
The King's Assassination

__________ POV Ashton__________

I carried out my 'switching guards' tactic quite easily. It certainly wasn't anything hard to do.

The guard captain started his 3 hours of light sleep for tonight, leaving the king with the regular guards.

But now, it's time to see if a guard can even kill the king. From what I know, the king is also a Nen user, so this should be interesting.

And yes, I do plan on watching it happen. Whilst invisible I can't really be detected, so I can just stand in the room and look at them.

The guard entered the sleeping king's room and looked at him with a deranged smile. The other two were oblivious of this man's intentions.

He rushed the king, the other two didn't have enough time to react, but they also rushed towards him, hoping to be able to protect their king.

They weren't fast enough. The man reached the king's bed with his weapon already drawn and raised over his head.

He lowered it quickly, trying to decapitate the king. But something unexpected happened. The king's guarding spirit beast, something I'd describe as an ugly abomination, caught the blade in its hands.

I didn't realize he would be this careful, even in his sleep. I guess he is a bit used to assassination attempts? The spirit beast sure is handy.

The other two quickly tackled the attacker, as the blade remained in the king's hands. He got up and yawned a bit.

It's strange how easily this plan fell apart... Oh well, maybe making Momoze plot against a king this early in her career might've been too much to ask for.

"Ho... How unsightly..." The king said in a pompous accent. I guess the only guard that can actually kill him is the Captain.

But that man isn't exactly as easy to control as these regular soldiers. Well, I could likely pull it off, but this is a bit too late for that.

The two guards wrestled the man into the ground as the king slowly got out of bed. Moving his fat body at a snail's pace.

I took out my 'Tricksters Bag' while still invisible, the bag looks like a primitive cloth bag. Out of it, I pulled a mirror. All I need to do is look into it and imagine who I want to look like.

It's easy enough. I changed into Chrollo once more as the King coldly commanded the execution of all the guards present through his phone.

I think he contacted the captain. It would only make sense for that to be the case.

The two men that just pushed the assailant away immediately looked horrified. I guess the King isn't as benevolent as they thought him to be?

Oh well, I guess they did fail at their job since the king had to defend himself. But they didn't really expect one of their own to act like that.

Overall, I find tonight to be the perfect time for a little assassination. I wanted to let Momoze deal with this, but she might get discovered after tonight.

And that wouldn't really help me in any way. 5 princes are already under one banner (Oita's kid also counts), the king would likely kill all of them.

For now, I will wait for the Guard Captain to appear around the corner before sinking my hand into this man's chest.

I waited around for about 30 seconds, the guards that had failed their king were currently prostrating on the ground and begging for their lives.

The King was just coldly looking at them, they had just killed the attacker in hopes that they would at least be spared. But the lard was having none of that.

I could hear footsteps quickly approaching the room, so, I did what I do best.

I took out a curved knife from my sleeve, slitting the fat man's throat before he even had a chance to realize what was happening.

The Nen beast wasn't fast enough to protect its master. It tried its best to stop the man's bleeding.

But as I heard the door open, I turned him to face me and plunged my hand into his chest and took out his heart. He looked at me in shock.

He didn't seem to want to accept this outcome, but it's a bit late for that. I need him to die tonight, and I need little Chrollo to take responsibility for it.

"YOUR MAJESTY!" The captain quickly rushed me, his fist already stretching to meet my face when I turned at him.

I just tilted my head backwards, avoiding the man as he stepped on the bed and turned to face me.

This time, he attempted to kick me, I met his leg with a kick of my own. His was the first one to give way, as it trembled a bit and he was forced to take a step back.

I took out a bloodied knife, and threw it towards him, not putting enough force to actually kill him. He blocked it with his arm. It pierced his wrist and remained stuck there.

It's the same knife I used on the king. I'm just leaving it to him as a souvenir since that's the polite thing to do.

I kicked a table towards him. He quickly punched it, blocking his own vision momentarily.

I used that split second to turn invisible. The other two guards couldn't even react in time. But the captain swiftly executed them for their incompetence after he realised that I was gone.

I could feel his anger, it was quite funny to see him get so worked up. I guess he was fiercely loyal to that blob of fat.

He also has no way of knowing what transpired here. The signs of our struggle erased much of the evidence that the king was attacked by one of his guards.

I calmly left the king's room through the open door. Not really looking back at the messy room.

That's the king done. Now we need to see if the princes can actually give up on the Succession War.

Oh. And now I need to see Chrollo and have a conversation with him. So much to do in so little time.

But I can manage. The king's death will be announced in the morning, and the culprit will also be named. As the captain had a good look at 'my' face.

The last stop is supposed to happen in the evening, so there is ample time to take care of everything...

I guess the princes can wait, for now... Kurapika also needs some closure on this Phantom Troupe incident.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Yea, the mc kinda needed the king to die tonight for his plan. So yea(more on that next few chaps)

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