
Card Mysic

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

immoral_saint · Eastern
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25 Chs

16. kindness

Zilong's eyes fluttered open, the unfamiliar surroundings coming into focus. He found himself lying on a simple bed made of woven straw, covered with a rough but warm blanket. The walls of the hut were constructed from broomsticks, tightly bound together, allowing slivers of light to filter through the gaps. The air was filled with the earthy scent of dried herbs and the faint aroma of smoke.

'Where am I?..'

As he slowly sat up, his body ached from the wounds he had sustained. He looked down and saw that his injuries had been tended to, bandages wrapped around the worst of the cuts. The hut was sparsely furnished, with only a few rustic wooden pieces and a small hearth in one corner.

The door to the hut creaked open, and a woman entered. She was slender and graceful, with long, flowing hair that framed her pointed ears. Her eyes were bright and inquisitive, filled with a mix of curiosity and kindness. She wore simple, earth-toned garments that blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings of the village.

Seeing that Zilong was awake, she approached him with a gentle smile and held out a cup. "Drink this," she said softly, her voice soothing and melodic. "It will help with the pain."

Zilong took the cup with a grateful nod, bringing it to his lips. The tea was dark and bitter, the taste sharp and pungent, but he drank it down, trusting in her kindness. The warmth of the liquid spread through his body, and he felt a slight easing of the pain in his muscles and wounds.

"Thank you," Zilong managed to say, his voice hoarse from exhaustion. He looked up at her, his eyes filled with questions. "Where am I?"

"You are in our village," the woman replied, sitting down on a stool beside his bed. "We found you just outside, badly wounded. My name is Liora. We tend to those in need, and you seemed in dire need of help."

Zilong nodded, absorbing the information. He glanced around the hut again, noting the simplicity and the care evident in every detail. "I... I was being chased by monsters. How did I end up here?"

Liora's expression grew serious. "The creatures of this land are fierce and often relentless. You are fortunate to have made it here. The village is protected by ancient wards that keep the beasts at bay. They dare not cross the boundary."

Zilong's mind raced as he tried to piece together the events that had led him here. The memory of the vortex, the field, and the terrifying pursuit flashed through his mind. "I don't understand this place," he admitted, a hint of desperation in his voice. "One moment I was in a different realm, and then... everything changed."

Liora placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Rest now. You are safe here, and there will be time to understand everything. For now, let the tea do its work and regain your strength."

Zilong nodded, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The tea's effects were calming, and despite the confusion and lingering fear, he felt a sense of security in the hut. He lay back down, allowing his body to relax as Liora tended to the hearth, adding more herbs to a simmering pot.

As he drifted off to sleep, Zilong's thoughts were a jumble of questions and half-formed plans. The kindness of the villagers and the mystery of this new world weighed heavily on his mind. But for now, he knew he needed to rest and recover, to gather his strength for whatever lay ahead.


He opened his eyes to the familiar feeling of a warm blanket and the smell of smoke.

"Argh..", he groaned, limping to the door he opened it and the warm light bathed his body, the villagers were going about there normal life , the moment they saw him they paused for a moment, Zilong looked at them in awe, they had all the features of a human being...well except for the unusually long ears and stunning beauty.

'..Is it me or do those abominations look like elves..' Zilong thought in his mind, not daring to say it out loud, then a familiar face apperared in the view.

As Zilong stood there, he took a moment to observe Liora more closely. She was an extraordinary sight, standing out even in this unfamiliar world. Her eyes were a captivating shade of pink, sparkling with a gentle light that conveyed both warmth and curiosity. They seemed to hold a depth of understanding, as if she had seen much in her life yet remained compassionate and kind.

Her hair was a striking contrast to her eyes—milky white and flowing like a cascade of silk down her back. It framed her face perfectly, accentuating her delicate features and enhancing her ethereal beauty. Her pointed ears peeked out from her hair, marking her unmistakably as an elf or an elf like entity, touched by ancient magic and wisdom.

Liora's slender figure moved with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly. She wore a flowing pink dress that complemented her eyes and hair, the fabric soft and flowing, giving her an appearance both elegant and serene. The dress had subtle floral patterns embroidered along the hem and sleeves, adding a touch of nature's beauty to her already enchanting presence.

Her beauty was undeniable and seemed to radiate from within, an inner light that made her presence soothing and reassuring.

"You shouldn't be out right now", she said with a slight frown", pulling Zilong by the arm, Liora ecorted Zilong inside the hut and laid him on the bed, Zilong didn't resist and just complied.

As she moved around the hut, tending to the fire and checking on Zilong's bandages, her every action was marked by a quiet elegance that spoke of centuries of culture and refinement.

Zilong couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude towards Liora. In this strange and dangerous world, she was a beacon of kindness and care, providing him with a safe haven to recover and gather his thoughts. Her beauty, both physical and in her demeanor, was a comforting reminder that there was still goodness to be found, even in the most unexpected places.

She also served him some food.. Zilong who had never seen food for a long time, ate like a lunatic..

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