
Hybrid in DXD

Ichigo's journey in the world of DXD where a lot of things are same yet many things are different. Join me and Ichigo in this journey where our protagonist has become a literal god by gaining divinity. What adventures await him? Lets find out together. Also, the start may seem slow to some people but it is necessary for the world building and fleshing out characters. Takes places after the events of TYBW.

Universe9Hopper · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs




Azazel was having a good day, no scratch that he was having a Great day like no other. First, He managed to get an autographed picture with the lady herself, KABEN RIDER PINKY, then Fafnir, the dragon king from Norse legends, agreed to form a contract with Azazel to help him in his Sacred Gear Research though its prize was definitely a hefty one as he had to give way 1/4 of his Antique sake and beer collection and Azazel had THE biggest collection or maybe 2nd biggest but It didn't matter much because he could easily refill the collection in next 2-3 Decades and couldn't be compared to a Dragon King's help. However, Fafnir had another request for which Azazel had to negotiate the price with the Dragon for the next 7hrs. Leading to both of them being extremely exhausted and The Price they settled on was 5 Panties of Ultra Rare quality. One of them was even Gabriel's Pants.

Sob, Sob, Going back to his club in Las Vegas, Azazel asked Shemhazai to cancel all his meetings for the week so he could rest. He even turned off his contact circle leaving only the Emergency Line active. 

But happiness and headache came hand in hand as 2hrs later he was woken by the extremely irritating sound of his emergency number. 'Who is it?' Azazel wondered, if it was a problem from Grigori then his Vice wouldn't have simply called him so that only left other mythical factions, he quickly deduced and checking the contact circle revealed the name of someone he never thought he would ever meet again. Isshin, the heir of East Youkai faction and former Kishin, 'Why is he contacting me now?' Azazel wondered and listening to the audio recording proved no use as it only asked him to hurry over to the given co-ordinate as soon as possible

'Is this some kind of trap?' He even entertained the possibility of it being a trap but Isshin wasn't that kind of guy but still him being used or threatened was still a possibility, and despite the calm on the surface, the tension between various factions was all too high, One of his reason for so fiercely putting forth and promoting the idea of a peace treaty. Thankfully he had a Weapon just for this type of situation and reaching into his subspace he produced a ...........a CAMERA!?!?! Well, Yes but no for you see it was a magical device shaped just shaped like that its real purpose was to dispel any and all magic circles in a 1 km radius though it wasn't an offensive weapon, he was more than confident about escaping even from Top 10.

Calculating the magical coordinates Azazel created a magic circle and did a silent teleport, one without any prior disturbance at the other end.

Looking around he had teleported to a Japanese household, In front of him was a middle-aged man pacing back and forth in front of the door and He, Azazel was standing in the hallway.

' Looks like he really was waiting for me' Azazel thought to himself as his suspicions lessened a little. 

"YO Isshin" he greeted with a cheerful voice behind Isshin's ears and the result was as expected, Isshin jumped in fright.

But what happened next made him furrow his brows. Isshin was delighted to see him, It looked as if all his worries were about to be solved at once "Azazel! You are finally here" 

"Finally? Oh right, right I turned off all the contact circles"

"Come with me, Hurry!!' Isshin said as he grabbed the hand of Fallen's governor and practically dragged him upstairs.

" I don't know what's happening to Ichigo......You are my only choice... moved him upstairs.......Vomiting.....Yesterday..asleep" Isshin rambled on and on with the speed of a bullet train but he managed to piece together a story.. or something like that. 

Something happened to Ichigo which caused him to vomit black tar and wasn't waking up since last night. Also, it probably had something to do with the supernatural world, otherwise, he would have contacted the hospital or a healer not him.

Standing before the plain-looking door, one could feel the oppressive aura emitting from inside as if some apex predator were inside. Though this aura could only be felt by those Involved with the supernatural and was ignored by common people.

That was the reason why although Isshin had a nonchalant expression while Azzazel's had hardened but he had a strange gleam in his eyes.

Through his vast knowledge and experience, he was instantly able to deduce the nature of this aura and his curiosity as a Researcher had been awoken. It was very similar to touki but was completely different.

Touki called upon the power of Life Force however this Aura called upon the power of the very soul itself, Soul Power if you may. The nature of these two energies was so different yet similar. If he had to give an example it would be the Flames of Hell and the Freezing Flames of the Nether world.

As they entered the room, Azazel surveyed the situation inside. Inside, the room was so plain it looked like a guest room or something, nothing like what he had expected a growing teen's room to look like. There was a bed where his would be patient was laid down sweating bullets and there was a Bookcase, where some mangas and light novels along with the textbooks were lined together.

Other than that, there were two girls sitting on chairs adjacent to the bed, clearly the chairs were moved there.

The girls were obviously twins, one had short black hair and the other had brown hair tied in a ponytail.

As he and Isshin entered the room, the girls turned to look at them. There were tear marks on their faces, they seem to have been crying. 

"Who's that, Goat-face?" The girl with black hair asked Isshin

' Goat face?!? pftt'  He had to maintain a poker face to keep himself from laughing. Hahahaha

"He is a ... Friend of mine and is here to help Ichigo" Isshin answered but ' what's with the pause before calling me a friend? Eh? Could It be that you didn't consider me your friend' .Well if it were another time Azazel may have tried to embarrass Isshin with this but not now. He had to take this seriously both for his own scientific curiosity and Isshin's request.

The answer seemed to have caught the twins' interest as their ears perked up.

"Yo" Azazel gave a simple greeting by waving his hand.

"Are you a Doctor?" The black one, Karin, asked him.

"Nope" Azazel answered truthfully, other than basic and emergency first-aid he had no interest or knowledge in the Human medical field. There were spells which did the same thing but more effectively so why bother." I am not a doctor at all"

"Huh?! Then what are you even doing here?" Karin scowled even the brown one, Yuzu, frowned.

It didn't feel good to be talked about like this but he could understand their worries.

"Magic" Azazel swiftly replied

"Azazel" Isshin tried to say something but Azazel swiftly interjected "Isshin, You need to tell them the truth sooner or later and I am not going to be messing with a child's memories"

"I..I... Yeah.." Isshin sighed. "Karin, Yuzu there's a lot you don't know about and I know you are confused but I will tell you everything later but right now all you need to know right now is that the Supernatural World is real."

The look of confusion on their faces only grew bigger but oh well.

Going over to the bed Azazel checked the boy's condition, His body temperature was sure high and his breathing was Haggard but nothing  that  strange. Suddenly, in a blink his orange hair was now snowy white. Looks like he had spoken too soon.

*Blink* *Blink*

"You guys saw it too right?" Turning around He asked them, the girls seemed as shocked as Azazel himself was and Isshin, well he looked more surprised than shocked. As they looked at him he explained "Yesterday, after he fell asleep his hair started changing between black and orange, white is new. And I thought colour changing had stopped as it remained orange entire morning."

"Hmm... Maybe talents as a metamorphmagus" as Azazel was thinking about the implications of this he asked Isshin " Any other anomaly?"

"Strange tattoo-like marking similar to Kishin Clan's rite of passage tattoos appeared on his chest and Oh ...yeah, I sensed Angel and Oni aura along with some others I didn't recognize on him" 

"What!? You are telling that to me NOW!!! I think I know what is happening to him, earlier you said he had vomiting right? Did you collect any sample of it? Hurry it's important." Azazel was instantly agitated ,' he should have just told all that to me from the  beginning '

"Oh ok! Yeah here's the sample, I thought you might need it" Isshin replied with a small smile and took out a small glass container which seemed to be filled with a black substance.

" THAT'S  what he vomited?!?" Karim's voice came from behind as she wrinkled her nose and tears started to fill Yuzu's eyes.

"Now, Now everyone make room. I need to set up the equipment." Azazel said with a voice a little higher than usual, he didn't like that strange atmosphere at all.

And then Azazel started to take his equipment out of the subspace where he had stored them. Some were big and bulky and heavy(for humans), some were small and delicate, some looked like modern sci-fi equipment while others were just bizarre-looking.

"Oye! Isshin remove the shirt of your son." Azazel barked as Isshin did as told while Karin and Yuzu covered their eyes and averted their faces.

Indeed, there was a tattoo on the kid's chest. It was a black circle on the center of the chest with branches extending upwards and downwards and* flips Ichigo to show the back * meeting at the circle on the back which was at the exact same location as the front. In a way it looked like a hole.

Taking some 'circular stickers' Azazel placed them on a few locations according to some strange calculation and placing a few on the front as well.

In his peripheral vision Azazel saw that the twins still had their eyes closed so he told Isshin " Now you can put the shirt back on" and took the tar container and poured it's contents in a test tube which he placed in another machine , which after being ON started to produce some low noises.

Taking out a syringe, Azazel took some blood from Ichigo as well and placed it on a side slot in the machine.

"With that done, let's get started" He declared as he started to create a magic circle " You people leave the room for a moment or it will cause problems while calculating soul frequency" 

Saying that Azazel removed everyone except himself and the bed bound Ichigo out of the room.

"NOW!!Explain! What do you mean supernatural is real? Who is that man? and What is happening to nii-san?" outside Ichigo's room Karin Kurosaki couldn't deal with the information and emotional overload and demanded answers to her father, Goat-chin, Isshin Kurosaki. Yuzu Kurosaki although not speaking had the same determined look on her face.

Seeing them acting like this Isshin sighed "Yuzu , Karin, *sigh* Its just as I said. The supernatural world is real. All myth and legends aren't just fictions, Gods, Demons, Youkai ,Angels ,Devils they are all real. That man just now was Azazel, a Fallen Angel, Masaki was one one as well and I used to be a DaiYoukai, but we both became humans and don't ask it's a long story. I promise you,I will tell you. Please."

"FINE. But you still haven't told us what's happening to nii-chan"

"That..I..I don't know anything as well " Isshin akwardly said.

"Then how can you leave nii-chan with a ....a Fallen Angel" This time it was Yuzu questioning Isshin

"Yuzu.. You don't need to be worried at all. Azazel is one of the smartest person in the entire world and If anyone can figure out what's happening to Ichigo it's him and NEVER confuse anyone's race with their personality. He may be a Fallen but he is least not the kind who will backstab someone."


As the three were talking. There was an explosive sound as the door to Ichigo's room was blasted away with Azazel following it as he slammed into the wall.

"Ahahhahahahahahhahahhahahaha" Azazel's laughter followed soon after. Even though his body looked badly damaged his face was full of happiness like a child for whom Christmas had come early.

"Azazel!! Are you okay? What happened?" Isshin instantly rushed to Azazel's side as he inquired

" HAHAHAHHAHA!!! OKAY!!OKAY!!! I am more than okay. This is definitely the best day of my life. EVER!!!" Azazel laughed again as he stood up from the rubble " Anyway. CONGRATULATIONS!! All three of you are really blessed. Hahahahaahah"

Regarding Azazel's congratulations the three in question appeared extremely confused and seeing their confusion he further clarified after recomposing himself.

"Congratulations again! Isshin, You are probably the first Youkai to father a God"

"What?" Yuzu asked dumbfoundedly, well no one could fault her though, if they were in her situation they would have reacted the same. Isshin and Karin also looked toward Azazel as if they couldn't believe what they just heard.

Seeing this Azazel's grin grew large enough to split his face and he repeated everything word for word.

" YOUR  .  BROTHER  .  ICHIGO  .  IS  .  BECOMING  .  A GOD " Azazel's laughter boomed as he merrily hopped around" It's gonna be my first time seeing the birth of a God, Hahahahahaha. I thought his body was just getting cleansed of Impurities for his Supernatural side to awaken, Hahaahhahahahah, but to think he will prove me wrong. Oh, Indeed being wrong once in a while is truly great. "