
HxH: The Applications Of Nen

Artwork: https://twitter.com/dodaydust/status/777141615328567296 _____________________________________________________ During Gon's and Killua's stay in the NGL, they get to meet a rather unusual character. A two-star hunter by the name of Ashton. Btw, the stars are not decided by strength, but by contribution to society. Romance will be later in the series btw. This is a HxH fanfic starting at the beginning of the Chimera Arc.

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Hostility And Gratitude

__________ POV Ashton__________

The speeches continued. Each candidate representing himself properly. Cheadle also gave her speech.

What I wasn't expecting was for a strange man to appear, shout some stuff about Gon and proceed to punch Ging in the face.

That was quite fun to watch anyway. Oh, it seems people want him to compete now. Somewhat strange, but hunters aren't exactly known for being rational. At least not when their lives aren't at stake.

Somehow, the guy that barged in is joining the competition for the president position. Don't ask me how this happened. I wasn't paying attention.

But, apparently, he's only joining to look for a cure for his friend, 'Gon Freecs'.

Quite the familiar name. I'm sure he just recovered around 2 hours ago.

Did this guy not get the memo? Oh well, I'm not going to break his thunder. Although, he seems quite desperate. I guess I should tell him.

I got up and walked up to him, he looked at me a bit. His fingers were. digging into the podium.

"Aren't you the one Gon fought?" He said through gritted teeth. Now, I don't know where he learned of this, but I'm not about to deny it.

I just shrugged. "Indeed, although, my intention was just to teach him a lesson. He was the one that almost got himself killed..."

"What do you mean 'almost' he's still in critical condition!". He shouted with passion.

" That's why I got up. He's already been healed. I don't think he's woken up yet tho-" I wasn't even allowed to finish my sentence.

"W-What? When did that happen?" Yep, he's clueless. I should give him a summary of what happened, I don't want to embarrass myself further.

"Killua managed to find a way to help him whilst I kept him from dying." I obviously won't omit my contributions to Gon's survival.

Especially since it might raise the opinion of some of the candidates.

The man in front of me looked beyond surprised. I guess he didn't hear any good things about me from Killua.

But that's fine, now he's also turning remorseful. Which is something I can use in my favour.

Although, I doubt he believes me completely. It would be weird if he did.

"Why would you do something like that...?" I guess Killua spoke really badly about me to his friends.

"I am not one to hold grudges. Especially against children." The biggest lie I've told today.

But no one knows me well enough to refute it. If Netero heard me saying that he would be rolling on the ground in laughter.

But I still decided to elaborate on what had happened. Leaving the Calamity outside of it of course.

"Killua contacted me to keep Gon stable while he brought a way for him to recover. Probably a Zoldyck family secret." Was all I could muster.

Most of the hunters were looking at me with admiration at this point.

Cheadle seemed especially tense before hearing my explanation. I could hear her sigh of relief from the stage.

Maybe it's because we have already become acquainted with one another so she didn't want to see me in a bad light.

Even that is very unlikely. I've barely talked to her for more than ten minutes. She shouldn't have had enough time to create a proper impression of me.

Well, it doesn't matter, I solved the issue without too many complications.

The votes started pouring in soon after. Many still chose to vote Leorio, the man I was just arguing with. But it was tied with Pariston Hill, the creepy blondie that was listening in to my conversation.

Cheadle was quite discouraged to see that. I guess Blondie isn't exactly well-liked in this circle.

"Don't worry too much about him. He's not becoming the chairman even if he wins." My words seemed to reassure her greatly.

"Still, I don't think Leorio is a good candidate..." She said with a frustrated sigh.

"Don't worry too much, he only wanted to help his friend. He's still here only because hunters are prohibited to leave the election before voting."

I have no doubt he'd go to Gon first chance given if he could. But he has already involuntarily entered the competition.

Well, there is quite a lot of time left before all of the votes are cast in. So I have time to ponder a few things.

Like, wondering if Linne is aware of how much this helps me. She likely is, she was always sharp.

She also knows that a 'trip back home' will take quite a bit of prepar~

"Ashton, who do you think is most suited to win this election?" My train of thought was interrupted by Cheadle, who was currently looking like a lost puppy. Does her confidence need a push? Or is she trying to manipulate me in some way?

Am I overthinking an extremely simple question? Most likely, but being paranoid is very useful.

"Well, If I were to choose, it would be between you, cowman, and dragon ponytails." She looked quite amused by the nicknames fashioned for her friends.

She also seemed a bit flattered that I considered her a good choice. But what exactly am I supposed to say?

She's the one I managed to get along with best, things would be much easier if she becomes chairman.

I looked at the stage. Pariston was also looking at me, our eyes met for a second, but he looked away instantly.

Seriously, where do I know him from? People usually aren't that scared to look me in the eye during our first meetings. So I surely did something to him in the past.

As Cheadle was pondering my response and Pariston was acting like a shy schoolboy trying to ask his crush out. The doors of the auditorium swung open.

It seems Gon woke up. His legs were also healed completely it seems. That's all good and well, but why are so many people paying attention to a random child entering?

Well, I guess the votes are tied now. So gon's vote is actually the one that might determine the winner.


Surprisu Midnighto Chapteru!(kill me, existence is pain)

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