

Hela698 · TV
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Chapter 10: Birthday

Two days have passed since the whole wolfsbane bullet stuff. Nothing interesting transpired the days ended with nothing supernatural happening.

Jackson and Lydia pulled up at a video store with him trying to convince Lydia to watch a sports movie but ultimately failing.

"Can someone help me find the notebook?" he asked but no one answered with a phone ringing in the background. He looks around but the place looked empty.

"Hello, is anybody working here"

"you gotta be kidding me," He says as he starts walking but he stops as he sees someone's feet sticking out of one of the shelves.

He walks up to the shelf slowly his heartbeat picking up as he does. When he gets there he sees the store employee sleeping in a pool of his blood with his throat slashed.

In fear, he jumps back and hits a ladder behind him making it fall along with the light holder above making electricity spark and the other lights start blinking.

He hears growls from his right and turns to it he sees something big with black fur staring at him with its red eyes. It growls at him again making him hide behind a shelf his breathing starts to pick up.

The Alpha knocks down the shelves as they fall like dominoes heading towards Jackson. He tries to jump out of the way but his legs get caught between the fallen shelf and the ground with his back facing up.

It walks up to Jackson and stood above him. It carefully lifted Jackson's collar out of the way to look at the claw marks on his neck to see one of the wounds glowing a faint blue from the leftover wolfsbane residue. The alpha roars before jumping out of the store's glass window shattering it and scaring Lydia as she screams.


Stiles and his dad are eating fast food in the parking lot of a drive-thru.

"Did you forget my curly fries?" sheriff Stilinski asks as he sees stiles eating curly fries.

"You're not supposed to eat fries especially the curly ones"

"I'm carrying a lethal weapon if I want the curly fries I will have the curly fries"

"If you think getting rid of contraction in all your sentences makes your argument more legitimate you are wrong," Stiles says as his dad turns to him and gives him a look while stiles grin's proud of himself. A voice comes through the radio.

"unit one do you copy" stiles move's his hand towards it and his dad smacks it away.


"unit one copy"

"we've got a report of a possible 187"

"A murder" stiles asks with his mouth full of fries. A few minutes later they get to the scene of the crime.

"Stay here," the sheriff says as he gets out of the car. Stiles looks out of the car window and sees Lydia and Jackson standing next to the ambulance.

"Paul let's get this place locked up," Stilinski tells a deputy as he walks to the ambulance.

"Why the hell can't I just go home I'm fine"

"I hear you but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard we just want to make sure you don't have a concussion," Stilinski tells him.

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping ok I want to go home," Jackson says.

"I understand that..." Stilinski says but Jackson cuts him off.

"No, you don't understand which kind of blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rental cop like you, ok now I want to go home" Jackson rudely states while shouting the last part.

"waoh is that a dead body," stiles asks as he gets out of the car his dad looks at him in frustration.

"Alright everybody back up, back up," the sheriff tells the civilians. On the roof of the store Astrid, Derek and Scott are looking down on the crime scene.

"You starting to get it," Derek asks Scott

"I-I get that he's killing people but I don't get why. I mean this isn't standard practice right we don't go out in the middle of the night murdering people do we" Scott says confused.

"No, we're predators we don't have to be killers," Astrid says as Derek nodes his head.

"Then why is he a killer"

"it's what we're gonna find out," Derek says as he turns around with Scott following. Astrid stays behind a little as she stares at the rooftop. she lets her eyes glow red so she can see the spiral drawn on it after that she followed the boys.

"I have a life you know," Scott says as they enter the Hale house.

"No, you don't"

"yes I do, I don't care what you say about him making me his pet or..."

"I didn't know you were into that kind of thing Scott and it's part of his pack, not pet," Astrid said with a chuckle.

"Whatever I have homework to do, I have to go to a parents-teachers conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry"

"You want to do homework or do you want to not die," Derek asks him. "You have less than a week until the next full moon you don't kill with him he kills you"

"He's right you know, the alpha already called you against your will one time and you were lucky enough to not have killed anyone next time you won't be so lucky," Astrid told him

"Okay, seriously who made up these rules?"

"It's a right of passage into his pack"

"You know what else is a right of passage, graduating from high school and you don't have to kill anybody to do it. Why can't you guys just fine him yourselves, why can't you sniff him out when he's a human"

"because his human scent can be entirely different it has to be you, you have a connection with him a link you can understand. If we teach you to control your abilities you can find him," Derek tells him.

"So if I help you can stop him," Scott asks after a bit of silence.

"Not alone," Derek says.

"we're stronger in numbers the pack makes the individual stronger," Astrid tells him.

"How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing," Scott asks frustrated with all this.

"Because I'm gonna teach you, do you know what happened after the first night when you were shot in the arm"

"Yeah, I changed back"

"And when we were fighting and I slashed in the chest same thing right," Derek asks as Scott nodes. "what's the common denominator," he asks

Scott looks confused as Astrid rolled her eyes at the lost look he has on his face. Derek walks up to him, takes his hand and twists it until it breaks.

"ugh, w-what are you doing"

"it'll heal," Derek says as he lets him go.

"it still hurt," Scott says as his bones crack back together as it heals.

"And that's what keeps you human pain," Astrid tells him as his hand heals completely.

"Maybe you will survive," Derek says as he goes upstairs while Astrid vamp speeds back home leaving Scott kneeling on the ground.


(Astrid's pov)

"Happy Birthday," I tell Allison when I reach her.

"How did you know"

"Lydia told me which is kind of hurts since I didn't hear it from you," I said that a fake hurt expression.

"I'm sorry I just didn't want people to know, I don't even know how Lydia found out" she apologised as she added, "I'm 17"

"That's understandable, you had to repeat a year since you moved a lot," I told her with a smile. She stared at me for a while before closing her locker and kissing me passionately.

"Not that I'd mind but what was that for"

"for literally being the first person to make the correct assumption, everyone's like 'what did you get held back, uhh did you ride the short bus, did you have a baby.'"

"what if we got out of here," I asked her

"skip class," she said.

"Yeah, all day"

"well, you're asking someone who's never skipped one class to bail out the entire day, I don't..." she said hesitantly.

"You know, I can just make it look like we never left, right"

"Oh right, the compulsion how does it work exactly?"

"You'll find out if you're ready to go" After that, we went to Allison's car.

"uhh maybe this is a bad idea and my dad would kill me if he found out," she said as we got in the car.

"You always follow your dad's rules"

"Not lately"

"Good start the car," I told her as she started the car. I looked at the rearview mirror to see a patrol car coming this way.

"You want to know how my compulsion worked right," I asked her.


"Well here's your chance," I said as the security guy got out of his car and came towards my window.

"You girls have permission slips to leave school grounds," he asked as he looked into my eyes.

"yes we do and you just checked them and everything seems to be in order" I compelled him.

"I just checked and everything's in order" He repeated with a blank look before he smiled "Alright, your good to go be safe out there," he says as he goes back to his car.

"That was awesome," Allison says with an awed look on her face which was cute.

"Now, can we go" she nodes her head and we drove away from school.


(3rd pov)

In the boy's locker room Jackson washes his face after the shower and looks in the mirror before touching his neck and wincing in pain

He walks over to his locker and put on deodorant before looking to his right and seeing two glowing red eyes in the steam walking towards him.

He panics and starts to move backwards as the eyes get closer but in the end, it turns out that it was a teammate of his with earphones that have glowing red spots.

He sighs in relief before turning to his left only to come face to face with Derek. In freight, he jumps back and his back hits the lockers behind him.

"I-I d-don't know where Scott is" he stuttered.

"I'm not here for Scott, I'm here for you"

"w-why me I didn't do anything"

"no, but you saw something didn't you"

"No I didn't - I didn't see anything"

"What was it huh an animal, a mountain lion," Derek asks

"I didn't see anything I swear I'm not lying". Jackson says his heartbeat increasing by the minute.

" Then calm down and say it again"

"say what that I'm not lying"

"tell me that you didn't see anything, slowly," Derek asks as he listens to Jackson's heartbeat.

"I didn't see anything, I'm not lying," Jackson says slowly his heartbeat slightly rose when he said I didn't see anything indicating that he's lying but Derek didn't call out on him.

"one more thing," Derek says as grabs Jackson's hair and moves his head to the side to look at the claw marks on his neck, "you should, really get that checked out," he says before leaving.


Allison and I parked the car next to the forest. We got out and headed into the woods, I looked at Allison only to see her on her phone.

"So your phone is more interesting than me now huh" I teased her.

"No, it's just that..." she said no knowing how to say it.

"You're still not okay with this are you"

"it's just that I feel like I need an alibi"

"it's gonna be fine plus you're getting straight A's in all your classes so even if your parents find out they'll go easy on you"

"Alright fine I'll stop worrying and thank you for helping me study," she said as she put her arms around my neck kissed me passionately.

"if that's the reward I got then I'm glad I helped," I said with a grin Allison chuckled before we started walking. After that, we just walked around the woods talking, playing hide and seek with Allison hiding and me finding her in my wolf form while sometimes we just made out and that's how our day went. When the sunset we went back to Allison's car.

"So being completely honest this was kind of the perfect birthday," Allison says smiling.

"Good because I haven't even given you your present yet," I said as I took a gift box from the trunk.

"You didn't have to," she says as she opens it to find a collapsible black bow. I also took out the arrows in their own, backpack.

"it beautiful thank you"

"Why don't you try it out," I told her, Allison nodes before unfolding the bow, taking an arrow and aiming it at a tree she releases it.

"This is awesome thanks again for this Astrid you're an incredible girlfriend"

"I'm happy if you're happy" we took back the stuck arrow and headed home. On our way there we passed by the school and heard someone scream.

"Stop the car," I said to Allison and she stops we both get out of the car and head into the chaos of people running to their cars. I look around seeing a mountain lion running around the parking lot between cars and people.

"what is it, is it the alpha" Allison asked.

"No, it's a mountain lion," I said. I see stiles dad moving between people and standing behind a car to look around. I then see the car owner get in so I ran and pushed him out of the way while the car hit me.

"Kid you alright," Stilinski said concerned.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said as I got up and dusted myself off.

"you're one of stiles' friends, Astrid right"

"yes, not the way I wanted us to meet but nice to meet you," I said making him chuckle.

"Thank you," he said with a smile, just then we heard two gunshots we walked to where they came from to see Chris pointing a gun at the mountain lion who was dead on the ground with two gunshot wounds on its side.

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