

In a world of Demons and Sorcerers, a young man who is both will join the Demon Hunting Task Force to prove that not all demons are evil.

Jacob_Cage · Action
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At the home base of Division Six of the Demon Hunter Task Force, Jason Stone stands infront of the captain of section six and the man with glasses from earlier.

"Jason Stone, welcome to Division Six. I'm Captain David Armstrong. You have already met Lieutenant James Campbell."

Campbell nods at Jason.

"It's nice to meet you both. I am excited to be here, working with you all." Jason says with a smile.

The Captain then stands up from his desk and approaches the new recruit.

"So tell me. Why did you want to be a Demon Hunter?"

Jason doesn't answer for a moment, thinking to himself.

"For most of my life- three things were clear to me. One: I was born with incredible powers. Two: People hated me, without even knowing who I was, because I was half demon. And three: I always wanted to protect everyone I can, no matter what. So I joined the task force to help people, and prove to everyone that I'm not a monster."

When the captain hears this, he smiles and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Well then, I think you're gonna fit in just fine here."

Jason smiles and nods.

"Thank you, sir."

"Go ahead and look around the base."

Jason agrees and leaves the office. Armstrong then turns to Campbell.

"What do think of him?" Armstrong asks.

"He's obviously strong. But he also seems determined and good natured to me."

Armstrong chuckles.

"Funny, I got the same vibe."

As Jason walks through the base, he passes by the training room where the woman from before is working out and Misty is reading. Misty looks up at Jason and smiles.

"Oh it's you!" She says with a bright smile.

The woman who's working out looks back and looks at Jason with a smile. The two walk over to the young man and Misty grabs him by the hands.

"Thank you so much for saving me back there. I can't really levitate so that would've been bad if you weren't there."

As Jason looks at her grateful smile, he starts to blush.

"Well I, uh- I was- just in the right place, that's all."

"I'm Misty Santiago. This is Pamela Monroe. We're both senior members of Division Six."

"Well, it's nice to meet you two." Jason says.

Pamela then steps infront of Jason. She starts analyzing him, moving into his personal space.

"So, you're the hybrid, the first and only one of your kind. That's badass." Pamela says

Jason chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.

"Come on, we'll introduce you to the other two rookies in Division Six." Misty says.

The two senior members shows him to the room where A tubby young man with glasses who looks nervous, and a girl with black hair who looks unhappy to see Jason.

"Jason, this is Liam Davis and Malia Cain. Guys this is Jason Stone."

Jason smiles and waves.

"Hi. I'm excited to be working with you guys."

Malia doesn't say anything and scowls at him while Liam is trembling, slowly putting his hand up to wave.

"H-Hi. It's- nice to- meet you." Liam finally

Malia gets into Jason's face.

"So, you're the hybrid, huh? I'm not impressed." Malia says.

She then walks past Jason, bumping his shoulder. Misty and Pamela starts to laugh awkwardly.

"Don't mind her, she's just not much of a people person." They both say.

Jason smirks.

"It's alright, seriously."

The alarm in the base then sounds.

"Another Demon, we gotta go. Jason, suit up." Pamela says.

"Right." Jason says with a determined look on his face.

He then puts on his Demon Hunter uniform, with his being the only one with a hood. Everyone then meet in the lower level of the base.

"Alright everyone! Another innocent has turned into a mindless demon. It's up to us to put them out their misery. Let's watch each other's backs." The captain says.

"Right!" Everyone says in agreement.