
Hydrangea of Crescent

I was sitting in my new home. A dark, creaky cage which was swaying with the movement of the ship. I was shivering from the cold and felt ill from the constant rocking of the waves. I looked in the cells surrounding me and saw girls the same age as me in them. Some of them were huddled, holding their knees close to their bodies, shivering just as I was. Others were sitting with their back straight and a smile on their faces, looking forward to where they were heading. And the rest were like me. Sitting with their head rested against the bars of their cage, their face emotionless as though they still couldn't quite comprehend that they were here, in the bottom of a ship, destined for the Sovereign. ~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: The Sovereign. He had a name. I did not want to imagine him having a name, it made him seem more human. And he was not a human, he was a monster. A monster with whom I was now sharing a bed with. ~~~~~~~~~ Hydrangea’s life changed in an instant when she was sent off to become one of the Sovereign’s Chosen. The Sovereign was rumoured to be an incredibly handsome man, but Hydrangea wouldn’t believe it till she saw the all-powerful leader herself. ~~~~~~~~~ “…The thought of losing you is more painful than death.” ~~~~~~~~~ WARNING R18: Violence and Mature Content. Author’s warning: The main characters may be a little jaded in the beginning but they will grow and change. This is an original work not translated. If you’re interested in concept images for this novel you can look me up on Pinterest ;)

QueenHalloween16 · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 131

Bastian walked with his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes lowered as he watched the ground.

He wasn't sure how to look at his and Hydrangea's relationship. She clearly saw him differently, but to what degree. He'd heard her slip up and use his name multiple times as she recovered. They'd even shared the same bed, each night, and she'd not made a ruckus about it.

And he knew she sensed something was different, he just didn't know what. She was hesitant and he didn't like it. She never met his eyes, hardly ever spoke a sentence without stuttering. He enjoyed the moments very much when there was a pretty blush painting her cheeks, but when there was none, it worried him.

Her mind was elsewhere, therefore his was as well.

He didn't know what to think of it.

He looked up and found that he was at his destination. He took a glance at the doors that he'd seen many a time; white painted wood with gold rivulets running along the seams.

He knocked and the owner of the room called for him to enter.

Grabbing hold of the gold crafted knob, he turned it and entered the secure and warm room.

The curtains were drawn as always, the fireplace was lit brilliantly, alighting the large, masculine couches that sat before it. The walls to his right were lined with rows of books, many of which he fondly remembered flipping through in days past.

To the left of the right wall was a desk. It was made of solid wood, it's dark brown finish shining in the firelight. Behind the imposing barricade sat the Tzar. He was seated on a large, red velveteen chair, the brass buttons on the front of the arms also catching the firelight.

The elder man looked up at Bastian for a second, then back at the papers on his desk, "I shall be right with you, my boy."

The same answer he always received upon entering his study.

Behind the Tzar on the wall were multiple portraits, each painted by one of the Viskogorian masters. Bastian surveyed them with neutral eyes. He'd seen them many times.

"Let's sit by the fire. There we shall talk comfortably." The Tzar said and Bastian directed his attention to the man who was now standing.

"Yes, let's." He replied and walked to sit near the roaring flame.

"Now I do believe we've settled all of the affairs concerning your journey through Selva. What is it you wanted to speak about?" The Tzar asked, speaking in Cadaraman instead of his native language.

Bastian waited a few moments till he replied, "Hydrangea still asks to go."

"I see." The Tzar replied, understanding now the troubled look behind the younger man's eyes. "I do not see why you'll not let her go."

"Because," Bastian explained, his eyes moving from the fire to the Tzar, "If she came…" His mind wandered through all of the dangers.

"If she goes with you, you fear losing her." The Tzar finished, nodding slowly.

Bastian nodded, resting his lips against his clenched fist, his elbow resting on the arm of the red couch.

"You have changed greatly, this I have told you. But, I doubt that you would've changed had it not been for her." The Tzar observed.

Bastian moved his head from his fist, his eyes levelling on the Tzar, "No…" He shook his head and faced the flame, his eyes immediately flashing with an image of Cadarama burning. "No, I would not have changed we're it not for her."

Tzar Matvey nodded, "When I first met Celestina, we loathed each other. It had been an arranged marriage like my father's before me, and his father's before him and so on and so forth. But…" The Tzar paused, his face reminiscent, "But she never did anything but retaliate to my immaturity and spitefulness. It got to the point that my father called us both into his study, this very study in fact," He said and he looked at the door as though seeing his younger self standing there, "Yes… but, although she never cared for me like a wife would, she never hated me like an enemy would. When I became Tzar we grew quite close. We now share a bond."

"Would you say that you love her?" Bastian asked, his eyes fixed on the fire, his mind half paying attention to the Tzar's words, and half paying attention to the visions that continuously leapt from the flame.

The Tzar's eyes softened upon hearing his question, "Indeed I can." He answered, "And though I have not met this woman who is your Queen, I'm sure that you two will eventually share the same bond."

"She fears me."

"And how is that so?"

Bastian sighed, his mind returning to previous times, "I never treated her well, I hurt her and frightened her on many an occasion."

"And yet she still wishes to go with you to Selva?" The Tzar interrupted, his blue eyes gleaming, "Curious."

"It is." Bastian replied. "But I cannot make sense of it." He said tiredly, "She refuses to speak my given name, she only calls me by my title."

Saying the matter out loud made it seem petty, he realized.

The Tzar chuckled, "It was the same with me and Celestina, we created names for the other; I called her Pip and she called me your highness. The habit only broke after a certain strenuous ball."

Bastian nodded again, curious as to why Pip was a nickname given to the Tsarina, and he said, "I just… it's just so difficult when we know each other." He felt ridiculous saying his thoughts aloud, but he felt the Tzar's wisdom would help in some way, "Hydrangea will tell me at one point that she's fine with one thing, and then when I try to do the same thing, she… she gets scared off."

The Tzar nodded, his eyes merry, "I do believe that she cares for you more than you think."

"I'm afraid to say you'd be wrong, Matvey." Bastian muttered.

He chuckled, "Hm, and why do you think that she becomes scared? I do believe that the young girl is frightened of the fact she cares for you."

Bastian dropped his eyes to the carpet, it did suit her character. "So, what you are saying is that she no longer fears me, but has feelings towards me?" He asked, feeling dumbfounded.

"Yes." The Tzar's replied, his bearded face not hiding the smile that grew there from the young couples troubles.

Bastian's brows furrowed deeper, 'But… how long has she had feelings for me? Do I have feelings for her? Is that why I'm so afraid of her going to Selva, because I… love her? And was that why she wanted to go with me? Because she…' He blinked slowly as the idea began to solidify in his mind. Did Hydrangea… love him?

He stood quickly, "I will take my leave now, if that's not a problem?"

"No, no. Please, go spend some time with your wife." The Tzar replied, waving his hand signalling him to go.

Bastian nodded and fought the urge to sprint to the door and down the halls. He needed to see her, to discover weather or not she felt that way about him.


Author's Note. PLEASE READ,

Hi, there! QueenHalloween16 here :D

I would like to know my readers's thoughts on a couple things.

1. Are you missing the 1st person perspective for Hydrangea?

2. In an upcoming sequel would it be preferred for the book to be entirely seen through the eyes of the new FL? Or would it be preferred to have the new ML's perspective as well?

Please leave your answers in the comments below 😘