
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · Book&Literature
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Sword worthy of the King

(Klaus POV)

It was just before sunrise when knocking on my cabin's door woke me up. Annoyed I used my telepathy to see who it was and what they wanted.

'Well that is interesting. Now how to play this.' at that thought an evil smile made its way on my face.


As I open the door, I begin speaking before knights stending there could react "Ah, you are finally here, took you long enough. Come in now."

Staring at me in surprise on of them coughs and starts speaking "Are you enchanter Merlin? We are here in the name of his majesty the King Uther Pendragon. "

"I know you fool, now come in and tell me what does our dear king wants from me." I say as I make them come in and sit on the sofa.

They exchanged look and on of them starters speaking "King has heard that you are best enchanter in Britain. He wants a sword worthy of the King, so can you make it?"

"Of course I can, but I will need him to come and pick it up himself. Tell him to be here in exactly a month."

One of the knights looked outraged "King doesn't come when you command him!" as he said that, he started to jump up, but at that moment I used my telepathy to make them walk outside and stand exactly same way they did before I opened the door. I removed the memory of until the moment one of them was about to jump.

After letting them go I telepathically said *Remember if he wants the sword he will be here in a month*

After saying that I used an illusions to make it look like my cabin just disappeared.

They stood there confused for a minute and then they decided to go back to the Kings castle.

In the meantime I was laughing my ass off, that look on their faces when they found themselves outside was hilarious.


As I start preparing to start working on the sword for the King, and wasn't that a surprise. I somehow became Merlin of this universe. With that though I look back on my life in this world.

It has been so much fun, before I came here I read quite a few fanfics, webnovels, mangas and so on about people who get transported to another world.

What I have noticed in a lot of them is that if the main character is powerful, they ether go around fixing all the worlds wrongs and remaking it in their image, or they want to have a normal life for some reason. After living for so long I can tell that both those options are mostly out of the picture for me.

I am powerful, if I want I could use my telepathy to overwrite minds of everything on British Isles in few hours, make them all love one another, basically make an utopia, but what then. If I control everything what is the point of this world.

It would become a world of robots that follow a set path and it would be boring as staring at a wall.

Over the years I was in few fights, I was even in some wars, and in most of them I used just enough power to win, but to make those fights more interesting. In a lot of them I just used a sword and a fraction of my hybrid strength, because that makes it more fun, I could have just turned in my hybrid form and ripped those people in pieces quickly, but what then.

I would have shown everyone that I am strongest, what is the point of that. Yes I have learned from my fight with Apocalypse that I need to know how to fight with my telekinesis and telepathy, but that is mostly a security blanket, if I need to protect my family and my self I know I can, I know I can destroy this world if I wanted to, but I don't.

If I want to avoid a fight I can just use my telepathy to make them go away, if they have a defense against it, witch is extremely hard, I am skilled enough to go through most mind defense unnoticed, but if they do, or I want to fight I can just use my magic or even just my hybrid powers and beat a shit out of them.

Anyway as I was thinking about this I started working on the sword that in the future will decide the next King.


*Thanks Lily, will I be seeing you here soon?*

*Yes I will come by soon, I am kinda getting bored of all this politics, so I will let Zatanna take up the role of Morgana for a while.*

For the last few years Lily has been using the amulet that makes her look like me in my younger female form and spreading the name of both Morgana and Merlin.

We will need for people to respect us in future, so we can fulfill our plans.

*Ok love, could you pick up a nice girl on your way here, I am getting bored of blood bags*. Blood bags are on of the product of Avalon, and are used most of the time by Hybrids.

*Sure, why not*. Me and Lily have been together for thousands of years, and I know I love her and that she loves me, so from time to time we bring a human girl and play with her a bit, sometimes we let one of our daughters turn her later.

I actually don't understand how Lily ended up with James Potter, she is attracted to girls more then guys, hell at some point we had a harem of women, luckily for me she never was interested in binging other guys in it, actually she explicitly said she didn't want another man beside me, and I think that is because I can turn into a woman.

But hey I won't complain. After that I stop our telepathic communication and return to my work on the sword.


It has been a month since those knights visited, and I can feel them coming back this time with the King.

Now time to make it dramatic. I love illusions and mine powers.

As the King dismounts his horse and one of the knights is about to knock I open the door using my powers and make it look like there is a long corridor. *Come your sword is waiting!*. I say in his mind with an deep voice.

When they stepp in my cabin, I let the walk in a place in corridor for few minutes, and just when they were about to turn around I open the door of my workshop letting them in.

"Come inside, what are you just stending there for?"

Confused they are about to walk in, but using bit of telepathy and illusions I make sure that the King is only one that actually comes to me.

When he walks in I show him the sword. "This is Excalibur, it is made of mithril. Enchantments on it make it most powerful sword I made. It will be yours and after you die one who can wilde it will be the next King."

"It is incredible, what do I owe you for this?" when he asks that I use a little bit of telepathy to make him more accepting of my request.

"When you have a child, you will give him to me. I will make sure that he is raised to be a King worthy of this sword." he looks outraged for a second, but then I let him hold the sword. At that his eyes widened "So much power." he muters, after looking at the sword for a while he seys.

"I accept."

After he said that I use my power to make him cut himself on the blade, connecting it to his family by blood, and after that I used the same trick to make him go outside and I remove the memories of his knights and him, of how they got there.

As they stand there confused I say telepathically *We will meet again* and my cabin disappears.


AN: That was fun. Enjoy.