
To Train Your Ant

The training was not gruelling physically.

Mainly because Neferpitou's strength is already quite higher than that of most hunters and Nen users.

She was also a Specialist. Which made her quite easy to teach, she was also very talented. But that was to be expected, she could kill the Two-Star hunter after a few days of being alive.

Ashton found himself giving all of the ants the way to perform all of the advanced Nen techniques for the next 4 days.

During that time, no ant dared to look at him weirdly. He had completely integrated into their community, despite his different race.

Then came his personally developed techniques. Which would still be classified as advanced by most.

I only taught them one, I titled it 'Katsu' it was a technique that made your aura turn into strings. You could either pull opponents to you or drag them away.

There were many things to be done with this technique. The main reason for teaching them this one was to see how exactly they would use it.

He just let them use their imagination, as he took notes on their behaviour towards each other and him.

Noting that they were mostly acting human, although some were still animalistic in some behaviours. Mainly those created before the ant queen started devouring humans.

The more Ashton researched the ants, the more he realised what they truly were. But his theory still needed testing.

His hands were itching to see what the queen could birth when she came up with the so-called 'King'.

__________ POV Ashton__________

The ants training new moves and sparing with each other became a daily occurrence. Pitou herself seemed quite surprised by the devotion of the ants to grow stronger.

I didn't dampen their spirits by telling them that the number of humans that could wipe out this nest was quite large.

Pitou herself is more powerful than most humans, but the rest are only so-so. She wouldn't be able to protect this nest alone, especially from a group of properly trained Nen users.

Such a group could be 'Phantom Troupe', but they would never do something of the sort unless they got paid.

I remember hiring them to get me some test samples for a little side project once. I wonder if I could pay them to attack this Nest?

It would probably take a while for them to gather and do it. By that time the hunters would've wiped it out already.

Its location is already known since the children escaped. Hmm... The white-haired kid seemed quite disciplined, his white hair was also somewhat familiar...

Oh yeah, the Zoldyck family! I remember he also used some techniques I've seen from them.

There was that kid 'Gon' I usually don't remember names, but I thought this one was going to be quite interesting. I wonder how he's faring right now... Too bad I found something more intriguing.

Pitou stood in front of me, studying a notebook that I had on me. I didn't bring a lot of books regarding Nen with me, but I did have a few that I read out of boredom.

Sometimes books are a lot more interesting than observing humans, even if you don't learn anything new from them.

She seemed to be studying intently. But I doubt she's paying that much attention to the book.

The birth of another one like her was quite an exciting prospect for the Ant.

It was also quite exciting for me. Another subject to study was going to be quite fun.

The Ants now didn't bother me anymore. I already studied the normal ones, I don't care about them anymore. Now only the 'Royal Guards' and the 'King' interest me.

The queen herself wasn't anything special. But I still took quite a few notes on her reproductive abilities. Since her diet was important I tested feeding her different things.

The ants protested at first, but the queen herself didn't seem to care. It was just more nourishment to her.

I fed her exotic things. Like poisons and vials of my Nen-infused blood. Although I wasn't going to feed her my brain.

Although the results would be quite interesting...

Oh well, the birth of the new 'Royal Guard' was something quite interesting to see. Or, I should say, two Royal Guards, because it seems that they were born at the same time.

The King was still in his conception.

Pitou and her 'brothers' spoke quite a bit before I made an introduction.

"Hello, you two must be the new Royal Guards!" They looked a bit startled by my sudden appearance. I can't really blame them.

Shaiapouf, the butterfly winged human-looking ant was the first to react.

"Pitou! Why is there a human near the birth-place of our king?" Well, I guess the egg of their King is the next room over.

"Well, About that..." Pitou started explaining with a wry smile. She was likely going to inform them of my existence. But I just interrupted them.

The other one looked at me, I think the queen named him something that ended with Youpi.

The name was so long that I don't even want to bother remembering it seconds after I heard it.

I can't really be blamed.

After Pitou explained why I was here to the other two they seemed quite aggrieved.

"You just let a dangerous human into out Nest?!" Pouf was really getting all worked up.

But it seems he was born with a shit-ton of Nen. Something that I need to add to my notes.

The same can be said about his not-so-twin brother, Youpi was even better off in the Aura department. Too bad he seemed quite stupid.

He hasn't spoken yet, but you can usually guess that from their eyes. He's a newborn so he can't hide it that well, his pupils don't exactly scream intelligence.

"LET'S JUST KILL HIM AND FEED HIM TO OUR QUEEN!" He screamed out, making me regret not bringing my earplugs with me.

Pitou looked at them, as Pouf also seemed to like this idea. They were both preparing to jump at me.

I just released a sigh. Killing such fine specimens was a bit of a shame. But I already have Pitou, I don't specifically need the two of them alive...

Their body parts would do just fine for more thorough research.

Just as they were about to jump at me Pitou released her Ren. Stopping them in their tracks.

Usually, when one releases such a Ren filled with such murderous intent they would be confident and calm.

But she was heavily sweating and panicking. It seems she knows she just saved her 'brothers' with this action. She also probably did this to protect her king next-door.

If I just blow them up I would damage this cave quite a bit. And the King might get affected.

That's something I don't want to happen. He is one of the only reasons I'm still sticking around in this place.

The two newborn Royal Guards seemed quite displeased, to say the least.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I'll try to finish writing the epilogue for Light Human.

Patr.eon is 6 chapter ahead btw.