
Hydra's Ascension

in the depths of the ocean, a weird creature suddenly awakens. Without knowing nothing of the world. Apparently it has a weird voice on his head, that is trying to help him ascend the world. This webnovel shows the evolution of one of the Mythological Creatures, the "Hydra" the strongest creature of all times, defeated only by the gods.

YuuysukeYaja · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Learning new things!

(I'm testing a new format, this chapter will be in the first person)

[Waking up host... New important message]

When I woke up this was the first thing I heard, for some reason, it looks like this "Astaroth" don't stop sending me messages and warnings...

Well... we should at least look at what it is...

[Astaroth, the Demon God: Okay, it looks like you are a success, so I might as well give you a new name and my blessing, I didn't expect you to become stronger so fast like this]

[New name received: Shihidora; Basic power increased]

[All stats +1,5]

[You received a blessing! *Demon God's blessing*]

[You have received two new titles! The one named by a God]

[The one blessed by the Demon God]

[Updating status... Done]

Name: Shihidora

Race: Hydra (Second stage)

Rating: F

Level: 4/20

XP: 446/900


HP: 58/58

MP: 255



Strength: 10.5

Dexterity: 13.5

Body: 11.5

Agility: 13.5

Intelligence: 127.5



Giant killer: Congratulations! You have killed a creature that is one evolution ahead of you! +2 strength; +1 body.

The one named by a God: Congratulations! You have been named by the Demon God! +1 all stats.

The one blessed by a God: Congratulations! you have been blessed by the Demon God! Increased aura force, able to learn Demonic Skills, all XP doubled,+4 all stats.



Disguise LVL 2

Absorb LVL 5

Tentacle Control LVL 7

Tentacle Thrust LVL 6

Self-evolution LVL 2

Auto regeneration LVL 3

Scanning area LVL 2

Double-Tap LVL 1

I was surprised to see so many numbers increasing, it looks like I'm becoming stronger every day.

I noticed too that my body size has increased, I'm at least two times bigger! I can feel that I'm strong... I'm getting a feeling that I'm powerful, but after seeing Sheina moving so fast this feeling has faded.

I wonder why did the Demon God would name me just now...

After seeing and analyzing my status, I went outside to test my new strength. I could feel that I'm faster than before but I ignored it because I could already see a GreenFish. I went for an instant kill, so I used *Disguise*, *Double-tap*, and *Tentacle Thrust* on it.

[You dealt a critical hit! 64 damage]

[You dealt a critical hit! 57 damage]

[You dealt a critical hit! 69 damage]

[You killed a "Greenfish"!]

[XP acquired: 150]

[XP acquired: 150]

I didn't expect so much damage, and now I know what "Double XP" is...

I found some red crabs, the blue crab is the evolved form of them so they were too weak, I ended killing 7 of them.

[You killed 7 red crabs!]

[Xp acquired: 350]

[Xp acquired: 350]

[Congratulations! you have leveled up!]

[Level: 5]

[XP: 146/1100]

They were surprisingly weak, so I ended gaining a lot of XP, I even leveled Up!

I felt that something weird was happening, all the fishes were running away from me if I didn't use *Disguise*.

I asked what was happening to Sheina, and I found out it was something about my "aura", I don't know what it is and what it does, but looks like it is especially strong on me.

I don't know what "Demonic Abilities" are, but it doesn't look good...

Anyways, after leveling up my scanning area, it increased the range by roughly 10 meters, and I'm starting to feel something weird, I feel like someone is watching me, but there is none around here... It is indeed weird, but I didn't care about that.

Sheina called me to the cave.

Sheina: (hey~~ I noticed that your aura seems a bit demonic...)

Shihidora: "Yeah, and I don't know why."

Sheina: (Oh, but this may be good! I'm a demonic race too!)

Shihidora: "Eh? really?"

Sheina: (Yeah, why do you think I'm so big?)

Shihidora: "I thought it was because you were strong... Doesn't we grow up when we get strong?"

Sheina: (Pffff- Hahahahaha)

Shihidora: "W-why are you making weird sounds like that? And why my demonic aura would be good?"

Sheina: (haha... Alright, sorry about that. Your demonic aura could be good because there is a chance that you can learn some special skills from me!)

Shihidora: "Uh? seriously?! Please, teach me now!"

Sheina: (Calm down cutie~~ It's not that easy to learn demonic abilities!)

Shihidora: "*Sigh... Okay, could you at least show me a demonic ability?"

Sheina: (Sure, let me see which one... Ah! this one will be good.)

I could feel something weird coming out from Sheina for a while until a powerful force pushed me down.

Shihidora: "W-what is this?!"

Sheina: (Hehe, it is one of my specialties, it is called "Internal Aura Release" It can put great weight on weaker creatures, it gives you a boost of 200% in all stats for 2 minutes at the first level)

Shihidora: "W-wow, But it's getting hard to move with th-

[Certain conditions were met: Get exposed by another demonic aura; have a demonic aura]

[Self-evolution activating: Learning "Internal Aura Control" and "Internal Aura Release"]

[Current skills are too hard to learn, all mental power must be used to learn. Shutting off the host's mind]

Shihidora: "W-wait! Hey Sheina, please take care of me for n-"

Sheina: (Eh? Nooo, are you okay?! what happened?!)

This was the only thing I could hear after passing out, I felt like my mind was blank except for a few parts. I only woke up three days after passing out.

The first thing that I saw was Sheina in front of me with lots and lots of fishes in her tentacles.

Sheina: (Kyaaa~ You finally woke up! I thought that you had died...)

Shihidora: "O-oh, sorry for worrying you... But, I'm really hungry right now..."

Sheina: (Oh, alright, take all these fishes!)

Shihidora: "Wow! this is a lot of fishes! Thanks!"

For the rest of the day, I just ate fishes and talked to Sheina about the new skills, nothing new happened this time...




Hey! I know that the chapters are taking a while to go out, but its because of some personal reasons!

You don't need to worry anymore, Im going to release chapters daily again! Yey~~



I would like to give my special thanks to a person that Im starting to love! She is called "Pancakes Witch"! She wrote a famous novel called "Epic Of Caterpillar"! She is someone that helped me a lot and now even helped me with my novel's cover! Hehe, Luv you~~



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

YuuysukeYajacreators' thoughts