
Joining the Expedition

__________ POV Ashton__________

Everyone looked vigilant when I made that claim. They surely felt my En earlier.

I think this is the appropriate response though. They are probably thinking about what would've happened if they all attacked me.

It's a bit strange that Pariston decided to help me out. But I doubt he's planning something too nefarious.

"S-So that was you?" Asked the sushi chef.

"Of course, the Sea Monsters attacking was quite surprising. Although it wasn't anything too dangerous." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

"Strong..." Said the robotic girl wearing a school-like uniform. I could see some excitement hidden behind her cold gaze.

I guess she's the type that likes to fight strong opponents. That's

"Now now, I guess we can sit back down and talk a bit." Said Ging, calming everyone as they all sat down somewhere in the room.

I guess he's always been the leader type, a bit more charismatic than others and always friendly to strangers.

I also took a seat on the couch, right beside the lady with empty eyes.

"So... I guess we should ask about the field you are an expert in..." Said the elf looking man, looking at me with a tinge of curiosity. He didn't bother hiding his suspicion of me.

"Well, I don't specifically have a field of study, I used to develop nuclear weapons. But I've been to the Dark Continent before." I said with a smile. That seemed to catch everyone's interest.

"When exactly? I didn't hear Beyond mention anything about you in the latest expedition..." The white-haired elf is really asking a lot of questions.

But that just means he's capable. They obviously don't trust me at all. All of them are eyeing me up cautiously.

"Well, I was in the expedition with Isaac Netero. It was quite a long time back, and I was basically a stowaway." I said with a small laugh.

"I see... You certainly don't look that old..." He said, but he didn't really use that last part as an accusation.

Nen users should know that looks can be deceiving. I can look like I am in my forties and still be as old as(if not older than Netero).

It also helps that they already know I am a powerful Nen User, so they have fewer doubts as to whether or not I am capable of living so long.

"Well, I am glad to have you among us! My name is Ging! The one you were just speaking to is Muherr, and this one is..." Ging continued to tell me the names of everyone present.

The robotic school girl is named Marione, the sushi chef is named Usamen, the robot is named Golem(lacking imagination but whatever).

The fatty is named Mascher, there is also a really short guy with a mushroom hat named Pekotero. Guy with curly hair named Curly(really who named these people)

"Well, my name is Ashton. I will be transparent with you all..." Everyone looked at me for a bit.

"I am only travelling to the Dark Continent to study the calamities, so I might end up separating from our group after a while." Being honest here will help avoid misunderstandings later.

"I see... Well, we all have our reasons for going to the Continent..." Said the white-haired elf, Muherr is his name.

"It's understandable..." Said Marione, still eyeing me up with a hint of curiosity. If she's anything like Netero, she will ask me for a spar as soon as she can.

Battle junkies aren't really all that rare when you look at Nen Users, they are actually the largest group.

A lot of Nen Users like feeling powerful, and what better way to feel that besides actually beating a strong opponent?

"Still... I would like to ask a question I am sure everyone in this room is curious about..." This time Ging spoke up.

"Why were you attending the meeting with the Zodiacs earlier?" Well, I guess the Zodiacs truly have a mole amongst them.

I did have my suspicions, but this confirms it. I doubt I need to inform Cheadle, I've already helped her enough.

"It's quite simple really, I joined the expedition through them with a fake identity. So I would obviously need to speak to them from time to time." I said without breaking my calm facade.

But, inside, I am getting a bit annoyed at all of their questioning. Although, I can understand why it is happening... They wouldn't want a mole of their own in the expedition team.

"Understandable..." It seems like Ging is satisfied with my answer.

"And lastly. Are you aware that you might make an enemy out of the V5? We are going without the permission of the strongest governments around the world." Ging continued.

It's nice of him to give me a warning. I guess he just wants to make sure Pariston informed me of the state of things when he 'recruited' me.

"The V5 is no danger to me. I have political immunity in most countries, my research gives me quite a bit of power and influence."

The V5 is the least of my worries right now. Well, they were the V6, but the Kakin Empire is going through quite a few changes recently.

So the country was temporarily booted out of the V6, which made the name change back to V5.

"I see. Then it's a pleasure to have you aboard!" Ging said with a smile.

It seems like most of them don't have all that much to add to the situation. Muherr seems to not trust me completely. But he is not openly showing it, which is progress.

"Now, we just talked about our plan to break Beyond out of prison." Pariston was the one that started speaking next. He was strangely quiet after that initial help he gave me.

I guess they want me to be up to speed with their plans and operations. And rescuing Beyond is quite normal, he is supposedly the leader of the expedition.

"We will work together with our mole to do so. Since the roles have already been established, you won't take part in the operation." Pariston continued.

No one protested with his logic, and I personally don't care.

I don't mind not taking part in it. Besides, I don't really feel like doing all that much until we reach the continent.

I will take my time and relax a bit.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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