded into a distant whisper. She was now fully under his hypnotic spell, vulnerable to whatever ideas he chose to implant in her subconscious mind.

But he didn't want to do anything reckless he would take things slowly, he was not in any kind of rush.

"How are you feeling, Lisa?" Alex asked in a calm, soothing tone.

"Relaxed...at peace," Lisa murmured dreamily.

"Good, very good," Alex said. "Now, I want you to think back to when your sleeping troubles first began. What was happening in your life around that time?"

Lisa's brow furrowed slightly as she struggled to remember. "Well...it was right after Mark and I moved into our new house together."

"Good, We are making progress the problem is related to Mark remember that Lisa."

"Problem with Mark."

"Good, good. I want you to listen very closely to what I'm about to tell you," Alex said, leaning in. "Your inability to sleep well at night stems from a much deeper issue - your dissatisfaction with your marriage."

Lisa furrowed her brow ever so slightly. "But...I'm happy with my husband," she protested faintly.

"Are you though?" Alex pressed. "Think back carefully, Lisa. Don't you sometimes feel unfulfilled? Like something is missing?"

Lisa hesitated. "I...I don't know..."

"You do know, deep down," Alex insisted. "You just need to be honest with yourself. Your husband doesn't truly understand you or your needs. That's why you lie awake at night, restless and unhappy."

"I guess that makes sense..." Lisa conceded slowly.

"Of course it does," Alex said, "Think back Lisa you will remthat you've been arguing more lately. And sometimes you feel like he doesn't listen to you or understand you."

"Yes, he doesn't listen to me, or understand me. "

"I understand," Alex said, seizing the opening. "It must be difficult feeling unheard and misunderstood by your own husband."

Lisa made a small sound of agreement.

"Perhaps your sleeping disorder is your mind's way of expressing how deeply unhappy you are in your marriage," Alex suggested, beginning to plant the toxic seed.

"You toss and turn each night, unable to find peace, because subconsciously, you know you and Mark are not right for each other."

"Not right." Lisa murmure

"As you embrace these thoughts, let them gently guide you into a deep, tranquil sleep. Your subconscious mind will continue to explore these positive changes even as you rest."

"Allow the soothing waves of sleep to wash over you, carrying with them a sense of contentment and satisfaction. When you wake up after a quick nap you will feel refreshed."

Lisa's eyelids drooped as the hypnotic suggestions took hold.

Alex wispered "Sleep, Lisa. Sleep deeply and peacefully, knowing that deep realisations are unfolding within you, realisations and conclusions you came to completely on your own. "

"On my ow..."

Lisa drifted into a serene slumber right there in the chair, her mind now immersed in the seeds of dissatisfaction that Alex had subtly planted.

30 minutes later...

Alex sat in his dimly lit office, anticipation building as he gazed upon Lisa's supple, unconscious form.

Her chest rising and falling with each breath, soft lips parted ever so slightly. He shifted in his chair, arousal growing. If only he could run his hands along her curves, taste her skin...

But he had to restrain himself. This was his big hunt he wanted things ti be perfect.

Yet the sight of her there, so vulnerable and exposed, made his pulse quicken with lust.

He adjusted himself discreetly, thoughts turning to Sarah - his sexy assistant who was dying for a quick fuck.

Maybe he could pull her into the backroom, lift up her tight skirt and take her from behind. Feel that wet heat envelop him as he released all this pent up desire.

Lisa would never know. And the thrill of potentially getting caught only amplified his hunger. But he restrained himself.

Soon Lisa awoke with a gentle start, her surroundings initially hazy before coming into focus. Alex, wearing a satisfied smile, greeted her as she stirred.

"Welcome back, Lisa. How do you feel?"

Lisa (blinking) "Oh, I... I feel surprisingly good. Did I fall asleep?"

Alex casually replied "Yes, you drifted into a peaceful nap. Sometimes, the mind needs a moment of rest."

She was embarrassed to find herself sleeping there, realizing she had completely let her guard down around this practical stranger.

"Oh gosh, I can't believe I fell asleep on you like that," she said, avoiding Alex's gaze.

"It's no problem at all," Alex replied gently. "You clearly needed the rest."

Lisa sat up, slightly embarrassed by her unexpected nap but also grateful for the rest.

"Thank you, Dr. Alex. I didn't realize how tired I was."

As she woke up a bit more, Lisa's thoughts turned to her husband Mark. She realized that her chronic insomnia was likely tied to the stress and anxiety of their crumbling marriage.

But she didn't know that Alex had subtly planted those ideas, making her believe she came to the conclusions on her own.


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