
The Unfortunate Princess And The 'Knight'

__________ POV Narration__________

Momoze was not having a nice time with the Succession War.

She was vehemently against slaughtering her brothers and sisters just for a position of power.

And she resented her father for allowing something like that to happen. Nay, he encouraged this event.

Momoze has always had a kind heart, she trusted those around her and hoped that they would return her kindness too.

Seeing one of her trusted men trying to strangle her to death was like a nightmare for her.

A man she entrusted her life and safety to was throwing away any kindness she had ever shown to him and attempting to murder her.

For what? A Succession War she was forced to attend and at the behest of one of her more 'ambitious' siblings?

It filled her with indignation. She thought her last moments were going to be her contemplating the nature of the world she was born in and regretting not acting differently.

But she was saved. A handsome middle-aged man must have heard her silent struggle.

She had no way of knowing that Ashton was picking the lock on her room to steal it.

In her eyes, Ashton was a knight in shining armour. Although the way he had dispatched her aggressor and disregarded his body was a bit frightening.

She chose to see that as the man showing that he wasn't exactly a white knight. He was a jaded veteran.

But she also found that attractive, maybe due to her vulnerable state. But Ashton's presence calmed her immensely. She felt like nothing could harm her while she was in his arms.

And, technically, she wasn't wrong. If the old monster decided that her life was under his protection... Then nothing in the world could have her. Not even the beings of the Dark Continent.

He may not be the strongest being alive. But he is by far the deadliest. Animals mostly rely on instincts, and his homeland had been reduced to a zoo of mindless raging beasts.

None could harm him in their current, manic state.

Even his teacher. The King of the Dark Continent, the being all of the Continent bows to wouldn't be able to kill the old scientist as long as he had his equipment.

Even if he couldn't win a fight, he could retreat easily.

The reason why he was a bit worried about his expedition? Most of the animals there knew his scent, they would start hunting him down the second he stepped foot on his homeland.

He wouldn't have been safe without his relics. But now? He could walk around it freely.

Now, Kurapika's little misunderstanding with Ashton made Momoze quite mad. But she was also happy. As the scientist's instinctual reaction had been to protect her and hug her closer to him.

She had no way of knowing he just didn't consider Kurapika a threat, he hadn't done that on instinct because his brain barely registered Kurapika's chain as an attack.

After all, his passive Nen defences could've blocked that completely. Much like every attack that the members of the Phantom Troupe dished out on his second time meeting them.

Overall, that had been both a tragic night and a great one for Momoze. She drifted off to sleep in her saviour's embrace.

Ashton also considered the night a productive one. He managed to make a new friend(Momoze) and even met the Chain user.

And, more importantly. He had managed to upgrade his soldiers quarters room into the room of one of the 13 princes.

Getting involved in the succession war was of little importance to Ashton. He didn't think of any human kingdom as threatening.

__________ POV Ashton__________

I only drifted off for around 30 minutes. The little brat I just saved was already clinging onto me like an octopus.

She's a tad bit too attached to me. I barely know anything about her. Me comforting her was nothing more than a rare act of kindness on my part.

Although, her clingy nature does remind me of Linne in her younger days.

Maybe she's acting childish because she is still feeling vulnerable?

I doubt actual relationships friendship or otherwise, can be formed with only one meeting. But she seems happy snuggling up to me like I am a stuffed toy...

I heard a knock on the door. I think Kurapika came back to investigate the situation further.

I slowly slipped away from her grasp, waking her up in the process.

She gave a long yawn and asked me in a sweet tone. " Is it already morning?" She jumped out of bed with unusual energy and looked into the mirror as she started doing her hair.

"It's been around 30 to 40 minutes. But good morning I guess." This girl is really oblivious... It looks like she already forgot the strangling incident from less than an hour ago.

Although the marks on her neck proved to be a good reminder. That coupled with the stinging pain. I can't really do much about that though... Well, I guess I can do something.

I put my hand around her neck, she looked startled for a second, but she wasn't scared. Silently, a green light glowed from it, as her wounds disappeared completely.

'Coatlicue's Blessing' one of my very few healing relics, and also my favourite. It's a small ring that allowed one's nen to gain restorative properties. It's simple, but it does have a few quirks to work out.

Like the fact that you need to have a clean mind while using it. Or that you are not allowed to feel any hatred when it's in use.

Otherwise, it will backfire and give the user the same injuries he's trying to heal or worsens them considerably.

The reason why I used this relic now, I need to get used to them again, so I take any opportunity to use one. This was also perfect since I don't particularly hate this little girl.

I actually find her situation a bit pitiful. She's doesn't seem to be the type that enjoys a good Succession War after all...

She looked at me with glee as I healed her wounds. Really, she's a lot like a house cat, or maybe a puppy? Regardless, now she reminds me of Pitou...

"Let's speak to the investigators," I said as I started heading out. She embarrassingly nodded and followed me.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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