

Hela698 · TV
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Chapter 8: Pack Mentality pt:2

I went to the Hale House after school to meet Derek and discuss what happened last night. When I got there I found him sitting on the stairs.

"You heard what happened last night," I asked him

"Yes, the Alpha attacked again"

"Yeah and this time he took Scott with him. From what I heard him tell stiles he thought it was a dream until he saw the scene of the incident. He's gonna come to you for help you know"

"yes and I'm gonna give him what he wants but it's not gonna be free. What about you?"

"what about me," I asked confused.

"You're an Alpha yourself don't you want a pack"

"I already have a pack even though we are three members"

"Yeah, who are they"

"well, there's me the Alpha, Allison and you"

"me, you consider me as your pack member"

he said surprised and touched.

"of course I do, I see as the little brother I never had and how else do you think we share that mind link when I shift fully," I told him with a smile. He stood up and gave me a tight hug.

"Thank you"

"you're welcome," I said as I hugged him back. Our little moment was interrupted as we heard a car approach the house, we separated and walked to the window to see a police car stopped in front of the house with a dog in the back seat.

The officer got out of the car he walked around the car and stood in front of the house.

"looks pretty deserted dispatch uhh did you want me to take a look inside," he said to the radio looking like he doesn't want to be here.

"unit 16 It's county property orders to make sure it's vacant" he was told.

"I don't-I don't think anyone's home," He said hesitantly.

"For love, god 16 go inside and make sure no ones in there"

"copy that," he said as he walk towards the house slowly the dog barks scaring him as he turns around.

"don't do that," he tells the dog before turning to the house. Derek and I looked at each other before smirking as our eyes glowed blue and red respectively while we focused a bit of killing intent on the dog as he started freaking out barking loudly scaring the officer even more until he ran back to the car and drove away.

After the car left we saw Scott walk out of the woods standing a bit away from the house.

"I know you can hear me. I need your help" he says as he walks towards the door. Derek goes down and opens the door and stands in front of Scott.

"Okay I know I was a part of you getting arrested and we, basically announced you being here to the hunters also I don't know what happened to you're sister but I think I did something last night. I had a dream about someone but someone else got hurt and it turns out that part of the dream might have actually, happened" Scott says.

"you think you attacked the driver," Derek asks

"Did you see what I did last night"


"Can you at least tell me the truth am I gonna hurt someone"


"Can I kill someone"


"Am I gonna kill someone"


Scott leans on the post next to him looking defeated.

"look I can show you how to remember, I can show you how to control the shift even on a full moon but it's not gonna be free," Derek tells him. I feel sorry for Scott I, really do he was thrusted into a world he knows nothing about with no one to teach him and now he's suffering the consequences. 'I'm gonna have to teach him but first I've got a date to get ready for ' I thought as I shifted fully as I told Derek I'll see him later through our mind link and left from the back of the house.


At Allison's, she and Lydia were getting ready for their group date with Lydia helping Allison pick her outfit. She walks to Allison's dresser and goes through her clothes.

"pass, pass, pass on all of them, god Allison the respect for your choice is dwindling by the second," she tells her before picking up a black tank top, " This one"

Allison takes it and presses it against herself while looking in the mirror. Chris walks into the room putting on a jacket.

"Dad hello"

"Right I'm sorry I completely forgot to knock"

"Hey, Mr Argent" Lydia greets him which he returns.

"Did you need something?"

"I just want to say that you'll be staying in tonight"

"What, I'm going out with my friends tonight"

"Not when some animal's out there attacking people," he says seriously.

"Dad I....." but she gets cut off by her dad.

"aye, aye, it's out of my hands besides there's a curfew no one's allowed past 9 pm," he says as Allison throws the tank top on the bed. "hey no more arguing " with that he left.

"Hmm, someone's daddy's little girl," Lydia said.

"Sometimes, but not tonight," she said as she opens her drawl and takes out a beanie and wears it. She opens her window and walks on the roof.

"what are you doing," Lydia asks her as she jumps and with a flip, she lands on her feet.

"8 years gymnastics, are you coming," Allison says a bit out of breath.

"I'll take the stairs" with that, they left for the bowling alley where they'll meet up with Astrid and Jackson.


The first to bowl was Lydia with Jackson's help even though she doesn't need it. Allison was next and she looked cute when she's all focused, she rolled the ball and got a strike.

"Someone brought their A-game," Lydia said impressed.

After Allison was Jackson who also got a strike and then me. The game continued like that until the ended with Allison and me winning after which I took her home.

"That was fun I didn't know you knew how to play bowling," Allison said as we got out of the car.

"I think you're forgetting that I was there when the game was invented," I said with a smirk.

"Right I keep forgetting that you're 1000 years old but I've got a confession to make"

"and that is," I asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'm not big on group dates so next time just the two of us"

"I can handle more of that," I said before kissing her. After that, she entered the house with a smile on her face while I drove my car home before shifting and running to the Hale House.

Before I reached the house I saw the Alpha also heading in the same direction he hadn't noticed me yet so I tackled him.

He slams on a tree before getting up and turning in my direction. He growled at me before his eyes widened at seeing that my wolf form was a head taller than him which was amusing to watch.

I shifted back to my human form. " So you're the psycho Alpha werewolf that Derek's been looking for huh, to be honest, I thought you'd be scarier" He growls at me when I said that, " well it doesn't matter, am gonna give you a list of people that are under my protection, meaning if you even put a scratch on them you'll suffer a fate worse than death," I told him seriously with my eyes glowing.

"who do you think you are to order me around little girl I AM THE ALPHA," he said with a deep demonic voice.

"Oh so you can talk that's surprising with how much you act like an animal," I said, mocking him. With a roar, he lunged at me swiping his clawed right hand at me which I avoided and punched him in the face with enough force to lunch him to a boulder a few feet away while shattering his jaw. He rolled around in pain as his face healed.

"Well that was anticlimactic I expected more from the big bad Alpha"

"what are you," he asked me with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot. So are you ready to listen to my proposal" he nodded reluctantly "you kill only the ones involved in the Hale fire namely the ones your hunting including a curtain Kate Argent and only them, do I make myself clear. You extend more than the people involved, then the hunter becomes the hunted"

After I said that I turned around to go back to where I was going but Peter decided to test his luck and go for a sneak attack. He lunged at my back until I turned around and plunged my hand into his chest wrapping my fingers around his heart.

"DO NOT TEST ME" I ordered as he shifted back from the unimaginable pain he was feeling his face full of fear. I took out my hand from his chest, he fell to the ground as the wound in his chest started healing.


{3rd pov}

While Astrid was finished terrorizing the alpha another fight was finalized at the Hale house with Scott groaning in pain on the ground and Derek standing above him.

"I didn't kill him neither of us did it's not your fault and it's not mine," Derek said.

"This, this is all your fault, you ruined my life," Scott says angrily.

"No, I didn't"

"you're the one that bit me"

"No, I'm not"

"What?" Scott asks in disbelief.

"I'm not the one that bit you"

Scott looks shocked but then he starts remembering what happened last night completely.

"there's another," He says stunned.

"it's called an alpha it's the most dangerous of our kind you and I, we're betas this thing is more powerful, more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for him and now I'm trying to find him but I don't think I can do this without you" Derek tells him seriously.

"Why me"

"Because he's the one that bit you, you're part of his pack it's you, Scott, you're the one he wants" when Derek said that they both heard something walking towards them. Derek smiled a little as he knew who it was while Scott looked alarmed just then a huge 6,5ft pitched black wolf with red glowing eyes entered the house.

Scott jumped out of the couch as his face morphed and his eyes glow golden orange.

"is that the alpha" Scott asked with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Yes, but not the one we're looking for," Derek tells him with a smirk.

"there's two of them" Scott shouts as he sees the wolf shift back into someone he saw at school with Allison Argent.

"You," he says in surprise with his eyes going wide.

"Hello, boys," she says with a smirk.

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